![Australia is being re-modelled on China](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Scott-Morrison-China-2-300x500-1.png)
by DAVID FLINT – IT IS to the credit of a group of parliamentarians that an independent cross-Party inquiry has been convened into the Australian response to the pandemic.
Absent a Royal Commission, it is only through such an inquiry that a peoples’ national pandemic contingency plan can emerge.
- While total Australian deaths should have been about 780, the total to date is 5665.
- The ruling class set aside what was their overriding duty, to protect the vulnerable.
- Freedom was the last thing our globalist politicians would tolerate.
Hopefully it will not be ignored as former Health Minister and Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s was, despite, as we noted here, his work being internationally acclaimed.
Any assessment should begin by burying the myth that in responding to the pandemic, Australia did relatively well.
Occupying a whole continent, Australia enjoys the unique advantage of being the world’s largest (remote) island nation.
Our death rate should be similar to New Zealand’s, 19 deaths per million (DPM). Taiwan, close to where the virus emerged and hardly remote, comes in at 35 DPM. But Australia’s was many times these, 218 DPM.
While total Australian deaths should have been about 780, the Australian total to date is 5,665.
Worse, for too many, this death was too often a lonely departure resulting from a cruel and unjustified policy of depriving the dying, in their final hours, of the comfort of children and others close to them.
On any fair assessment, the Australian response to the Wuhan virus has been secretive and arbitrary. In terms of costs and deaths, it has been a disaster.
Apart from closer control of the international borders, at times inadequate – as we saw with the Ruby Princess – almost every decision taken by the ruling politicians was wrong.
They set aside what was surely their overriding duty, to protect the easily identifiable vulnerable.
Apart from advice on hygiene and distancing and ensuring early treatment was available, their role should have been to allow the rest of the nation to get on with their lives in a free society.
That was, however, the last thing the politicians would tolerate.
As the distinguished American academic Michael Rectenwald observed in a recent lecture at Hillsdale College, “hitherto democratic Western States (he particularly singles out Australia) have been “transformed into totalitarian regimes modelled after China”.
This, he says, was done with the goal of having economies operate under “capitalism with (communist) Chinese characteristics”, a two-tiered economy with profitable monopolies and government on the top and socialism for the majority below.
This led to the probably unlawful imposition of that draconian Chinese communist remedy, the lockdown.
The sheer inutility of this is demonstrated by the fact that the State with the longest lockdowns, Victoria, was the very one with the largest number of deaths, to date 2,675.
This also led to an unhealthy obsession not only with invariably wrong modelling but also with Big Pharma’s vaccines.
Robert F Kennedy Jr, with the imprimatur of a large team of scientists including two Nobel Prize laureates, describes these in his recent book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Big Pharma’s Global War on Democracy, Humanity, and Public Health as “novel, shoddily tested and improperly licensed technology”.
Under US federal law, these vaccines could not qualify for emergency use authorisation if any existing FDA-approved drug proves effective against the same malady.
This explains the worldwide campaign by Big Pharma, supported by Big Media and Big Tech, not only against ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine but also against the very idea of early treatment.
Given the lack of proper testing, the immediate effect of the vaccines is still a matter for proper assessment, with the long-term consequences unknown.
Accordingly, governments should have concentrated on offering them to the most vulnerable. Instead, their use has been almost universally forced on the population despite federal assurances to the contrary.
Proposed crossbench legislation to stop this was blocked, notwithstanding legal advice that the Commonwealth has power to enact this.
In addition, there has been a wholly unnecessary program to vaccinate children with such “shoddily tested” vaccines, despite the fact that children are in no way seriously vulnerable unless they have other medical problems.
In fact, statistics indicate that only six people under 20 years of age died of the virus and four of these were under 10.
The draconian Beijing-style policies adopted by governments have had devastating impacts on Australians, in relation to their finances, their work, their businesses, their education and their mental health.
The delays in elective surgery and in testing for all sorts of diseases, including cancer, will no doubt have a deleterious effect.
The nation and especially future generations have been left a massive debt.
None of this was necessary; all of this must be avoided in planning how best to respond to the next virus.
What we saw during the crisis was the culmination of the gradual whittling away under the rigorous two-Party system of the protections against the phenomenon about which Acton famously warned, that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
In many ways the best protection against this was in the intricate structure of checks and balances which once characterised our system of government, even in colonial times.
But during the crisis the power to make law by regulation was secretive, slipping entirely both from proper audit in the Executive Council to ensure the propriety of the process and proper parliamentary scrutiny.
What we saw everywhere was government at the whim of one or two ruling politicians.
One example was the closing down of the NSW construction industry (at a cost of $1.4b) apparently without medical advice.
As to a solution, it is possible that as with the live cattle ban, much regulatory action will be found after years of litigation to constitute misfeasance in public office.
If so, the taxpayers and not the delinquent politicians will pay.
Solutions more immediate than litigation lie in the first place with all Australians when they come to cast their votes.
Any future pandemic plan must involve the restoration of traditional checks and balances in our system of governance.
