RINO treachery only ensures a Trump victory. Not only does Donald Trump again have an agenda vastly superior to his opponent, his supporters continue to demonstrate something almost totally absent from the Biden camp – enthusiasm.
And as I learned in the Australian republic referendum, when your grassroots offer enthusiasm in spades, forget that the other side is far better resourced, supported overwhelmingly by sitting politicians, other elites and the mainstream media juggernaut, it’s enthusiasm which counts.
This important fact is again being suppressed by the American mainstream media, who are no more than the propaganda arm of the captured Democrats. Just as they try to suppress the truth about the pillage by the Democrats’ military arm, the Marxist BLM and Antifa, even standing in front of looting and burning buildings claiming “This is essentially a peaceful protest”.
All this while their partisan polling, designed not to measure but to shape opinion, is made more inaccurate by the shy Trump supporter who knows admitting to this can lead to dismissal and worse.
But why, after four years of relaying daily fabrication about Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia when the only collusion was from the other side, do the Australian media continue to repeat the obviously blatant lies about Trump fabricated for the election by the US mainstream?
Many outlets led with a story in the usual form beginning with the libel which is then softened. This was along these lines: “Cancelling visit to war cemetery, Trump calls soldiers buried there ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’, sources allege”.
This was a “report” in a Democrat-owned journal hardly heard of in Australia, the Atlantic, under editor Jeffrey Goldberg’s byline.
Goldberg claimed the story was based on four unnamed sources whose anonymity he respected for the ridiculous reason “they don’t want to be inundated with angry tweets and all the rest”. To publish this two-year-old story within days of the election without named sources would earn a stern rebuke from any ombudsman or press council. But what should earn Goldberg the harshest censure is that he did not bother to check with the almost thirty people who were actually there and prepared to go on the record.
What was utterly appalling and demonstrates that the story was a fabrication from beginning to end is that Goldberg didn’t ask the President’s enemy, John Bolton, who was also there. If the outburst had happened Bolton would have relished supporting the story. But he would not. And the records showed that the Army had cancelled the visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 because the weather made a helicopter flight too dangerous, not because as Goldberg alleged, the president did not want his hair to get wet. So why did all the media here publish this, selectively ignoring good news?
It’s like the Charlottesville lie repeated constantly by the American mainstream and now by Biden, when he claimed recently, “Remember what the president said… there were… very fine people on both sides” at a violent rally in Charlottesville. Biden claimed that was the moment when he knew he had to run for president.
The facts are that when he was asked about neo-Nazis at the rally, Trump said, “You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides… I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally”.
The last sentence has, as if this were 1984, been obliterated by the American mainstream. Nor did anyone in the mainstream report the true facts when they repeated Biden’s comment.
Returning to the Trump campaign, it features more than supporter enthusiasm, it features the other “Es”, Trump’s extraordinary energy and ability to entertain.
The president’s North Carolina speech went on for two hours, much of it ad lib. There wasn’t a moment when the vast audience wasn’t entertained and enthralled. Try to think of other politicians who could keep an audience excited so long. This is so different from the rare speeches by Biden in front of half a dozen journalists, all masked and observing spacing, with Biden reading answers from a teleprompter, as fraudulent as a Canberra Question Time.
What was impressive was that Trump took no notice of the timid commentariat and will fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court from his published list, the most important part of his 2016 agenda, something which first attracted me to him. The next was his superb Gettysburg agenda. And this was before the Democratic Party was captured by Marxists determined to make the US the Venezuela of North America.
The reason why good manners and honourable behaviour have disappeared in American politics is purely because of the fact that the captured Democrats were never willing to accept the election result in 2016.
The Constitution is very clear. The president “shall” nominate a replacement and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, “shall” make an appointment. There is no question of a delay.
Indeed, for all 29 vacancies in an election year, a nomination has been made. The Senate has not always consented, particularly when it was dominated by the other party.
The RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) who say they will not support a nomination are only doing Trump a favour. For those outraged by the Supreme Court’s disgraceful invention of a constitutional right to abort, which has led to the killing of over 60 million babies including a disproportionate number of those of Afro-American origin, they will come out to vote in record numbers. This will extend to Catholics and especially evangelicals, denominations which cross racial lines.
The President was already winning; this will increase the margin of his victory.PC
Romney the ultimate RINO has pledged to support Trump’s nomination – so that is a good sign. But after this, all RINOs must be purged from the party. It is far too dangerous to even have them hanging around. The stakes are far too high.