LIBERAL Leader Peter Dutton has thrown in the towel and left the ring just as the West has begun its fightback against the Left’s unholy dystopia.
From Italy to Sweden to Hungary, France and even the USA, conservatives are wresting back power on the promise of ending Woke political madness.

- Peter Dutton is almost silent, leaving the heavy lifting to outsiders and political juniors.
- Vague notions of ‘liberty’ and ‘a stronger economy’ spouted by conservative politicians don’t resonate any more.
- To avoid a revolution, there needs to be a realignment: new leaders, public figures and events to drive a movement.
Gender fluidity, the sexualisation and grooming of pre-teens, climate radicalism and identity politics have delivered Western civilisation a smoking wreck.
Italy under new PM Giorgia Meloni is returning to faith and family. Sweden’s new conservative government has shelved the climate crazies, going so far as to disband its own Department of the Environment.
Hungary has re-elected Viktor Orban’s pro-Christian Fidesz Party for a fourth term and France and the USA are experiencing a conservative groundswell.
This week’s US mid-term elections is expected to be a bloodbath for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s socialist candidates.
But in Australia, the nation’s so-called conservative leader is almost silent, leaving the heavy lifting to outsiders and political juniors such as the impressive federal Senator Jacinta Price.
As noted by The Spectator Australia contributor Jordan Knight this week, senior Liberal MPs are being heckled by their own audiences for capitulating to absurd Leftist demands.
“Peter Dutton’s sole criticism of Labor’s recent hike in migration was ‘too little, too late’ – not that it would hurt families and workers,” Mr Knight wrote.
“Sclerosis has set in within the Liberal Party ~ and focus on families, people, the nation and the community as the basis of a healthy country is all but forgotten.
“Vague notions of ‘liberty’ and ‘a stronger economy’ spouted by current conservative politicians don’t resonate any more, especially not for the young.
“For us to avoid a revolution, there needs to be a realignment: new think tanks, leaders, public figures, events to drive a movement.
“If this doesn’t happen, it won’t be just dark days ahead, it’ll be the dark ages.
“Europeans and Americans are realising what time it is – will we?”
One of the few Australian politicians who realises this is the impressive Jacinta Price, who is among a handful in Canberra pushing back against destructive identity politics.
In a recent email to supporters, Senator Price took aim at the vulgarity of her radical parliamentary colleague, The Greens’ Lidia Thorpe.
“Senator Thorpe regularly attacks colleagues on the basis of their skin colour,” Senator Price said.
“She supported protestors who set fire to Australia’s first Parliament House and home of democracy.
“And she has made derogatory comments to a female colleague on the Senate floor with language so vulgar that it would make even Lidia’s ex-bikie boyfriend blush.”
Senator Price said Thorpe did not belong in Parliament.
“If any Liberal, National, One Nation, UAP or other senator to the Right of Albo (which is just about all of them) had a public list of downright disrespectful, unbecoming and unstatesmanlike transgressions as long as this, they’d be stripped of their position completely – and rightly so,” she said.
“And while Lidia keeps up the sideshow of useless distractions, it pulls time, attention and credibility from the real issues facing Indigenous Australians.
“The real issues that require real solutions from real leaders.” PC
Dutton is probably smart to leave the heavy lifting to shadow ministers. That’s what Albo has done very successfully. Doubly smart because he will come across as perennial whinger if he starts too early. However, he could sew some seeds now, for sure.
You can only develop the talent that you have – by giving them some rope to play with. So they really have to brush up their debating skills to take full advantage of the morning TV exposure.
Small Target
The other advantage is that the opinion-forming press don’t have a target to shoot down with leftist spin if he harnesses the team to do some of the heavy lifting. Trouble is – there’s not much team left.
The other advantage is that “you can’t win a premiership in the first few games” (Jack Gibson). Showing all his cards this early will win some congratulations now but the election will be in 2 years time. (Why not 2 1/2? Because Labor always cheats).
Press driving opinion.
Oh – and the Republican domination of the US Senate was met here by the press with – silence!
Compulsory Unionism
Julia Gillard tried this on and didn’t last long.
Now Albo is scandalously introducing legislation for unionism against small business – on 2 weeks notice – AND without ever mentioning it in his lead-up to the election OR giving any hint of it before now.
Another example of Albo’s flaunting of public interests who elected him on false promises.
Again – he is hoping that Dutton will take the bait and come out in support, then laugh in his face and go ahead anyway. And if Dutton wins the hour – so what? Everybody will have forgotten about it in 2 years.
Working behind the scenes with integrity with the Senate cross-bench has merit.
The only other remedy is for we poor strugglers to take to the streets. But then – sneakily introducing the “union” legislation at the start of the Xmas trading season doesn’t give small business the opportunity to get organised.
Unless… the Small Business Association embarass him with “sneaky ba…rd” TV ads over the next 2 weeks. That won’t hurt!
Short on numbers
When the team has been decimated it’s time for the supporter’s group to get behind it, help mend the wounds and let them see that we are there for them.
SCOTT MORRISON DIDNOT SIGN US UP TO THE PARIS AGREEMENT. It was Turnbull who had become PM in September 2015. The agreement was not signed till Dec 2015.
Apologies for the caps – Caps lock failure!
