Professor David Flint AM is a legal academic, known for his leadership of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy and for his tenure as head of the Australian Press Council and the Australian Broadcasting Authority.
Lock up the politicians

Lock up the politicians

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A FAVOURITE argument of the elites is that something is “inevitable” or, more subtly, “the planets are aligned”.
Blasting what he dismisses as our “horse and buggy” constitution, Professor George Williams laments the lack of referendums. So, what even more pejorative term does he reserve for the much older US constitution? Prehistoric.

Politician, thy name is hypocrisy

Politician, thy name is hypocrisy

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In the National Party room everyone tenaciously opposed dairy deregulation. But when they came back in here into the chamber, they all held their hands up to vote for it — Bob Katter, Hansard, November 26, 2019. This is not the only example of duplicity by politicians. Too many today operate on the principle that the ordinary Australian must do as they say, and not as they do.