VICTORIAN Premier Daniel Andrews has been accused of declaring war against God – having implemented the most immoral social policies in Australian history.
Andrews, who’s State Labor government is seeking a third term on November 26, has been berated by Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Martyn Iles.

- His government banned Christmas carols in schools.
- He passed a law that criminalises prayer for LGBT people who want it, who ask for it!
- He has put the spectre of domestic abuse over parents who simply don’t affirm the gender confusion of their children.
“The Premier continually declares his Catholic credentials … he’s a man who knows better,” Mr Iles said yesterday.
“He’s a man who knows the truth – and yet he’s in a war against God. Dealing proudly, despite what he knows.
“He was the man who brought abortion to birth for any reason into Australia when he was [Victorian] health minister in 2008.
“He voted against an amendment to save [aborted] babies who were born alive – rather, leaving them to die in Victorian hospitals.
“He voted against an amendment to offer pain relief to children, unborn babies, who can feel pain.
“He voted against an amendment to ban partial birth abortion, which is the practice of partially birthing the baby and sticking a knife in its neck, killing it.
“He voted against reporting on those who come into a clinic that might be child abuse victims.”
Mr Iles said Mr Andrews appeared to despise his own proclaimed faith.
“His government banned Christmas carols in schools or – more accurately – hymns that glorify God,” he continued.
“His government banned religious instructions in school hours – tens of thousands of Victorian students no longer receiving that instruction.
“And, instead, he made Safe Schools and Respectful Relationships (programs) compulsory and he funded them.
“He decriminalised and substantially deregulated prostitution.”
Mr Andrews, a member of Victorian Labor’s socialist Left wing, openly proclaims his government as the nation’s most “progressive”.
“He has passed a law,” Mr Iles said, “that criminalises prayer for LGBT people who want it, who ask for it, in relation to their sexual orientation.
“He has substantially removed the ability of Christian schools to retain their Christian ethos in their hiring practices.
“And he has put the spectre of domestic abuse over parents who simply don’t affirm the gender choices of their children.
“And he legalised same-sex adoption, creating motherless and fatherless children by design – not by accident, but by design.
“He knows better. That man’s soul is in grave peril.
“Pray for this man!” PC
That tyrants arise is not surprising but, the real concern is why the majority of Victorians actually approved of him enough to vote him in again and again.
I don’t know how any Human Being would not be repulsed and in absolute despair with the actions of this cruel inhuman and unhinged Tyrant who has Destroyed everything decent including All our Democratic Freedoms Rights and Choices.
This Monstrous Tyrant must be stopped and brought down and hopefully be jailed.
Andrews, Biden and Pelosi are aggressively opposed to the very essence of the Christian Gospel. That the Catholic Church continues to provide cover for them is abhorrent. The Bishops of Melbourne, Los Angeles and Delaware have much to answer for – before God!