Heresy infiltrates John Howard’s broad church
On : - -A TRADITIONALLY centre-right political party knows it’s in serious trouble when its extremist MPs are kept in check by activist members of The Greens and Animal Justice Party.
A TRADITIONALLY centre-right political party knows it’s in serious trouble when its extremist MPs are kept in check by activist members of The Greens and Animal Justice Party.
BIG businesses that generously donate to good causes are too often publicly shamed by Left-wing activists who “blacklist” everything they disagree with. Oil, tobacco, mining and livestock companies come readily to mind. So enraged is their criticism that many decent charities, who…
FACTIONAL heavyweights are exploiting a legal loophole to launch a hostile and sometimes bloody take-over of the NSW Liberal Party’s candidate selection process.
TONY Abbott has been one of the most impactful Australians of the 21st Century – and he’s not finished yet. There’s no person the Left fears more. He’s the reason why the combined resources of GetUp, the Victorian unions and Labor’s most seasoned campaigners were funnelled – at huge expense – into the Sydney seat of Warringah.
POLITICAL punch-ups are part of the territory and have been since before Julius Caesar was done over in 44BC during a senate meeting. Australian, Romanian, Ukrainian and almost all other politicians “get into it” on a surprisingly regular basis. And they’re almost…
THE never-ending pursuit to rename the Liberal Party has become a pet cause for politicians who refuse to accept they’ve joined the wrong Party. Rather than admit their mistake, defect to Labor and start over, there’s a growing list of political activists…
THE future of Australia’s bloated national broadcaster has been struck a blow with news its UK cousin is to be downsized and turned into a pay-TV service. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced last week he would decriminalise non-payment of BBC licence…
FEDERAL Senator Jim Molan was badgered by a baying ABC audience last week after saying he kept an “open mind” towards human induced climate change. Seconds later, new Q&A host Hamish Macdonald openly sided with his loud and narrow-minded audience, questioning why…
TONY Abbott was the last Australian prime minister to win office in a thumping landslide. Few PMs did it before him and none have done so since. Abbott’s 89 to Labor’s 55 seat victory was a result of sensible policies, forceful arguments…
THERE is absolutely nothing the Prime Minister Scott Morrison can do to appease Australia’s hostile climate lobby – so he shouldn’t even try. Not a single serious person in government believes Morrison can ever do enough to please the Green Left. If…