by PAUL COLLITS – THE 2022 federal election turned out to be a real Seinfeld election, a show about nothing.
The biggest policy-making issues facing Australia were simply parked to one side. Like the great COVID bungle (or crime, depending on where you stand) along with lost rights and freedoms, executive overreach and police brutality.
- Using the terms “Liberal” and “Right” in the one sentence suggests that this journalist’s head isn’t quite right.
- Liberal Party seeks to gurney conservatives out of the building and to replace them with Leftist robots.
- It’s almost beyond comprehension the Gladys-for-Canberra jig is getting yet another run.
The outcome was tedious. Largely disengaged political Parties having a wag-the-dog election campaign squabbling over policy tidbits and woke ephemera.
The punditocracy has been busy, of course, trying to draw conclusions and extract meaning.
Much of this is self-serving, needless to say. Some of its musings are decidedly odd, and others utterly misplaced.
One ABC journalist thought that the Liberals’ “move to the Right” over recent decades required explanation.
Using the terms “Liberal” and “Right” in the one sentence suggests that something in this journalist’s head isn’t quite right. Whatever planet she is on, it isn’t the one that I inhabit.
Then there are the well-meaning senior Liberals who want to solve the “NSW” problem.
I agree, there is much to fix. But eliminating the undemocratic, top-down imposition of “captain’s pick” candidates isn’t the main worry.
Fix it, by all means, as Senator Andrew Bragg suggests. But really, it is Senator Bragg’s own version of liberalism, and its ascendancy in NSW, that is the actual problem.
Non-ideological players who employ tactics of which the Teamsters Union would be proud, like ScoMo and Alex Hawke will come and go.
Alas, with a Liberal Party that seeks to gurney conservatives out of the building and to replace them with Leftist robots, and which rolls out one progressive policy after another, while having the odd, would-be conservative as the front-man, the problems go far deeper than captain’s picks.
Next, we have the Albo-worriers, who fear a Labor Armageddon and who will, reflexively, find fault with everything the freshman Prime Minister and his cabinet say and do.
The sudden reversion on the Right to worrying about fiscal incontinence is barely believable, for example.
Then there is (justified) lamentation over opportunities now gone with a change of government. Think religious freedom. But it was the “Liberal teals” who blew that one.
Finally, we have had hand wringing over issues likely to be prioritised by Labor where, alas, the door was well and truly opened by the Coalition in government.
Think of the indigenous voice, for example, or net-zero. As for the anti-corruption commission, well, we wouldn’t need one if the politicians weren’t you know, corrupt.
Just ask the Nationals’ leader in the Senate about gun club grants in favoured electorates. The pork barrelling system itself is corrupt and out of control, as ICAC in Sydney knows only too well.
The legal academic, AJ Brown, says it is at “industrial scale”. Anne Twomey describes it as “normalised”.
It is almost beyond comprehension that the Gladys-for-Canberra jig is getting yet another run, post-election.
There were certainly interesting bits to this election, despite the sheer boredom of the campaign.
The massive dumping of the Libs in the West, the replacement of Liberal teals with real ones, the strange persistence of the Greens as a political force when there are so many real problems to which governments should be attending, the West of Sydney’s endearing objection to uninspiring, blow-in retreads from the Northern Beaches, and the astonishingly low levels of primary vote support for both the outgoing and the incoming governments.
When is the last time a government secured an outright majority with just about 70 per cent of the electorate wishing they hadn’t?
Then there was the great COVID silence, the COVID non-issue. Or was there?
Just because the corporate and ABC media don’t report things, doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.
While the Lib-Lab duopoly might have successfully parked the pesky matter of Australia literally falling apart over the past two years on their watch, and with their connivance, there emerged a new kind of Aussie voter.
The support for the FFMPs (freedom friendly minor parties) increased substantially to over a million voters, around a quarter of the new Government’s.
No, they didn’t win seats, for that is how the system works. But they lit some fires, fires that, with careful stoking, won’t easily go out.
Add to these the usual solid number of informal voters, expressing their quite reasonable disdain for those seeking their support.
Then, of course, there were the major Party deserters of all hues, both on the Right and the Left. There was, indeed, a pox on both their houses.
The biggie in 2022, however, was the emergence of an out-sized non-voting class, that also made its feelings about the electoral offerings, and perhaps the system itself, pretty clear.
In some seats and regions, the non-voting class amounted to over a quarter of the vote. The former magic of election day, already decimated by the recent lurch to large-scale pre-poll voting, is now all but gone.
Yes, it has been said that the world is run by those who turn up. But once you strip out people’s rights and freedoms, break promises at will, routinely do things in government that no one ever voted on, cede power to unelected bureaucrats at home and power-hungry oligarchs overseas, expect either anger or indifference, or perhaps, in time, worse.
We seem to be slouching towards both first-past-the-post and voluntary voting, without anyone seeming to have noticed.
All in all, the disengagement of voters at the 2022 election has been immense, and for believers in liberal democracy, pretty confronting.
Suppose they gave a Party and no one came? Perhaps this bespeaks a broader, more fundamental and COVID-related change. Let us call it “ennui”, a sense of societal listlessness, of disengagement from institutions.
Not merely indifference, but a total lack of democratic energy, maybe even depression, and self-regarding focus that doesn’t give a damn about anyone else, including those whose lives have been decimated by COVID totalitarianism, and who cannot simply forgive and forget.
