HIGH profile US attorney Lin Wood is adamant Democratic candidate Joe Biden will never set foot in the White House saying Donald Trump won the November 3 election with up to 410 college votes.
With US media reporting that Donald Trump is trying to steal the election, Mr Wood said yesterday it’s actually the reverse of what’s really going on.
“They’re trying to steal the election, they’ve been caught and they’re not going to get away with it,” he said.
Described by his peers as one of the most brilliant legal minds in America, Mr Wood has launched his own law suit against Georgia State officials for what he describes as unconstitutional behaviour.
“The Georgia Secretary of State’s agreement with the Democratic Party [in relation to mail-in voting] in March of this year was not approved by, nor made by, the State legislature,” Mr Wood told Fox News anchor Judge Jeanine Pirro.
“That violates the laws applicable to a federal election. It can’t be done, the election in Georgia is unlawful and they’re going to have to have a do-over.
“Not for the presidency, that can be decided by the electoral college selected by the legislature but there’s going to have to be a new down ballot vote in January [to elect House and Senate representatives].
“We’re going to have a legal election before this election cycle is over. We have not had one in Georgia yet.”
Mr Wood, who is a resident of that State, said he was confident his case would be picked up by the United States Supreme Court.
“In fact, the judge in my case denied a motion for temporary injunction with respect to the recount. So I’m going to be filing a notice of appeal on Monday to the 11th Circuit.
“The recount was unlawful because it was based on an unlawful vote on November 3 – so the issue in my case is going to find its way to the 11th Circuit on notice of appeal on Monday.
“We’re going to get the Supreme Court at some point, I believe, in the next several days to address this issue via the 11th Circuit.
“We’ve got the legal mechanism in place.”
Mr Wood said that ultimately the election would be decided by the American people.
“This election is not going to be decided by the courts, necessarily. It’s not going to be decided by the legislatures, necessarily. It’s going to be decided by ‘we the people’,” he said.
“Everyone has a role to play. We the people voted probably in the neighbourhood of 80m votes for Donald Trump probably in the neighbourhood of 410 electoral votes.
“We the people are going to take action and we the people are going to make sure that the president we elected is sworn in on January 20 – that’s going to be Donald J Trump.”
He said this was a fact that would become clear in due time.
“A law suit will be filed this week in Georgia on behalf of the President and that law suit is going to expose in detail the fraud that was perpetrated on the voters of Georgia and the voters of this country,” Mr Wood said.
“It’s going to take a little patience, remember it was 37 days for Gore v Bush. We are not at the half way mark. We have plenty of time.
“The bottom line is what you are hearing from the mainstream media is a lie.
“When they tell you that somehow Donald Trump is trying to steal the election that’s a lie – the reverse is true.
“They’re trying to steal the election, they’ve been caught and they’re not going to get away with it.
“The people in this country are not going to tolerate it, Joe Biden will never be president of the United States – never.”
Mr Wood is the attorney who this year successfully sued major US news networks for hundreds of millions of dollars in a defamation case involving Covington Catholic schoolboy Nicholas Sandman, a red MAGA cap and a less than honest native American.PC
What did Joe win? Nothing but a scam. He’s happy to be illegitimate knowing he’d never have a hope, otherwise. Hillary’s involved in this scam. “Never concede,” she advised – knowing the fix was in.