Factions deal ‘boy’ Kean into deputy role

NEW Liberal Deputy Matt Kean has been described as a “boy doing a man’s job” as voters remain confounded by a cross-factional deal supporting his promotion. 

In a three-minute Party room decision last week, the self-described climate warrior was elected unopposed in a factional stitch-up. 

Mr Elliott, who has long been critical of Mr Kean’s job performance and extreme Left ideological positions, this week blamed Mr Kean for NSW long-running transport union unrest.

Mr Kean, who remains NSW Treasurer & Energy Minister, was initially opposed by centre-Right candidate David Elliott, however, the NSW Transport Minister withdrew after his Right factional colleagues instead went to bat for Mr Kean.

Mr Elliott, who has long been critical of Mr Kean’s job performance and extreme Left ideological positions, this week blamed Mr Kean for NSW long-running transport union unrest.


As NSW commuters face continued disruption across the train network, Mr Elliott accused Mr Kean of seriously damaging his negotiations with unions.

“It’s very hard for me to look the unions in the eye and expect them to believe me after I had the rug pulled out from under my feet,” Mr Elliott said. “But that’s what you get when you send a boy in to do a man’s job.”

Mr Kean and Employee Relations Minister Damien Tudehope announced in May the government would not bow to union demands over rail safety concerns.

Despite the government since caving to these demands, Mr Elliott said the damage had been done.

Mr Elliott’s concern over Mr Kean has been echoed on social media after news of his promotion was announced by NSW Liberal Party Whip Nathaniel Smith.

“Can you guys just merge with The Greens already? Sold-out LNP is officially deceased. RIP,” wrote Dean McRae in response.

Ray Law wrote: “A sad commentary on the state of the NSW Liberals.


“There is now no choice for the conservative voter. Green Labor or green Liberal,” he continued.

“It also says a lot about our Premier who ‘encouraged’ David Elliot not to stand.

“While I’m not an Elliot fan, where is the democracy if even members of the Party weren’t given a choice? Sorry, but not for me.”

Mark Hodges, meanwhile, took a direct swipe at the Party Whip, who us a member of the NSW Liberal Right faction.

“Good luck in your new job when the NSW Liberals get tossed out at the next election,” he wrote.


“You guys voted for these chumps – Dom Perrottet and Kean. They will cost you government.

“You lost my support as of this morning – the Nationals (which I urge to demerger from the Liberals) and One Nation look a far better proposition.

“You and your current Party have killed the once relevant NSW Liberal Party.” PC

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Matt Kean. (courtesy The Guardian)

7 thoughts on “Factions deal ‘boy’ Kean into deputy role

  1. “Good luck in your new job when the NSW Liberals get tossed out at the next election,” he wrote.

    I second that.

    1. Tell me JW, how are you handling these shocking revelations of the Crowns despicable collusion with Morrison?
      I’d imagine you folks must be gutted, yes?
      All your bogus lines – politicians republic, not broken, etc – look pretty dam stupid now, yes?

  2. What should one call a corrupt weasel that sets about destroying our energy security, supply chain, and cost of living to virtue signal for renewables kickbacks pretending that Australia can influence the climate…the word TRAITOR comes to mind!
    What should be done with such an evil mongrel? The mind boggles reflecting on that but at least get the weasel out of office!

    1. And there is more than one Weasel too, there is one M Turnbull who should have been expelled from the party years ago.

  3. For a move away from the WOKE politicians I wish people would be awake enough to support One Nation and United Australia Party’s as being the best two party preferred for NSW and Australia and cancel preferences and go with first past the post values 🙂 Same for Victoria and later Queensland as well 🙂

  4. Given the Crown’s despicable collusion with Morrison, will you colonials still squeal about a ‘Politicians Monarchy’? Will you still claim is it ‘Not Broken’?
    Sadly for you folks, you worn out old lines have been exposed as a hypocritical farce., just like your precious foreign monarchy.

  5. I think the biggest shame in the “election” (that never really was) for Deputy Leader, is that Perrottet indicated in an interview on Radio 2GB, that “he did not want the position contested”.
    And sadly Mr Elliott bowed out for reasons best known to himself and Perrottet.

    And to cap it all, One Nation makes much more sense to support than Kean’s Liberals.


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