by PAUL COLLITS – THIS week saw the extraordinary scene of an appointed CEO of Essendon AFL Club being traduced by a politician and pressured to resign within hours of his appointment – essentially because he’s … a Christian!
The breathless reporting of what passes for Victorian corporate media of the event explains much about contemporary Australian culture and about the extant power structures in this once noble State.
- When will the State just get to the point and formally outlaw Christianity.
- Australia doesn’t yet kill Christians, but it stops them from prospering, even from co-existing.
- Our world, post Israel Folau, is a dark & dangerous place for the followers of Christ.
The Victorian popular press – or what passes for it – weighed in (without any moral or intellectual heft or the remotest understanding of the issues, as always), describing crisis scenes at Essendon where a “controversial” and “divisive” character had somehow slipped past the woke brigade at the footy club to score a senior role.
Divisive on … abortion! You mean, he supports the right to life. And on homosexuality, regarded by the Christian Church since the time of the Apostles (spelled out in the Didache, for example) as a sin.
St Thomas Aquinas didn’t think much of homosexuality, either. He is one of the pillar-architects of modern Christian theology.
Of course, it is the way of the secular, Left-leaning, progressive corporate media to describe opponents and their world views in loaded terms, and make out that this is “reporting”.
Now, I wouldn’t normally be seen dead defending a banker. Or an ex-banker.
After all, the banks and their corporate mates have been at the forefront of the HR-woke revolution in Australia and elsewhere. (An irony there.)
But the case of ex-banker Andrew Thorburn is something else.
The Herald Sun proclaimed: “Tolerance gestapo says Christians can go to hell.” Indeed.
The Anglican Archbishop of MelDanistan weighed in. As well he might.
Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, Philip Freier, described the reaction to Mr Thorburn’s appointment as “panic” and urged organisations not to make a “knee-jerk reaction” based on public response.
“Otherwise we are going to get into this crazy situation where basically the State or, public opinion, majority public opinion, starts regulating something which is intensely personal like religion,” Dr Freier said.
It would have been nice if the Archbishop had found it within his remit to actually defend Christian morals and views. Yet, his core points remain.
Thorburn was CEO of NAB, no less. Not a lightweight, then. Possibly eminently qualified to run a woke sporting corporate.
He resigned from NAB in February 2019 after the final report of a Royal Commission.
At the time, he said: “As CEO I understand accountability. I have always sought to act in the best interests of the bank and customers and I know that I have always acted with integrity. However, I recognise there is a desire for change.”
Seemingly, then, a man of, if not honour, at least a man of reality and of optics.
And he has a role as an authority in a local Christian church in Melbourne. This is, seemingly, much more of a problem for the elites than his role in the ongoing banking scams.
When the homosexualists got their way in 2017 when they destroyed traditional marriage, there was much debate about what that might mean for religious freedom in this country.
The fears of the No campaigners have been confirmed, in spades.
The Liberals’ assurances about this were taken as some measure of security for those who saw the end game coming.
Commissions of inquiry were appointed, under the apparently assured guidance of an old Liberal wet and now Mayor of Hornsby (Phil Ruddock).
The rest, as they say, is history. Having homosexualist activists prancing around the House of Representatives in 2017 was not a good look. Many of them Liberals. Nor did it portend well.
There is a long-held and now utterly compelling belief on the part of Christians in Australia that the game is up, and that the long march of the anti-Christian activists through the institutions is a fait accompli.
It didn’t take long to come to fruition.
The rugby player and Christian pastor Israel Folau was drummed out of sport in Australia in 2019. It was an occasion of infamy.
Folau, as we all know, was caught quoting St Paul on social media on the question of sin and redemption. We can’t have that!
Homosexualist activists now demand that the rest of us “affirm” their sin … err … I mean lifestyle.
And this demand has consequences. It means that anyone who can remotely be associated with mainstream Christian positions on controversial matters of what we used to call morals can be sacked, denied promotion, denied jobs, censored and ostracised.
To say that that the Victorian Premier’s intervention was inappropriate, indeed, appalling, is merely to state the obvious.
He describes Christian mainstream views as “rampant homophobia”.
He claims to be a Catholic, I believe. Not quite on point with the Gospels, Mr Premier. Look at your Bible.
Those of us with the vaguest grip on reality know that Daniel Andrews is a moral rogue who has somehow found himself with hands on the levers of power, and continues to damage all that civilised citizens should value.
The world, post Israel Folau, is a dark and dangerous place. It is fair game for elected politicians, assuming (falsely) that they have a handle on high moral questions and the right to pronounce on these, to set standards for society.
As far as I know, this churchman (Thorburn) hasn’t gone out of his way to castigate his fellow citizens for their behaviour.
It is simply enough that he holds a position in a Christian Church that upholds Christian teachings.
When will the State just get to the point and formally outlaw Christianity? Victoria seems like the place that this just might happen. Any thoughts, Liberal leader Matt Guy?
We live, clearly, in a post-Folau world, where prominent or publicly outed Christians are either drummed out of employment and public life and where politicians can feel empowered to chastise mainstream beliefs that conflict with the zeitgeist.
The late Cardinal Thomas George of Chicago suggested that he would die in his bed, but that his successors would, likely, not.
We do not yet kill Christian leaders, but, thanks to the homosexualists and their woke fellow travellers in high office, we stop them from prospering, even from co-existing in our secular world.
Will it be long before we get to the Cardinal George Armageddon?
Daniel Andrews is a grub masquerading as a political leader. He seems destined to be returned to government in November.
Does this not say something extremely worrying about the fine State of Victoria?PC
Every person in Australia who subscribes to the Christian Faith and is in a position of influence, should speak out LOUDLY in support of Andrew Thorburn.
1. Our whole Australian LEGAL SYSTEM, imported from Westminster, is firmly based on Christian values and ethics.
2. The Catholic Church of Australia is responsible for educating and funding 28% of our primary and secondary youngsters.
3. There are also a myriad of other Christian, faith-based schools, strong and flourishing throughout the Nation.
4. So it follows that a large proportion of our population will actively revolt, at the ballot box and elsewhere, against attempts to discriminate against people of Faith.
5. A large proportion of the population, while not active church-attendees, still very much respect and adhere to, the Christian way of life.
6. The modern Christian Churches in Australia, acting on Christ’s inclusive teachings, regard LGBQTI citizens as all ‘children of God’s flock’ and strive to show every person, regardless of sexuality or religious affiliation, (or of none), the same respect and kindness.
As a committed Christian, these are the beliefs by which Andrew Thorburn lives and when CEO of NAB, he actively strived for inclusivity.
As for the question of ABORTION: One doesn’t have to be a Christian to be greatly saddened at the growing trend to regard the small, but precious lives, in utero, as disposable. A large proportion of sensitive people and those of other faiths, must also be deeply troubled by this trend.
Thorburn really should fight back more, this is a slam dunk if he does. These satanic mongrels need to be put back in the sewer they crawled out of.
The left is out of control. They are about to be smacked back into reality in the most painful way. Almost everything it supports is destructive. Their so-called “good intentions” have put Australia onto a path to hell.