FORMER deputy Liberal leader Neil Brown has walked away from the Party, saying the government and its cheer squad “stand for nothing”.
Mr Brown, who was elected deputy federal leader under John Howard in the 1980s, has cited last month’s “socialist” budget along with reverse racism as his tipping point.

- Former deputy leader claims Liberals 'appear to have embraced socialism'.
- Says Aboriginal Voice is all about race politics and access to money.
- Publicly declares he has walked away from Party he joined at age 15.
Current federal treasurer Josh Frydenburg’s May budget has, controversially, positioned Australia on a trillion dollar debt trajectory with a cash splash the size never before seen.
“How can a political Party that claims to have traditions and values throw them all away in this cavalier fashion,” Mr Brown wrote in The Spectator Australia magazine this week.
“How can it pretend that it still stands for something when it stands for nothing and then have the effrontery to pretend it is a reliable and responsible manager of the economy.
“Equally intriguing is how those who should be the true custodians of that tradition can remain silent.”
Mr Brown said the Liberal Party had appeared to have embraced socialism.
“There must be some explanation for how a Party that built its traditions and success on free enterprise, small government, self-help and the responsibilities of the individual can just walk away from all of that and embrace what, to all intents and purposes, is a socialist regime.
“They have the impertinence to justify the budget on the ground that it is ‘Menzian’ as if only they know what this means.
“Even the Menzies Research Centre now falsely claims, like the treasurer, that the budget is ‘in the Menzian tradition’.
“To be Menzian used to mean there was an obligation on citizens to look after themselves, not turn to the government to solve every issue that life throws up.
“Is it Menzian to encourage parents to dump their kids in a child-minding centre where the government will pay 95 per cent of the cost?
“Is it Menzian to say that the population is so woebegone and hopeless at solving its own problems that we need 24 government ‘satellite centres’ for mental health and a network of counsellors and social workers to solve every imaginary stress and strain?
“Mental health is the new fashion and the first bill for it is $2.3b!
“What happened to the Menzian notion of striving for success when billions in government money will now be doled out for attempting suicide – but only for those who fail?”
Mr Brown also cited reverse racism as a concern.
“How can we be proud of the country of Menzies when its government is doling out for an Aboriginal electoral system where only race will get you on the roll, only race will get you elected and only race will give you permanent access to government coffers?
“Where is the public interest in destroying self-help, free enterprise, thrift and small government?
“That’s it for me and the Liberal Party that I joined when I was 15. It has abandoned all it stood for and I have abandoned it.”PC
It is difficult to continue to support and believe in the Liberal Party, and to a lesser extent the National Party and the Coalition, with left leaning woke fools dragging the party away from the centre and sounding like far-left Labor and the Greens.
And who embrace globalism before sovereignty of our nation.
This breed of thoroughly interventionist Liberals keep walking the path of Cairns and Whitlam with less fiscal credibility.
Feel free to check the record, here – https://www.aph.gov.au/binaries/library/pubs/bp/1992/92bp26.pdf
It’s a funny old Party when Malcolm Turnbull is still a member but Neil Brown is not. Full marks for Mr Brown for making a stand.
No wonder our futures are so bleak when a once great stalwart of the Liberal Party leaves them for the very strong reasons he detailed and with which I agree.
When so many unacceptable LINOS sneakily back stabbed outstanding Tony Abbott for dud Labor/Green Turnbull I said that I could not see the once very great Liberal Party recovering, and so it has come to pass.
I have voted Liberal Party all my. Long life except when Turnbull was PM. I will not vote for the Liberals, Labor or Greens at the next election unless outstanding Peter Dutton is PM
“No wonder our futures are so bleak when a once great stalwart of the Liberal Party leaves them […]”
The surprising thing is that it took Neil so long to see the light; after all, it’s not like these have been recent developments.
I’d be interested to know for whom he will vote at the next election.
The Timeline of History, many very interesting items worth reading, and including an ambition to wreck the Liberal Party of Australia;
It’s unrealistic to expect the long march of marxism through our institutions to miss the Liberal Party. The only way this rotten ideology can be stopped is action at grass roots level but that is a real challenge as only about 20% of Australians don’t support the governments covid policies and spending spree
It’s a really sad and worrying situation when the NSW Minister for Education is in denial about the socialism being taught in NSW Public Schools exposed by One Nation’s Mark Latham who is of course a former Labor Opposition Leader in Federal Parliament.
And from reports the same Marxism being taught in other States pushed by the Teachers Union leftists.
And on top of this the G7 Meeting expressing “Build Back Better” and “New Green Deal” economy wrecking agenda.
Many of us realise the Liberal Party does not have thew same views on self-reliance and personal responsibility that it used to promote. The party continues to drift to there left, aiming for more government intervention and control, rather than less.
The aim for “zero emissions” is surely the last straw. This country, with its abundance of resources, should be booming. We only need to import a few Israeli water engineers to show us how water could be pumped from the north to irrigate the dry centre. We could be the food-bowl to the world, reducing famine and poverty. Why do we not have nuclear power providing reliable cheap electricity for our industries?
With all our assets and intelligent people, how do we continue to elect such incompetent politicians to run our country?
What alternative to the Liberal Party do those opposed to Socialism really have?
I doubt that most people understand what net zero emissions would look like, if it was possible to achieve, and if there was a very good reason to attempt to achieve the economic vandalism and loss of national and international prosperity it would result in.
They need to research the World Economic Forum propaganda nonsense: “Build Back Better” goals like stripping people of their assets and treating us like the peasants of way back in time. They wealthy globalists claim we would be better off without money, without debt and them providing us with basic living but restricted from travelling while they continue to live the high life.
Research the U.S.S.R. period, the ordinary people denied access to the department stores reserved for elite comrades and forced to line up at shops hoping to buy something their family can eat, and often being turned away with nothing. A friend worked in the British Embassy in Moscow during the 1960s and witnessed authoritarian rule and people being managed and controlled, she said it was a shock for foreigners used to our way of democratic government and freedoms.
Consider the ordinary people majority in China, they live much the same life of restrictions and control.
And now the globalist plot to control us.