ONE of the enduring qualities of centre-right conservatism is that its values don’t change on a whim – and you’re not required to tie yourself in knots to explain them.
A combination of common decency and common sense is pretty much all it takes to: 1. be a conservative, and 2. explain it.
This is a far cry from the mental gymnastics required to explain the Left’s view on pretty much everything. In fact, they’ve so utterly up-ended themselves with their virtuous, do-gooder correctness that most Leftists have simply given up trying to explain themselves.
It’s so much simpler to label everyone who questions them as a “sexist/racist/homophobic bigot”.
Conservative ideals are foundational and tend to remain unchanged regardless of gender, religion or race. Whereas Leftist ideals change, sometimes radically, depending if they are being applied to an old white male, a brown muslim woman or a non-binary cross-dresser.
Conservatives generally believe people of all persuasions should be free to live unhindered and as they choose.
So long as their choices don’t do harm to others, the State has no business to interfere.
The Left adds to this: So long as their choices don’t do harm “nor offend”… And that’s where mental gymnastics start.
I’ve spoken to many considered people who believe, for example, that homosexuals should be free to live full and safe lives. Neither favoured nor discriminated against. I believe this is a shared view for most conservatives and Leftists.
But, in the next breath, they proclaim that, because Muslims live in Australia, it’s only fair Sharia law should be introduced. And they appear genuine.
How on earth do they they reconcile this? They must lie awake trying to align highly nuanced theoretical arguments. Or smoke pot.
The list of these contradictions is almost endless.
The rights of women are being trashed at an alarming rate purely to accommodate the feelings of men who think they’re women.
Women (and young girls) must share their toilets and jail cells with men and without complaint.
Women are being forced to compete (and lose) to ladymen at the highest levels of sport. Their record books are a sham and their prizes are being looted in the name of social justice.
But that’s typical third-wave feminism. Feelings trump reality every time.
How insane must you be to believe soft sentencing can co-exist with safe spaces? It seems every brutal rape and murder these days is committed by a man on bail for brutal rape and murder.
But Leftist judges find ways to self-justify the death and destruction they’ve helped wreak – and their cruel leniency continues unchecked.
Being a conservative keeps life simple. Your personal values are rarely in conflict, you can be honest with yourself and you don’t need a doctorate in spin to explain the unexplainable.PC
All great reading! When do we start en masse gluing ourselves to main intersections to get attention??? If we’re silent much longer we’ll be pummelled and we’ll deserve it!