Professor David Flint AM is a legal academic, known for his leadership of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy and for his tenure as head of the Australian Press Council and the Australian Broadcasting Authority.
ABC aiding Beijing’s communists

ABC aiding Beijing’s communists

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WHEN a commercial media outlet engages in a serious and unacceptable breach of ethical standards, the solution is simple. Turn it off or don’t read it. Where this is a public broadcaster, reforming its governance, even questioning its very existence, must follow. Above all, such a broadcaster must never engage with an alien foreign power to abuse the prestige and authority entrusted to it.

The Left hates the truth

The Left hates the truth

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AUSTRALIANS have never agreed to have the latest far-Left foreign dogma apply here, to hand over premium and strategic assets to foreign communist-front entities or to have their country held back from achieving its true potential.
Without our blessing, the politicians have signed what Terry McCrann and Alan Jones slammed as a “national suicide note”. This has made our once cheap energy both unreliable and the most expensive in the world. To justify this, the elites are doing what Winston Smith was employed to do at Orwell’s 1984 Ministry of Truth, known as Minitrue. Temperature records are being changed, or rather, “homogenised”.

Elites sold us out to Chinese communists

Elites sold us out to Chinese communists

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WAR preparations, a government-imposed recession or depression, shock reporting about an allegedly resurgent Wuhan virus, borders closed, talk that overseas travel will not be allowed until next year, the Andrews government’s links to the Beijing dictator, more lockdowns in Melbourne with public housing tenants put under house arrest, the political parties and the mainstream media speaking more in unison than even during a world war— where is Australia going?

Time to take back our country after High Court coup

Time to take back our country after High Court coup

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WITHOUT any consultation whatsoever with the Australian people, much less their consent, the Constitution has been amended to block the lawful deportation of violent criminal aliens declared to be indigenous.
This was done with breathtaking arrogance by four little-known black-robed High Court justices sitting in Canberra’s palace of justice, a brutally ugly building which despoils the vista across Lake Burley Griffin.