Jailing Christian Porter – ABC’s most despised white male
On : - -IF AT first you don’t succeed, as the saying goes…Feminist Louise Milligan, the ABC’s attack-dog, came up short in the end with her anti-Pell campaign.
IF AT first you don’t succeed, as the saying goes…Feminist Louise Milligan, the ABC’s attack-dog, came up short in the end with her anti-Pell campaign.
THE mild mannered and oddly admired Premier of NSW leads a dangerously radical government, driven by Leftist factional players and behind-the-scenes power brokers who most voters have never heard of. Indeed, many Party members may well have never heard of them. And, apparently, very few NSW citizens either recognise the radical agenda of the government nor care about it. What these people are up to and how they have gotten away with it is a story for the ages.
IN LATE 2019, when George Pell was still in prison and his ultimate exoneration still far from certain, the ABC’s intrepid reporter, Louise Milligan, called me a “conspiracy theorist”. I had published an article about the embedded radical (#MeToo) feminism in the Victorian justice system and the “fembots” involved in the Get Pell campaign.
THINGS have indeed fallen apart for the lost, snookered souls of the Australian electorate. We are slouching, disoriented, disgruntled, unmoored and clueless about where next to place our votes. The centre, or “club sensible” as the late and much missed Christopher Pearson termed it, has not held.
IT WAS said, not that many moons ago, that the Liberal Party had, after decades of sectarian rivalry and anti-Catholicism, changed its tune and had become the Party of Catholics. A real Catholic – not a fake one like Tony Abbott’s predecessor and successor – made it to the leadership of the Party in 2009.