Further, the dose of direct democracy which we already see in the requirement for a constitutional referendum should be extended as proposed in the petition change.org/takebackyourcountry so that the ruling politicians are henceforth truly accountable, 24/7, to the Australian people.PC
The weakness as I see it, is that the Westminster system has a blurred separation of powers, to the point that even the judicial eat out of the executives hands. I don’t think the Westminster system, once corrupt, can save itself. The conventions, not the law itself are the saving grace of the Westminster system, and now that they are dissolving, there is no ability to rectify it. To change the system then, it is necessary to have civil disobedience or military action by a foreign power (given that our own answers to the corrupt system). I am fast coming to the conclusion we can’t save ourselves.
Lockdowns were “probably unlawful imposition” but as I understand it lawfully approved by a majority voting in State Parliaments to create emergency powers legislation?
The National Leaders Cabinet is a misleading description, formed to replace COAG the NLC is only a Forum for Premiers and Prime Minister to discuss matters, to attempt to gain cooperation and coordination between States and Territories, but the Federal Government has no power to force the Premiers to cooperate or, one example, stop a lockdown.
I have read comments from Senator Abetz and Senator Stoker (Assistant Attorney General) that if the Commonwealth decided to seek High Court of Australia support on these matters it would be unlikely to be granted? And would effectively threaten the Federation.
Like the two court decisions in favour of the WA Labor Government interstate border closures, many lawyers including former MPs believed that closure was not lawful according to the Constitution.
NSW health almost boasted a few months ago that their Covid figures were false and largely made up of people who had died ‘with’ Covid, completely ignoring co-morbidities. Those who were reported as Covid deaths had terminal co-morbidities such as: Chronic cardiac conditions – 35.8%; Dementia – 30%; Diabetes – 20.6%; Cancer – 14.1%.
Or a Court in Lisbon which ruled in June 2021, “…only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of COVID, numbering 152, not the 17,000 claimed”.
Everything that was done by Australian Governments and their lackeys was based on proven lies and fake science.
Much as I admire Professor Flint, his figures are provably wrong. The true Australian fatality figure is around 300 – 400. Figures comparable to those those now admitted around the world.
We definitely need a far reaching commission but only concerned with how our rights, freedoms and liberties were stripped from us, why the changing science in early 2020 which dramatically lowered the projected fatality rate to that of a normal flu season was ignored in favour of the faked, and debunked, cataclysmic, fanciful figures. And most importantly, how we can ensure that the feckless politicians can never again be allowed the power they had over us, to inflict the damage they caused to us for their political and ideological gain.
Yes I agree that the reported COVID deaths are probably exaggerated. But my comparisons are with other countries which I suspect are also exaggerated. Thank you for your comments.
We do not allow the Chinese monarch to reign over us.
Our elected officials do not swear allegiance to China’s head of state.
We do not advertise China on our flag.
So yes, let’s reduce foreign influence on Australia. But China ain’t the problem.
I trust that our excellent Minister for Defence and fellow MPs are taking note of the Ukraine war against the invasion by Russia and how portable weapons even in the hands of semi-skilled civilian soldiers are proving to be a major deterrent against even heavily armoured vehicles, aircraft, missiles, etc.
The ADF needs more of these weapons and Australia needs to be prepared to arm civilians if necessary, to start with an army of trades people and mining people, and other hands on Australian patriots with common sense.
They’ve all been captured by the UN. They have no idea who they serve. The tipping point is coming for these anti-Australian freaks.
Do you think Australia should have an Australian as head of state?
Let’s talk about being anti-Australian shall we.
As the High Court ruled in 1907, the Governor-General is the constitutional head of the Commonwealth.
And so it should continue, the people elect governments and the constitutional head of state appointed by the government when the term expires.
Republicans are full of hot air and political fog.
The monarch is the UK’s head of state.
The GG is appointed by the monarch, acts for the monarch, answers to the monarch, and serves only at the pleasure of the monarch…..so can NEVER BE EQUAL TO THE MONARCH…..and can never themselves be a head of state.
What angers me is the history, and why our elected representatives have done nothing to stop it proceeding, meaning Federal Governments signing UN Treaties and Agreements, State Governments reinforcing them with State legislation and regulations and Local Councils also complying.
The beginning of the decline in manufacturing industry in Australia was the Whitlam Labor Government signing the UN Lima Agreement during 1975 agreeing to gradually allow the transfer of manufacturing businesses to UN “developing nations”, like China.
Later and around 1990 the Keating Labor Government signed UN Agenda 21 – Sustainability and that added a huge number of areas of economic vandalism, for example State owned forests became UN registered National Parks in which new dams were banned, no logging, no mining, etc. Marine National Parks inshore (State) and offshore (Federal) banning many or most commercial fishing areas resulting in imported seafood increasing to replace the losses. Fishing trawler licences were cancelled and owners compensated, fishing cooperatives were forced to shut down. Sites for new dams in NSW, for example, set aside during the 1965-1976 Askin Government terms were abandoned by the Carr Labor Government. And continuing today arguments with the UN about raising the main Sydney water supply Warragamba Dam wall, environmental impact debate. Even flight paths for the new Western Sydney International Airport need UN approval, after all the aircraft might fly over environmentally sensitive areas according to the unelected UN Officials.
But yet again we the people are left frustrated and angry and captive to Federation of States, State areas of responsibility and powers that Federal Government cannot overturn.