WHEN so-called “experts” forced most of the western world’s population into home detention earlier this year they said we had to accept medical science.
A few years earlier, when other so-called “experts” scared the western hemisphere into de-industrialising, they told us climate science was settled.
What these “experts” were really demanding, however, was for taxpayers to blindly accept their computer modelling – no questions asked.
The truth is science has nothing to do with their demands.
In both instances their modelling had been beyond wrong, some say criminally negligent or worse, and the damage wreaked can only be measured in global proportions.
The mistakes in their medical modelling are easier to identify due to the time scales involved. But climate modelling is also slowly unravelling.
Predictions from the world’s very “best” medical computer modellers didn’t even come close to reality. Not even near the ball park.
Australians were led to believe between 50-150k of their friends, family and neighbours would perish from COVID-19. This compared with 2-3k flu deaths per year. Yet the virus claimed a tad over 100 before the curve was flattened.
Overseas estimates were equally inaccurate, especially from Prof Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London. His modelling predicted 2.2m deaths in the USA. Yet they’ve flattened the curve at a little over 110k. His mortality predictions for the UK were laughable.
Professor Lockdown and the hypocrisy of the elites
Reputations should be in ruins, but if the rolling “mistakes” of climate scientists is an indication, these types of errors will probably guarantee long, cushy careers.
Such modelling mistakes by the elites have been so big, so often that accusations of ulterior motives have become commonplace among the “unwashed”.
There’s certainly no shortage of evidence.
Consider that the world’s most senior climate scientists have been caught admitting among themselves to peddling known “mistakes” – and then hiding underlying data that would prove their dishonesty.
The Climategate scandal in 2009 revealed hundreds of internal emails in which climate scientists privately doubted global warming was actually occurring while publicly reporting the exact opposite. They even used “trick” modelling to hide temperature declines from governments and taxpayers.
One such email read: “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”
Climategate was a dishonest attempt to cover up fake temperature data from Chinese weather stations and should have led to the unravelling of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The UN had actually used a paper based on these fraudulent measurements to bolster IPCC statements about rapid global warming. This was the very paper that led to hysterical claims that the Himalayan glaciers were melting.
In the aftermath, it also emerged the documents that UK and US professors Phil Jones and Wei-Chyung Wang claimed would exonerate their dishonesty had never even existed.
Yet no one lost their job. Instead, Global Warming was relaunched as Climate Change and the gravy train of international conferences and public cash kept flowing.
Keep in mind that not a single projection from these scientific alarmists has come close to reality – yet our governments bow and scrape as the modellers continuously extend the climate doomsday date further and further into the future.
As Mark Twain noted in the early 20th Century, it’s easier to fool the masses than to convince them they’re being fooled.PC
MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: US Climategate scientist Professor Wei-Chyung Wang of the University of Albany, NY.
POLITICOM: Green hoax wrapped in a scare campaign
POLITICOM: Can science survive global warming?
For some reason we think that the numerous exposures of fraud and unwarranted alarmism, most recently by Michael Moore in planet of the humans and environmentalist Michael Shellenberger in his apology for the climate scare, would go some way to stopping the lunacy of believing manmade co2 is the primary driver global warming. Unfortunately we fail to recognize the amount of vested interest in political power and money that is ensconced in promoting this nonsense, so it will not go away without those scientists and ordinary people most effected by the associated costly policies rising up to speak against it.
It’s all caused by Climate Change/Global Warming…. or is it?
Climate evangelists claim that our current weather is directly caused by climate change and global warming and that the recent bushfires are “unprecedented”. Here are the facts:
The Worst Ever Bushfires?
1802: French scientist Francois Peron and colleagues from the ship Geographe were astonished by the multiplicity of fires in SE Tasmania: “In every direction, immense columns of fire and smoke arose from the mountains were burning for an extent of several leagues.” Days later he wrote: “Violent squalls of wind attended with such an extraordinary degree of heat that it was scarcely possible to breathe even in the open air, the wind seemed like the heat from a furnace.”
1836: Naturalist Charles Darwin commented that he encountered: “So many blackened tree stumps as a result of bushfires ….and clouds of dust and volumes of smoke sweeping across the land”. He also experienced a thermometer reading of 48.3 degrees Celsius just outside Bathurst.
1851: Black Thursday bushfires in Victoria killed 12 people and burned 5 million hectares with temperature up to 47C. Ships 30kms off the coast of Victoria reported coming under ember attack.
1898: Red Tuesday bushfires in Victoria killed 12 people and destroyed about 2000 buildings.
1926: 60 people died as a result of bushfires.
1939: Black Friday bushfires extended over 2 months killing 71 people.
1944: A month-long bushfire in Victoria killed 20 people.
1951/52: Bushfires consumed 4 million hectares in NSW
1967: Black Tuesday bushfires in Tasmania killed 62 people.
1970s: 15% of Australia’s physical landmass was damaged by fires during this decade.
1983: Ash Wednesday bushfires in Victoria/South Australia killed 75 people and destroyed 2500 homes.
1984/85: Bushfires consumed 3.5 million hectares in NSW.
2009: Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria killed 173 people and destroyed about 4500 buildings.
2019/20: NSW bushfires killed 25 people, destroyed 2448 homes, and consumed 5.5million hectares, about 0.7% of Australia’s physical landmass.
Analysis of charcoal records in sediments and isotope-ratio records show that global biomass burning during last century has been lower than at any time in past 2000 years!
NASA recently reported that the area burned by global bushfires had dropped by 25% since 2003.
