Dutton’s new pathway to the Lodge

by SEAN BURKE – LIBERAL Leader Peter Dutton will be Australia’s next prime minister if he continues to confront Labor’s unpopular culture wars. 

According to Spectator Australia editor Rowan Dean, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has become an albatross around Labor’s neck and is incapable of winning a second term. 

If we had a referendum on every one of Albanese’s major culture war issues – global warming, net-zero, transgenderism in schools – we’d get the same result, 62 to 32 each time.
Rowan Dean
Editor, The Spectator Australia

“If we had a referendum on every one of Anthony Albanese’s major culture wars – global warming, net-zero, transgenderism in schools, we’ve had the race one – we would get the same result,” Mr Dean told Sky News today

“We would get 62 to 32 each time.


“The simple fact is that all the Coalition has to do now is stick to their guns and fight the culture wars electorate by electorate.

“It’s really sensible for Mr Dutton to go to Labor seats where culture wars are at play.”

Mr Dean said the Liberals had, until now, been too scared to engage with Labor over its destructive agenda.

“You win the culture wars by fighting them and the Liberals certainly can,” he said.

“Peter Dutton must follow the template of the No campaign on the Voice.

“This is the first time in a long time that the Liberals have fought in the culture wars.

“Scott Morrison used to say ‘I don’t care about that, there are no jobs in the culture wars’.

“It was all rubbish at the time,” Mr Dean said, “and Morrison deservedly got punted because he refused to engage.

“I’ve been saying for several months that the Liberals will win the next election, we will have a Dutton Government and I personally can’t wait for it to arrive.”

Mr Dean described Mr Albanese as an omen of bad luck and ill fortune.

“The Labor ship is heading towards the rocks and, at the next election, that motley crew of ministers will be floating on rafts out to sea, metaphorically speaking,” he said.

The latest post-referendum Roy Morgan opinion poll shows Labor’s support has tanked, down 4.5 per cent to 49.5 points two Party preferred.

Meanwhile, the Coalition primary has gained 4.5 per cent and and leads Labor with 51.5 per cent of the two Party preferred vote.PC

Dutton will be next PM…

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Peter Dutton. (courtesy The West Australian)

12 thoughts on “Dutton’s new pathway to the Lodge

  1. Kevin Rudd left Labor with a poison pill that makes it very hard for them to punt Albo in mid term, and he’s currently affording Dutton his best chance to landslide back in next time, so anyone asking for Albo’s resignation really needs to re-think their position. His character may be better than that of former PM’s Rudd and Turnbull, but they’re both perceived as ridiculous, being a status to where he’s also headed, so give him time to work his renewables and nonsensical magic.

    All that said there’s little point in the libs returning to power if the NSW left libs castrate conservative efforts made to provide good government, so Australia has much to gain from the latter’s demise.

  2. I’m just afraid that the LNP are no better than Labor. Both major parties seem more interested in formulating strategies to stay in power than run the country in a productive way. Dutton has been very backward about pushing conservative agenda – I wouldn’t be too hopeful about him being the solution to anything. I think we need to get out of UN and WEF and look at maintaining our own sovereignty rather than following the undue influence of these un-elected bureaucracies.

    1. Mainly agreed, except Dutton has started to show more form recently, as after being buoyed by the referendum result he then trounced the government on their lack of action in legislating to stop the release of dangerous illegals into the community apropos the recent High Court decision. The likes of Jacinta Price also seem to be steering him in the right direction.

  3. No way can Dutton get back the genuine conservative voters & win the next election while the labour/lite lefties who have infiltrated since Turnball fiasco remain.

    1. I agree the lefties need to lose their pre-selections – Bridget Archer, Birmingham, Bragg for a start and the Liberal Party needs to seek out committed conservatives and stop the practice of appointing staffers and wishy-washy characters.
      I think Labor will probably win the next election BUT their numbers will be reduced and they will be forced to enter into a coalition with the Greens and/or the Teals. This will end in tears and the government will become extremely unstable, scandals and bad decisions will start to come back to bite them. The electorate will be more than ready for a change of government by then. Let’s hope voters give the Coalition a good win so that they have the numbers in both houses to change things. A good place to start would be to privitise the ABC – the deadly enemy of the Coalition.

      1. ‘…the government will become extremely unstable, scandals and bad decisions will start to come back to bite them.’
        Voice referendum down the S-bend like a Mexican take away.
        STFU Bill deferred (after just 23,000 public submissions!!!) until the middle of next year.
        I think we’re there already.

    2. That is a huge problem, the solution to which is for decent folk to join in droves and take over the party, so that we can get our country back.

  4. A comment, if I may, regarding the most uneducated idiot on Politicom. Noel, listen, listen, listen. You talk like a fool. Please, now, listen.

  5. I want Dutton as PM after the next election, but I want him and the closet lefties in his party kept in line by a Senate chock full of the small freedom parties. Is that too much to ask?

    1. We also need to support the Lib Dems. If they held the balance of power then that would keep the libs honest.

  6. Australia has never needed Menzies style Liberal Party governments as much as we do now, in Coalition with the National Party.

    Unfortunately they are both infiltrated by woke fools on the wrong side of the middle ground leaning left.

    The march of the Marxists has us surrounded and they are white anting our way of life and nation.


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