Who needs Elizabeth when we could have Emperor Xi?
On : - -ACCORDING to republicans, Australia should emulate China.
The front page banner headline on the London Daily Express (21/5) proclaimed a disturbing message: “Monarchy on the brink”.
ACCORDING to republicans, Australia should emulate China.
The front page banner headline on the London Daily Express (21/5) proclaimed a disturbing message: “Monarchy on the brink”.
A FAVOURITE argument of the elites is that something is “inevitable” or, more subtly, “the planets are aligned”.
Blasting what he dismisses as our “horse and buggy” constitution, Professor George Williams laments the lack of referendums. So, what even more pejorative term does he reserve for the much older US constitution? Prehistoric.
THE motto of Australia’s political class could well be the reverse of that old saying, “Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable”.
The May release of more fake than usual unemployment statistics has exposed the emptiness of the propaganda slogan ‘We’re all in this together.’
NO ONE should be surprised that the Imperial College’s “Professor Lockdown” (Neil Ferguson), has been exposed as a practitioner of the elites’ fundamental rule ‘Do as I say; not as I do’.
In flagrant breach of the very lockdown he advised, he arranged secret assignations with his mistress.
SHOW trials, where the accused have no rights and guilt is predetermined, are integral to communist and Nazi regimes. They have no place in the West and especially not in its Anglosphere heart.
As Hong Kong voters have clearly indicated, people everywhere want to live in freedom under the rule of law.
WHEN an exasperated Andrew Bolt said that Malcolm Turnbull was the worst Liberal prime minister since Sir William McMahon, the Daily Telegraph published my piece arguing that Bolt had been very unfair. That is, unfair to McMahon. Politicians are experts, but hardly ever in…
In the National Party room everyone tenaciously opposed dairy deregulation. But when they came back in here into the chamber, they all held their hands up to vote for it — Bob Katter, Hansard, November 26, 2019. This is not the only example of duplicity by politicians. Too many today operate on the principle that the ordinary Australian must do as they say, and not as they do.
Extraordinary plans are afoot in Canberra for Malcolm Turnbull, Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd or someone of their ilk to succeed Queen Elizabeth in her capacity as Queen of Australia.
This is to be done through the back door, not by the people, but by the politicians doing a deal among themselves.
MATT Kean, the New South Wales Minister for the Environment, recently blamed climate change for the current bushfires in Australia.
He said we have to reduce our ‘carbon’ emissions. He means, of course, our CO2 emissions. And whatever he is talking about, reducing them won’t extinguish one fire.
IT TOOK no more than a tweet from Chief Justice, Susan Kiefel, to deliver a massive defeat for the ‘guilt by accusation’ brigade who had so undermined the rule of law.
A unanimous seven justice ruling has restored that ancient and fundamental principle that the Crown must prove a criminal accusation beyond reasonable doubt.