The political Parties might have escaped their post-lockdown Nuremberg payback for the incalculable damage they have wrought, and they may actually believe that the world hasn’t changed, that we can all just “move on” from the virus and from the destruction of society that they themselves engineered.
But it behooves the political class, the laptop boys and girls who had a pretty damned fine COVID, and the chillingly large number of punters who seemingly – if you accept the findings of all those COVID management polls – approve thoroughly of the way Australian governments responded COVID, to reflect upon what they have wrought.
The words of the retired Judge Stuart Lindsay are relevant here, and their significance should be pondered.
“Netflix, full bellies and a warm place to defecate. That is all most want these days, is it not?”
Certainly, one feels that, with the punters content with job-keeper bribes, commute-free days, the joys of Deliveroo and the like, the elites, whether they be in Canberra or Davos, are content to deliver bread and circuses while they get on with running the world, a world now of pandemia, lockdowns-on-demand, masks at the drop of a monkeypox scare and, it seems, totalitarianism without electoral consequence.
During COVID, we were supine. Afterwards, seemingly most shake their heads and say “whatever”.
Some, mercifully, will scratch their heads and think, “what on earth was that about?” And, perhaps, next time, turn up to vote, and next time vote for freedom.
Paul Keating said that when you change the government, you change the country. I don’t think so. Not now.
COVID has changed the country. Or perhaps it has simply revealed things about us we just didn’t know.PC
When was the last landslide victory for the Coalition?
Was that victory fought on satiating a climate, race or gender agenda?
When was the last time the coalition gained votes by pursuing a climate, race or gender agenda?
The Liberal Party brains trust who’ve driven out conservatives and conservative value at every level are still scratching their heads to why the conservative votes have been driven out too. Looks like “stuff them, they’ll still vote for us” isn’t holding as true as the Bragg’s of the party might have hoped. Equally the dubiously promoted Leftist robots aren’t living up to their promise of appealing to the whims of the electorate.
The cancer is terminal, anyone who still has the stomach to listen to the liberal media apologists will need barely a milli-second to realise these clowns haven’t learnt a damn thing from the recent towelling at the ballot box or from any of the savage state or federal voter rebukes they’ve suffered since september 2013.
I’m sure the folks with the better suits and the barely sincere smiles will scoff outright at my suggestions but history certainly agrees with all I’ve stated. Not to worry the ABC can have that re-written at their earliest convenience and all will be grand. Good luck Australia.
“Election fizzer further divides nation”
The 30% who either voted informally or didn’t vote at all seem to be pretty well united in their collective disdain for the affectedly ignorant blowhards who attempted to pass themselves off as being prospective politicians – maybe someone should start a political party called “None of the Above”.
The Australian Political Sewer Pit will never be sanitised until the Australian Arm of the monstrous World Economic Forum is totally destroyed.
Everything > Corrupt to the stinking rotten core.
Widespread censorship and banning of the truth by Tyrant Politicians and their globalist accomplices et al should be a criminal offence, absolutely terrifying to know that this is what our corrupted polluted world has become.
I posted this article “How the Covid Vaccines damage the body” on Farcebook and promptly got banned for yet another month. I have been on severe restricted postings since November 2021.
Mr Farcebook is also a member of the notorious Democracy Destroying World Economic Forum who insanely are lusting for total global control working with Tyrannical and Treasonous Politicians and the World Health Organisation, UN and other Globalists who are in ecstasy with their unbridled power, money and control and taking control over global populations.
How The Covid Vaccines damage the body
3 December 2019 – Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has defended the company’s decision to not take down political advertising that contains false information – and compared the alternative to censorship.
Challenged on CBS over the policy, which has raised concerns over misinformation campaigns that could distort elections, Zuckerberg refused to commit to any changes.
###########!!!!!! “What I believe is that in a democracy, it’s really important that people can see for themselves what politicians are saying, so they can make their own judgments,” he said.
“And, you know, I don’t think that a private company should be censoring politicians or news.” ##########!!!!!!
From October 18, 2019 – Mark Zuckerberg just slammed China for allegedly censoring Hong Kong protest videos on TikTok: ‘Is that the internet we want?’
ADC The Australian Arm of the World Economic Forum – How to murder Democracy should be the Mantra of these Mobsters.
NB CORRUPTION/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST – More stench than a Parliamentary Sewer Pit
Information Paper – link hereunder > see Corruption/Conflicts of Interest items all through this Information Paper.
Note >> From Page 40 Why You are not getting truth from Mainstream Media Empires
Page 51 Censorship of Academic Research – A Critical Analysis of Australian Government’s rationale for its
Vaccination Policy – Dr. Judy Wilyman – University of Wollongong – A Disgusting, Relentless and Abusive
Campaign against Dr. Judy Wilyman to stop her.
Page 52 International Medical Council on Vaccination
Page 29 Information – The Truth on the Flu Vaccines/vaccinations – Absolutely ATROCIOUS DAMAGE/SIDE EFFECTS
Also, please in particular, see the information on Victorian Government > Revolving Doors > Big Ties >Big Pharma > Big Medicine et al but as stated, the entire system is corrupted with systemic and extensive conflicts of interest – please look all through this Information Paper for Corruption/Conflicts and I have only scratched the surface herein !
More on corruption here >
Aussie Black Hats exposed being tied up with Big Pharma and just about every corrupt done deal