Dudley, Scott Morrison, you may recall attended COP26 in Glasgow – after saying he wouldn’t – to sign-up all Australians to a net-zero by 2050 pact. This was unnecessary and a betrayal. He gave more credence to Boris Johnson’s whacky young girlfriend and a mind-screwed Prince of Wales than to the people he expected to vote for him. This single act destroyed his prime ministership. His opinion polls never recovered.
Juris you are correct as is Sean however I cannot think how the Liberal Party followers (well there aren’t any leaders in the mob anymore) are every going to get away from the me too left, woke movement.
I believe that those who truly represent conservative values should get the heck out of the Liberal Party (let’s face it in the US the Liberals are so called progressives and are socialists) and start a new genuine conservative party. Let Birmingham, Sharma, Dutton etal (oh dont forget Kean & Turnbull) run the Libs as they are, into the ground, recreate the alliance with the Nats and bring about some common sense in Australian political landscape.
Not having the balls to stand up to the left (The New Bullies ) of freedom and being scared that you will lose or alienate voters actually shows you are a coward when you should stand by your nation, party and its people . Look at Trump ? He had the same views when he was 34 as he did when he became President and why was he elected ??? Because he told the people what they needed to hear not what they wanted to hear . Dutton Grow some balls or you will lose more than the nation .
The closest we have to Trump in this little backwater is Mark Latham. Latham is a fearless defender of Australian values, Western democracy and critic of leftism and woke madness. Noone else comes close. Latham doesn’t get the backlash from the MSM and other swamp creatures like Trump does simply because Latham is not as influential or as big a target as Trump.
Woke and cancel culture are as toxic as you can get for our society. They legitimise retrospective punishment, which is supposedly banned in the UDHR. As it is, between woke cancel culture and vaxx rollouts, there would be around 10 basic human rights violations. Once one basic human right is allowed to be confiscated, the rest will fall.
If Dutton won’t call out the BS that is going to create a monumental apocalyptic societal collapse , he must step down
Dismantling the evils of wokeness must start with a total review and correction of our education system – a process long overdue. Time for Lib MPs to mount a strong campaign.
Well said Sean. There are so many fronts for conservatives to fight on, from PC to sexual fluidity, victimhood, racism, erasure of history, trashing western tradition (particularly Christianity as the basis of tolerance and humanity in our institutions) etc etc the list goes on and on. Dwarfing all else, is the emotive wokeism that dominates policies around the globe and will eventually dismantle successful economies, the unempirical spectre, the biggest con the world has ever seen: climate change calamity.
We have been flooded with cries of desperation by climate alarmists, most of them regurgitation of unscientific falsehoods. These cries are so loud and pervasive they have overwhelmed us into submissive acceptance.
The beginning of the end of resistance to wokeism in Australia was when our PM Scott Morrison signed us up to the Paris Agreement. That was when we accepted the nonsense that Australia had a role to play in curbing the so- called deleterious effect of carbon emissions.
The current Labor government has gone one better; PM Albalese vying to host the next COP so that Australia can big-note as the leader of climate change alarmists. Albanese is no doubt keen to erase Kevin Rudd’s embarrassingly disastrous Copenhagen climate summit of 2009.
It cannot be denied that the capitulation by Morrison on climate change, was a contributor to his electoral defeat. Yet apart, the voice in the wilderness, of Nationals Senator Canavan, the importance of arguing for a pragmatic approach to climate change has eluded the coalition.
Climate calamity is driven by emotion, fear and copy- cat populism, much the same as Islamic extremism, where the most active agitators are those who join the chanting of the throng and repeat war cries mindlessly, never having read the Koran themselves.
Not so long ago, there was a list of something like 50,000 signatories, purporting to be scientists, attesting to the veracity of claims that the planet was doomed by emissions. A closer perusal of the list disclosed that there were very few climatologist signatories. A great many were scientists of various disparate branches of science, with no ties to climate studies. Our own lauded palaeontologist, Tim Flannery, who preached far and wide that there would be insufficient rainfall to fill our dams and was instrumental in desalination plants being built that now stand idle.
Conservatives need a cohesive plan to fight the climate alarmists. A difficult task as emotive passion cannot be turned around by reason. Try telling a committed climate warrior that the huge batteries for storing renewable energy in South Australia will only keep 30,000 homes in power for 1hr.
Nonetheless as conservatives, we must continue along the path of reason, relying on provable facts and an empirical approach.
The best way forward, is education, not argument with mind closed zealots. Every announcement on climate action, should be countered by asking the same questions over and over again: how much will it cost, what will it destroy in our economy and above all, what difference will it make on a global scale (at 1% hardly any at all). Climate warriors rely on repetition. How many of them have researched the science they are so fond of sprouting?
We as conservatives should employ the same tactics of repetition, but instead of mouthing mindless mantra, let’s keep hammering away at the undeniable facts that as far as Australia is concerned, climate action is harmful and no matter how badly we harm our economy, the effect of our sacrifices will have a negligible on whatever happens on a global scale.
Once reason dominates the discussion on climate, it will, little by little topple the woke incursions into our sanity.
How will we argue against all this left ideology when the left control the media, the schools, universities and the Government? We don’t even have a contender in the fight to start with. Dutton, Guy?
Three years before we can have a crack at Albanese, two for Palaszczuk, an eternity for W.A. and S.A. What damage will be done by then?