Five recent ‘conspiracies’ proven correct

by PAUL COLLITS – A JAPANESE public official recently became the second politician in the world – as far as I am aware – to apologise for the global pandemic crimes of the political class. 

Kazuhiro Haraguchi, a former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan and a present MP gave a rousing speech apologising for the Japanese’s government’s handling of COVID-19 “vaccine” rollout and expressing his grief for those who succumbed to “vaccine-linked” deaths. 

Governments make decisions in secret, lie, cover-up, break promises and fight tooth-and-nail to resist difficult matters becoming public knowledge.

“I apologise to all of you. So many have died and they shouldn’t have,” he stated.

“When I travel around to different areas, I see those who can’t stand, can’t walk, can’t go to school, can’t go to work. We could have prevented these injuries from happening, but we did not.”


Going even further, Haraguchi urged his audience to “overthrow the current government”, an exhortation greeted with resounding applause.

The other politician to have apologised over COVID “errors” is the Canadian Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith.

The approach of the political COVID criminals has generally taken one of two paths. One is to ignore the whole thing and to hope, so far largely successfully, that it all goes down the memory hole.

The other is to double down, believing that attack is the best form of defence.

Penny Mordaunt was Britain’s leader of the House of Commons. She is known most for two things in her career.

The first was her appearance on the reality TV show Splash! in 2014 in a swimsuit.

The second was her not unimpressive feat of holding aloft an eight pound sword during Charles’ 2023 coronation.

Apart from these two eye-catching performances, Mordaunt will not be remembered for much. Britain’s sexiest MP was one accolade. She did, at one time, have a crack at the Tory leadership, and came in third. Oh, and she has been a gay rights crusader and is woke on all matters transgender.

In one of the most astonishing acts of chutzpah by the COVID politicians, Mordaunt was joined by her opposite number in the British Labour Party, in early May, in releasing a guide for MPs to spotting – wait for it – conspiracy theories.

As an addendum, Mordaunt has attacked the legendary Andrew Bridgen for his efforts to uncover and publicise the COVID crimes of his former Party.

So what are these conspiracies? There are eight discussed in the document, as the BBC summary notes:

  • COVID-19: False claims that COVID-19 is a means of government control or about vaccines containing 5G traceable microchips.
  • Climate lockdown & 15-minute cities: Fifteen-minute cities is an urban design term for having all amenities available within a 15-minute walk of homes. False claims that measures to tackle climate change, including 15-minute cities, are a pretence to strip people of civil liberties and limit movement. (Institute for Strategic Dialogue & Antisemitism Policy Trust.)
  • Global Control, the Great Reset and the New World Order: False claims of a plan by the World Economic Forum to control populations and economies to benefit powerful elites. (Arieh Kovler.)
  • Qanon: False claims about the existence of a paedophile ring run by a global elite, who may be shape-shifting reptilians. (Institute for Strategic Dialogue.)
  • The Great Replacement: – False claims there is a plan to replace the European white population with ethnic minority groups. (Tell MAMA.)
  • 5G: False claims that 5G technology is unsafe due to radiation from 5G waves. (Full Fact.)
  • Ukraine War: False claims that the Russian invasion is countering power-grabs by global elites and also antisemitic conspiracy theories. (Antisemitism Policy Trust.)
  • Chemtrails: False claims that aircraft condensation trails are full of chemicals that are deliberately sprayed to control or reduce populations. (Full Fact.)

Urging all MPs to read the guide to conspiracy theories, Ms Mordaunt said: “Such theories are a real threat not just to democracy, but to the wellbeing of our constituents.”

Where to start? I will set aside Qanon, 5G and chemtrails. They are beyond my interests and I have no views on them. That leaves five.

My general view on conspiracy theories is that their existence is a conspiracy useful to the ruling elites, and has been since the CIA came up with the very term in the 1960s in order to discredit the many people (and growing in number these days) who, quite plausibly, believed that JFK was killed by the very same CIA.

The key word here is “plausible”.

There are a few rules of thumb in the analytical study of politics. One emerged from public choice theory.

It is that politicians and bureaucrats and now corporate elites, university chiefs, legacy media and non-government organisations – since members of the crony establishment are all now part of the broad governance class – all have private as well as public interests, and that they act in those interests in matters of public policy.

Another rule of thumb is that governments make decisions in secret, lie, cover-up, “look over there”, break promises and fight tooth-and-nail to resist difficult matters becoming public knowledge.

Witness, to take only one recent example, the four-year fight by the Victorian Government to keep secret the internal documents relating to COVID policies.

Anyone who has worked in government knows this. Yet those who haven’t seem surprised whenever it is pointed out.

