If a piece of Indigenous artwork or a sacred place is vandalised by an individual motivated by race, no one would hesitate to call it a hate crime.

There would be outrage from politicians, a media frenzy, and half a dozen human rights bodies demanding justice.

Which leaves Australians very confused about why these same officials and bodies do nothing when activists carry signs at anti-Australian Day rallies that appear to incite racial violence and/or hatred.

There are slogans that demand race taxes (?!), the destruction of the nation, and generally rally support for a political movement that has, at its soul, black supremacy.

Most of this messaging is accompanied by the raised fist of socialism – a movement that has murdered over a hundred million people in history.

Yes, Australians should be very concerned about what they are seeing amass on their streets.

This kind of behaviour is as vile and dangerous as white supremacy.

And yet is is not called out by those charged with our protection. This is a betrayal of trust that needs to be addressed.

More to the point, these activist messages are not baseless threats waved around on bits of cardboard.

For many years, individuals have ventured out under the cover of darkness to destroy historical monuments that hold immense cultural significance and deface war memorials. It is intellectual depravity designed to spread fear.

These crimes must be recognised as acts of hatred, not petty vandalism, and the public deserve answers. Why have so many of these instances gone unpunished? Why aren’t we seeing the names and faces of the perpetrators published? Who are the people responsible for terrorising Australia? Why do these stories get buried so fast…

This failure of social cohesion is particularly true in Victoria where the Labor Party has had more than a passing hand in cultivating unrest by cancelling Australia Day and paying lip service to Invasion Day rhetoric.

There is not a single Australian alive today that has anything to apologise for, and attempts to assign guilt based upon race is the most debased form of political ideology in history. It has to stop.

Where are Victoria Police and why didn’t they arrest activists carrying hateful messages? We know there are plenty of police in Victoria who are not shy about using force when it comes to protests.

Last week, over $140,000 worth of damage was done in Ballarat Botanical Gardens where the statues of former prime ministers were desecrated. Over 20 statues were targeted with 9 News reporting that the statues of Paul Keating and Kevin Rudd were decapitated with an angle grinder and stolen.

The left always eats itself…

The vandals made their motivation clear by the graffiti which read, The Commonwealth will fall.

Police have said that the charges of theft and criminal damage would be considered. Many believe their actions are more serious.

We should also call out publications, commentators, and activists who spread lies about historical figures such as Captain Cook and fabricate Australian history in order to perpetuate social unrest for the purpose of modern-day moneymaking.

It is their poison that manifests in these acts.

The only way this ends is with extreme mandatory sentencing that side-steps activist judges.

Ten years for defacing a statue, twenty if you damage it permanently.

Enough is enough.

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