CLIMATE “emergencies” have nothing to do with science and everything to do with political control, according to three of the world’s leading climate scientists.
Climatology professor David Legates, astrophysicist Willie Soon and agricultural climatologist Patrick Michaels said the world wouldn’t end by 2030, despite what scare mongers were saying.

- Politicians pretend to know about climate, pretend to have studied it, pretend to have answers.
- Governments want control and to keep control.
- Talk of a climate emergency is the 'most absurd belief'.
“In 12 years, they’ll be saying 12 more years,” according to Prof Legates of the University of Delaware.
“A lot of people pretend to know about climate, pretend to have studied it, pretend to come up with answers and then make these proclamations to scare you so that you’ll do what they want you to do,” he said
“Governments want control. Most governments want to keep control and to get bigger and bigger over time. Carbon dioxide has become that molecule by which they can take control over your lives, your efforts and everything that goes on.”
The three experts were speaking at a Heartland Institute event in the USA posted on social media site Rumble this week. The talk had taken place prior to the election of Joe Biden in 2020.
Malaysian-born Dr Willie Soon, who now works at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said governments were manipulating science.
“It’s all about hand-waving, it’s about emotion, it’s about sending out kids in protest, which has nothing to do with the science,” he said.
Prof Patrick Michaels, a former president of the Association of State Climatologists, described climate panic as absurd.
“It warmed up around one degree Celsius since 1900 and life expectancy doubled in the industrialised democracies,” he said.
“And yet [they claim] if the temperature ticks up another half a degree, the entire system crashes?!
“That’s the most absurd belief.”
Prof Michaels said it was a myth that weather patterns were becoming more severe.
“You can take a look at all the hurricanes around the planet – we can see them since 1970 because we have global satellite coverage and we can measure their power.
“There’s no significant increase [in severity] whatsoever and there is no relationship between hurricane activity and the surface temperature of the planet.”
The three experts agreed, however, that sea levels were rising – “as they had done for the past 20,000 years” – and will continue to do.
“The people in Holland adapted to the fact that they live in a low-lying country and they said ‘we’re going to build these dykes and we’re going to build these pumps’.”
“Are you telling me that the people in Miami are so dumb that they’re just going to sit there and drown?!”
Prof Michaels said politicians were working to “darken” and “impoverish” their nations.
“The Obama Administration’s model projected the amount of global warming that would be saved by going to zero emissions tomorrow – you don’t know how to do that, it would put you back in the stone age, but let’s just say we did – would be 0.14 degrees Celsius.”
“You sure will have an impoverished and dark country, won’t you?!”
He said carbon was, in fact, good for the planet and shouldn’t be demonised.
“If you’re really concerned about plants, more carbon dioxide not only makes them grow faster but makes them more water efficient.”PC
The man-made climate change argument is not based on Truth but on speculation, modelling and carefully chosen and manipulated statistics. It is shocking that so many have succumbed to its thrillingly fearful predictions most of which have not come to fruition. With some luck and a lot of fighting the current establishment narrative, Truth and Reason will be allowed to assess the thinking behind the politics and it will be found to have been the most disastrous world political movement ever given credence by governments and vested interests.
If only more people read alternative scientists’ works as above in the article, started thinking outside the box of Group Think, would listen and watch alternatives, the Truth would gradually emerge as well as hope that out of our common law would return the Common Sense so many seem to have lost.
Climate change seems like a cosy place, rather than the Lefts alternate option of COVID, and their Vaccine Passport control, “papers please”