THE motto of Australia’s political class could well be the reverse of that old saying, “Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable”.
The May release of more fake than usual unemployment statistics has exposed the emptiness of the propaganda slogan ‘We’re all in this together’.
We aren’t and we never were.
Frontline excepted, the comfortable are that mainly unscathed and privileged two million-plus public sector, a group who have kept their jobs, their incomes and their gold-plated superannuation.
Looming over them is a politburo or national cabinet, consisting of career politicians, most never having had a real job or run a small business. With that background, it is not surprising that their class has a proven record of mishandling almost everything they touch.
Just recall the mismanagement of the bushfires, the drought, water harvesting, electricity pricing and reliability, defence, educational standards — the list seems endless. Even employing old technology to lay a tram track down George Street Sydney, they destroyed almost every small business along that thoroughfare.
It is disingenuous for the politburo to claim they are responsible for the comparative advantage which flows from being an easy-to-defend remote island nation. The fact is that by ignoring world’s best practice, the death rate from the Wuhan virus is now twenty times what it should be and rising.
The lock-down was completely unnecessary, yet another result of abdicating governing to computer modelling. It is not as if the politicians haven’t been hoodwinked before. Modelling has been grossly exaggerated not only with most other health scares but also with the “global-warming” myth. It was so wrong there they had to change the name of the non-existent problem to “climate change” so they could go on wrecking our economy.
As to the lock-down, this hasn’t touched the public sector. Rather it has been borne by the majority, over two million small businesses, approaching one million unemployed, over six million saved at the last minute from the dole queue by a highly-flawed multi-billion dollar taxpayer funded Job Seeker scheme, as well as the surviving six million left in real jobs, praying the politicians won’t destroy them too.
As usual, the politicians don’t admit their shocking mistakes. Had they done so they might at least have ensured this disaster won’t be repeated during the next inevitable pandemic. Instead they are now prescribing increasingly demented restrictions, such as a maximum of ten diners in all restaurants whatever their size, ten worshippers in vast cathedrals, and schools not immediately re-opened. On top of which they refuse to admit the obvious, that sun and fresh air have always been the enemy of the virus.
The politicians think the private sector is like a light switch, one to be easily flicked on and off. Anyone with common sense knows this is not so and the turning off has created serious damage, often irreversible. The lives of most small business owners and workers have been damaged and too often destroyed by this unnecessary politician-made depression.
The problem is the only world the politicians know is not dominated by real achievement but these days resembles some Tammany Hall dominated by powerbrokers where survival depends on lying, manipulation, back-stabbing and above all, self-interest.
It is hardly surprising then that the politburo has proved a grotesque barnacle on the peace, order and good government of the Commonwealth.
Yet according to initial polling, Australians support the prime minister, comparing him favourably with President Trump, whom they allegedly regard with disdain.
This is because the mainstream media have turned into the politburo’s applauding claque. This is not the first time the media have failed to apply the ethical prescription that while comment is free, facts are sacred. Just as computer modelling has not been questioned but reported as fact which will occur, so in the last federal election opinion polling was assumed infallible.
Then there is the one-sided reporting in too many outlets on global warming, Brexit and the US presidency, with the election of Donald Trump treated as an outrage which should never have happened. Recall also the campaigns to replace Abbott with Turnbull and to replace Howard with Rudd. On that, how many would have noticed the small paragraph tucked away in the media section of The Australian where long-term editor Chris Mitchell confessed to his greatest mistake, persuading Rupert Murdoch to support Rudd?
Then there was the media campaign over several years not to install a real republic, but rather the highly flawed Turnbull-Keating sleight of hand to remove significant checks and balances from our Westminster constitution. These many artificial issues which obsess inner-city elites and are pushed by the media only distract the politicians from concentrating on the real issues.
As to the US and the Wuhan virus, the mainstream Australian media, obeying the Communist-influenced World Health Organisation to call it the more innocuously sounding COVID-19, has yet again played the Little Sir Echo for a corrupt US media who have become a campaigning arm of the now Left-wing Democratic Party
For over three years the US mainstream have reported as news the Russian collusion story designed to reverse the 2016 election and ensure that President Trump is not re-elected.