The Impact of Climate Change
IPCC concluded in 2018 that there was “little or no information” about possible links between climate change and fire risks in Australia. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) reported recently that Australia’s average temperature has increased by only 1.4 degrees since 1910.
Dr Alan Finkel (Australia’s Chief Scientist) recently stated: “If the world was to reduce its carbon emissions by 1.3% (Australia’s percentage of global carbon emissions) the impact would be virtually nothing.”
The Productivity Commission believes that 85% of bushfires are caused by human activity.
In 2019, 21 people were convicted with starting bushfires. Experts estimate that between 25 and 50% of bushfires are deliberately lit or caused by people flicking lit cigarettes out of car windows or not obeying fire bans. A further 15% are caused by lightning.
Greens-led councils, government bureaucracies and so-called ‘environmentalists’ have also hampered hazard reduction despite the fact that the Aboriginal practice of burning off throughout the year has proven successful over hundreds or even thousands of years.
Koalas habitat comprises approximately 100 million hectares in eastern Australia. NSW fires have so far affected approximately 1 million hectares. Moreover, bushfires very rarely cause permanent loss of habitat.
Koalas are listed as “vulnerable to extinction” which is two levels down from “critically endangered”.
1936: New York Times reported that our bushfires were causing the extinction of our “friendly little” koalas. Since then numbers have grown.
Climate Change Research Centre director Professor Andy Pitman recently stated: “There is no direct link between drought and climate change.”
According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology: “The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) legacy of widespread warm and dry conditions during the second half of 2019 primed the Australian landscape for bushfire weather and heatwaves this summer. Moreover, in the Pacific Ocean, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to the west of the International Date Line remains warmer than average, potentially drawing some moisture away from Australia.”
1174-1212: Ice cores research found 8 Australian “mega droughts” during this 39-year period.
1790-1793: Settlement Drought, which threatened European settlement in Australia.
1809-1830: Sturt’s Drought, affecting the eastern seaboard.
1861-1866: Goyder Line Drought in South Australia, Western Australia and Northern Territory.
1895-1903: Federation Drought caused an economic depression, rivers stopped flowing and dams were covered in dust (see attached article by Professor Don Garden, Univ. of Melbourne).
1937-1945: WW2 Drought caused major disruption to food supplies.
1950s: Drought led to blackouts in Sydney due to electricity production being reduced as a result of dam levels being so low. Airports were also closed several times during this period.
1997-2009: Millennium Drought caused great concern much as is happening now. Then it rained.
Lowest on record was last year (277mm) but prior to that was way back in 1902 (314.5mm).
Australia has recorded more rainfall in recent decades (source: BOM).
1922: Steamers had to wait outside the Sydney Heads for the smoke to lift.
1936: Signalmen at South Head could not see North Head or incoming ships due to smoke haze.
1944: Smoke haze stretched 500 miles (800 kms) out to sea from Sydney. Sunbakers were covered in charcoal flakes.
1950s: Mascot airport was closed several times due to smoke.
1966: NZ drivers drove with headlights on due to smoke drifting across from the Blue Mountains.
I am a conservative, as my family have been for 4 generations. I am a scientist, have taught science and am an educator. I find your comments about climate science well below the knowledge of year 9 students who understand the greenhouse effect. You don’t. Your comments on this are moronic. We have been teaching it for more than a century. In addition your comments on Gonski 2.0 are totally erroneous and simply to serve your purpose.
Perhaps your information on other important global issues such as the threat in the rise of China are right, I believe they are, but I cant give them any credence because your position, comments and understanding on the other two are so far wrong.
Please remove me from your data base. I don’t want to be associated with morons who are well below the level of understanding of our current cohort of lower years of high school students.
Sad to see that someone who considers herself a conservative is so confused. I became interested in climate more than forty years ago, when it was still “Irreversible Global Cooling”! The main culprit of course was ever increasing population and its industrial particle pollution. In those days the future first chairman of IPCC Bert Bolin was lecturing people, that burning more coal to produce a lot of CO2 might save us from freezing.
There is an excellent book on the topic of climate change – “The Deniers” By Lawrence Solomon. I challenge you to read it (not about it, but the book itself). I promise you will benefit a lot!
Toni, your comments are all too typical of those who embrace the cult of climate catastrophism. Rather than adduce evidence and reasoning to support your case you resort to abuse and invective, describing those whom you disagree with as “morons” whose knowledge is below that of year 9 students. But I suppose I can’t blame you. When you have no evidence and reasoning abuse and invective are all you are left with. If this is the way you conduct a classroom discussion I really feel sorry for the students who have to sit through your lessons.
Great article and about time the corrupt Scientists get exposed. Somehow people assume all Scientists have morals and all the answers to everything. There are still a few good ones though, but they risk losing their livelihood, such as Peter Ridd from the James Cook University Queensland. The 500 scientists and commentators who sent a letter to the UN last year disagreeing with the farcical “climate change emergency” were just dismissed by the UN and mainstream media, which is typical of the “Left” on many issues – can not debate with logic and reason. Interestingly, a climate scientist Dr Mototaka Nakamura (who wrote a book titled “confessions of a climate scientist”) and with impecable credentials described the climate models as “totally useless for any meaningful climate prediction”. So the science is settled?
Well said Jim. And in Australia, even our Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel admits that a 100% reduction in Australia’s man-made emissions would have only symbolic value in the global context.
In this respect, validated by our Chief Scientist no less, those dupes chanting “we demand climate action” should really be chanting “we demand climate symbolism”, for that’s all that is on offer in Australia, even if we bankrupt the country in pursuit of this.