by SEAN BURKE – MINOR conservative Parties are set to capitalise on wide-spread voter anger at the Liberal Party’s continued slide to the Left.
The NSW Liberal Government, under the influence of Leftist factional boss Matt Kean, is bleeding support as it continues to embrace the lunatic policies of the Greens.

- We should not copy the mistakes of other governments who have self-harmed by going too hard with unreliable energy.
- Governments should be race blind. Welcome to Country should cease on all NSW government property.
- We reject big business teaming up with government to distort the free market.
With Liberal membership reportedly in decline and, given the recent rise of significant conservative alternatives, its voter base is now being cannibalised.
Parties like the Liberal Democrats and One Nation have made it clear they not interested in courting far Left support – a practice the Liberal Party has engaged in (and failed at) since 2015 under Malcolm Turnbull.
Instead, they are unashamedly focussing on centre-Right voters who feel abandoned by the one-time Party of Menzies.
The NSW Liberal Democrat Party this week released its 2023 NSW election manifesto – and they’re not pulling any punches.
It stands in stark contrast to the “timid” position of a confused Liberal Party.
Pro-capitalism, pro-coal, pro-COVID justice, pro-spending cuts and a rejection of race-based laws are at the heart of its policy statement.
“If you are a traditional Liberal or National Party voter but disappointed in their timidity in championing their own values … then you are a Liberal Democrat,” the manifesto states.
“British PM Margaret Thatcher was correct when she said ‘capitalism is a system that brings wealth to the many, not just the few’,” it continued.
“We reject big business teaming up with government to distort the free market as a form of cronyism rather than capitalism.”
In regards to climate emergency politics, the Liberal Democrats leave no room for confusion.
“We’re sceptical of the global warming orthodoxy,” its manifesto said.
“We should not copy the mistakes of other governments who have self-harmed by going too hard, too fast with unreliable energy.
“We can drive energy prices down and recharge the private sector if we flick the switch back to ‘on’.”
The minor Party has also backed a Royal Commission into the political over-reach of COVID policies.
“We do not want the most bizarre, inhumane and pointless example of government over-reach in NSW history to be swept under the carpet.
“Once the COVID fog has lifted, we support a Royal Commission chaired by a commissioner who, early on, called out the hysteria.”
It has also pointed out the financial delinquency of the major Parties.
“In 2011 this Liberal-National government inherited $7.9b in debt,” a Liberal Democrats spokesman said.
“After 12 years, NSW debt is up 10-fold to $78b. What’s worse, it’s set to balloon to $114b by 2026.
“No non-Labor government in history has had a cabinet with less private sector experience – and it shows.”
Perhaps the Liberal Democrat’s strongest criticism of Dominic Perrottet is his all-in support for race-based policies.
The Premier has publicly backed Anthony Albanese’s Indigenous Voice proposal.
“Governments should be race blind,” the Lib Dem spokesman said.
“Martin Luther King settled this when he taught us to judge people by their character – and not their skin colour.
“The proponents of ‘positive racism’ may have good intentions, but encouraging people to believe their destiny is determined by their ancestry is a curse.
“Welcome to Country should cease on all NSW government property and we do not support race-based flags on State property.”PC
Well done, someone with the courage to speak out.
the emperor has no clothes and we cant run a country on woke-ism
Vote One Nation as whomever wins we need to be held to account . Ensure that One Nation can control the house and thus control the megalomaniacs . Be wary of the Teals ( Climate, Economy , Integrity ) slogans that are nothing more than ALP candidates in Teal Clothes .
It wories me with the Liberal Party when you hear and see:
1. Kean spruiking the Climate Emergency narrative, killing off coal power energy almost as quick as the support for the NSW Liberal government
2. Perrotett being a good puppy Premier with Kean’s hands firmly on the other end of the dog leash
3. Dutton saying he wants a female as preselected for the electorate of Ashton, not the best candidate, which may indeed be a woman.
Liberals have been deserved of the members moving away (hopefully in droves) to support other truly conservative political partys.
The Libs lack leaders and leadership (Federal, State and Local) with the interstinal fortitude to bring some of the “controversial” topics to the fore and actually debate the issues. e.g. Climate Change – anthropogenic or not being the most costly and controversial, asking of the business case for spending untold billions on Climate Change initiatives wihout any guarantee in how to measure the result and what the result is going to be so that tax payers can bear witrness to the success of their hard earned tax money, or not!
It seems obvious to me that from the fall out of the last Federal Election, that nothing has been learnt, nothing has changed, and the bunch of mostly self serving liberal members just cannot hack it and are not accountable to the voters.
By Jove I wish I could vote in the upcoming NSW election. The policies sound spot on. What about Queensland? We have the continuing nothingness of the LNP as the only alternative to the ALP.
What on earth has happened to the centre-right party I have supported forever. They have fallen for every green trick without even realising they have done so. They must be punished for their betrayal.