With the release of key transcripts, this has been exposed beyond reasonable doubt as a complete fraud by those close to the top in the Obama administration, a story which should have made front page news.
Instead, it was buried behind biased stories untruthfully claiming that the President had mismanaged the Wuhan virus. The truth is that he remains crucial to us and the West.
As Labor grandee Graham Richardson wrote recently in The Australian, “The world needs Donald Trump, the only person in a position to stand up to China (and) to do exactly that … (He) is the only game in town”.PC
I’d award you 99.9% for your near-perfect précis of Govt. failings/faults and the one-eyed blindness of a huge proportion of western media.
——-Yes! The public service numbers have grown like Topsy; they could so easily be reduced by half.
——-Half agree re. career politicians. Very many HAVE had a pre-Parliament job, but yes, the modern trend is to jump in too early. It hardly needs to be said that with immersive work, stemming from diverse degrees and, (armed with the most important degree of all), – life experience, – so much is learnt.
——-Blame for mismanagement must be spread over all three governing bodies, – Local Councils, (especially for the bushfires), State Government and Federal Government. I’ll defend the second and third entities by stating the obvious. Our Liberal Federal and NSW Governments inherited several monsters from the last Labor incumbents:- An outrageous CFMEU, – A far-left NSW Teachers’ Union, who insert their appalling, skewed or disproven doctrine into every subject, stealing valuable time which should be spent on rigorously teaching the basic three R’s and – Universities crammed with socialist professors and tutors, freely indoctrinating socialist dogma, choking free thought and free speech.
——-Then there is the inbuilt predilection of every Government for ignoring some chronic problems: i.e. – failing to act on diversified plans for (a) providing water security and (b) using the three substances we possess in abundance to provide solid, cheap and reliable electricity, – coal, oil, uranium for nuclear and, to a lesser extent, water.
——-Fully agree that all three entities have, obviously without reasonable scrutiny or applied logic, accepted the insane computer modelling for this latest health emergency. We’ve now had draconian shutdowns imposed and economy-crippling cash handouts widely distributed. Sad and bad!
——-Ridiculously, oh-so-many members have lazily/sloppily accepted the deeply-flawed shoutings of the obsessive, ‘climate-warming’ loonies who are led by many who have only underlying, self-enriching motives.
——-How I would like to wield a sharp pin to deflate those puffed-up, strutting power-brokers and ex-politicians (in both Aust. & the U.S.) who cause such unneeded damage.
——-And, yes! – So much of the media are no longer to be trusted. Richo was right-on: the world certainly needs Donald Trump, – he is the ONLY game in town!
Prof. Flint, thank goodness so many wise Aussies are ardent subscribers to the fantastic Spectator Australia, Weekly Magazine and to the peerless Sky News Channel, but how I wish even more enlightenment would occur!
If only the Fairfax papers and commercial T.V outlets would cast aside the blinkers and widely distribute your cogent thoughts. If only the ABC, which is so blatantly the media wing of the Labor Party, (the Party that should foot the annual billion-dollar bill), would broadcast your reliable facts! Australians deserve to know the unadulterated truth about all important issues.
Socialist dogma that we are all born equal is piffle!
Every child gradually assimilates and accepts the obvious facts that we are born with differing degrees of intellect and different physical attributes. It’s nothing but a lottery as to which Country we call home, whether our parents are ideal, whether they are able to make possible a good education, able to instil the need for kindness – for striving and sensible choices in a every facet of life.
By promoting the very wrong ‘everyone can be equal’ theory, socialists stir up resentment and discontent, promote totalitarian Government, or at very least, exert overbearing conformity and rigid control, stifle free speech, ingenuity and innovation.
Intelligent Conservatives innately realise and enact their duty of care for those less fortunate. They strive for reachable goals and are the people who champion true Democracy.