Civilisation, as we know it, is in crisis

by JURIS LAUCIS – CLIMATE change hysteria is wrecking the economies of developed western nations on a platform of disputed so-called science and self-serving computer modelling. 

This is on top of identity politics unravelling social cohesion, gender fluidity obliterating biological reality, artificial political correctness erasing freedom of speech, vilification of the living for historic transgressions and cancel culture of past events destroying evolutionary progression to a better world. 

To taint society as a whole as racist because of individual malfeasance, is akin to labelling everyone as criminals, just because one person commits a crime.

Add to this the revival of Marxist ideology which is destroying the family unit by attempting to cleanse language of definitive words like “father” and “mother” while morally bankrupting great powers like the US, UK and France.

Even the lesser powers such as those in the European Union (and even Australia), are cowering behind the sacrificial altar of Ukraine, hoping like hell the Ukrainian cannon fodder will stem the tide of madman Putin’s imperialism.


The list goes on and on: civilisation as we know it, is in crisis.

Our leaders are impotent, but worse still, unwilling to stand up for our Western Civilisation that has erased past abominations such as throwing Christians to the lions, burning witches, slavery, feudalism, the divine right of Kings, despotism, genocide by monsters such as Stalin and Hitler and racism to boot.

Yes racism: isolated instances of subjecting people to abuse on the basis of colour are just that.

To taint society as a whole as racist because of individual malfeasance, is the equivalent of labelling the whole community as criminals, just because a small minority commit crimes.

The saga of the Higgins alleged rape fiasco is a vivid illustration of our leaders’ lack of backbone in standing up for a foundational pillar of our civilisation, without which it would disintegrate into chaos and self-destruction: that pillar is criminal law.

The first of our leaders to fall short in upholding the major tenet of our criminal law, was then Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Brittany Higgins, a parliamentary staffer made allegations of sexual assault by a male staffer with whom in a drunken state, she had entered Parliament after hours.

Her complaint was delivered in a media orchestrated presentation, before a prosecution was launched against the alleged offender.

Struggling to fend off attacks on the Liberal Party’s perceived problem with women, Morrison made a public apology to Ms Higgins, before a prosecution was instituted, inferentially acknowledging that her complaint was genuine.

Mr Morrison’s apology was not only unsolicited and biased, but appallingly demonstrative of a fundamental ignorance of the central framework of our criminal law, that has been passed down to us from Roman times via the laws of England viz the presumption of innocence.


In short, the presumption ensures that no person can be regarded as being guilty of a crime until a court of law has found the case against him/her, proved on credible evidence beyond reasonable doubt.

The next leader to let us down in upholding the values of our society cannot plead ignorance of the law.
ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold announced the discontinuance of the Higgins prosecution.

From what had already been disclosed to the public, many expected to hear that the prosecution would not proceed, because of lack of insufficient credible evidence, as the police had advised.

The expectation was not fulfilled. DPP Drumgold’s stated reason for discontinuing the trial, was the danger to Miss Higgin’s health as attested to by medical experts.

In the circumstances where guilt was strenuously denied and the complainant had brazenly publicised her case in the media before the trial had commenced, one could reasonably expect the prosecutor not to indulge in public statements blatantly favouring one side or the other, but Mr Drumgold did exactly that.

The DPP praised Miss Higgins for her courage, “bravery, grace and dignity”, not once referring to the accused who had disclosed to the police he contemplated suicide, when he was told he was to be prosecuted for sexual assault.

After the foregoing abuse of our legal heritage, along comes ignorant Prime Minister #2, Anthony Albanese.

Mr Albanese fronted the media with sorrowful demeanour, acknowledging he had to be careful with his comments.


He then launched straight into trashing the presumption of innocence, by praising Miss Higgins as a “woman of considerable courage” and wishing her well.

Again not a murmur about the hapless accused, who may never overcome the negative publicity, stirred up by Ms Higgins and our valiant PMs and top legal practitioner.

The whole sorry Higgins saga trashing our legal system in the media, abetted by two Prime Ministers and a lawyer who should know better, does not auger well for the longevity of our civilization.PC

– JurisDiction

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Scott Morrison & Brittany Higgins. (courtesy ABC News)

2 thoughts on “Civilisation, as we know it, is in crisis

  1. Many will be aware that the Labor PM is a follower of the late Russian Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky;

    “Albanese attended St Joseph’s Primary School in Camperdown and then St Mary’s Cathedral College. After finishing school, he worked for the Commonwealth Bank for two years before studying economics at the University of Sydney. There, he became involved in student politics and was elected to the Students’ Representative Council. It was also there where he started his rise as a key player in the ALP’s Labor Left. During his time in student politics, Albanese led a group within Young Labor that was aligned with the left faction’s Hard Left, which maintained “links with broader left-wing groups, such as the Communist Party of Australia, People for Nuclear Disarmament and the African National Congress”.”


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