It is astonishing just how many people believe that their governments are motivated by good will and noble intent.

It has been up to conspiracy “researchers” to point out reality. We all now know, at least in relation to COVID, that the conspiracy theories were often spot on.

Even blind Freddie should be able to see that conspiracy theories do far more good than harm, despite the bleatings of the Penny Mordaunt class.

It remains the case that governments are liars, cheats and do evil things and perennially seek to conceal their sins.

So, the general case in support of conspiracy theories about governments is solid and unexceptional.

What about the five listed in the Tory Guide? They all pass the smell test with flying colours, as it happens.


COVID policy is a means of government control?

  • It is beyond doubt that COVID management was tyrannical, and intended to be so;
  • Lockdowns, absurd social distancing and mask mandates were enacted to create fear, not to promote anyone’s safety;
  • Governments willfully ignored virology and medical science generally;
  • Governments colluded with vaccine manufacturers and knew at the time that “safe and effective” claims were patently false at worst, and unproven at best;
  • They must have known that their statements about the alleged dangers and ineffectiveness of COVID treatments like Ivermectin were lethal lies;
  • They must have known that their policies were harming a generation of children, and leading to social pathologies and economic ruin;
  • They did all this to avoid admitting the truth that they had got the whole thing wrong;


What about climate lockdowns and fifteen-minute cities?

Those who advocate for these make no pretence at anything other than climate conformism. What started as car-averse new urbanism has morphed into net-zero malfeasance.

Believing this to be the case is unexceptional and provable. There is no advocate of net-zero who is not also a champion of fifteen-minute cities, and vice versa. It is all about reducing your carbon footprint.

The elites have already declared a climate emergency that doesn’t exist. They claim it to be the biggest threat we face.

They have shown that they will use any tool to enforce their commitment to crushing Western economies with net-zero garbage.

These measures include tax measures, massive government spending, international law and blaming common droughts and floods on climate change.

They will ban fossil fuels, cars and phase out short haul air travel (as in France).

They will build whole fake industries of green energy and will provide crony capitalists like Malcolm Turnbull and Mike Cannon-Brookes with huge subsidies to manufacture solar panels.

What are the emerging tools to be used to effect climate totalitarianism? Digital ID, programmable currencies, banning dissidents from social media, aka digital totalitarianism.

These things are already happening. They are not conspiracy theories.  Joining the dots to end up with a climate emergency-driven social credit system is a short step away.


Next, we have the great reset.

There isn’t an attempt at a global takeover by those with a Geneva postcode? Really? Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they?

Not that the elites hide their light under a bushel.

The WEF’s Klaus Schwab and friends have been writing books about the great reset for decades. He even called one The Great Reset.

He is regularly invited to the main table, as he was with a recent G20 meeting. Did Penny Mordaunt not notice how nearly 200 countries all responded the same way to COVID? Just a coincidence, was it?

Many Western countries are marching in lockstep to implement WEF policies? Like climate action and smart cities, often of the fifteen-minute variety.

They all gather at Davos each year, paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege. They attend the conferences of the Bilderberg Group. The Club of Rome. The Trilateral Commission.

Oh, and the meetings are secret, and it takes leaks to even know who is attending, where the meetings are held, and what the agendas are. Secret. Deliberate. Connected. Malevolent.


This is the theory that governments are denuding our nations of their Eurocentric people and filling up the space with immigrants of every colour and creed.

Well, of course they are.

As I have argued previously, we are now way beyond replacement theory and are now experiencing replacement reality.

In most European cities, the native populations are outnumbered. Londonistan? The clue is in the name. California? Try Mexifornia, as Victor Davis Hanson once described his pitiful home State.

That governments in the West have massively increased immigration is not in dispute. Nor is the fact that the newcomers are largely non-white and non-Christian. Certainly in Europe.

Open borders are policy. The only thing in dispute is the motive for the shift.

Replacement policies are not theories. They are reality. They are not conspiracies.


One of the alleged conspiracies relates to the US warmonger class and what RFK Jr calls the money laundering scheme that sees US taxpayers funding military causes in order to line the pockets of defence contractors and the American companies that will rebuild the country.

This is another no-brainer. The conflict is one between two corrupt ex-communist States ruled by thugs.

Couldn’t they both lose? Why do we care? We hang out the Ukrainian flags so as to signal our virtue.

NATO aggression and a US backed coup in Ukraine in 2014 didn’t help the Russian mood. It helped to define Russia’s intent.

Even Paul Keating saw this coming in the early 1990s. And now, we are left with a potential nuclear war, with American weapons used to bomb “deep inside” Russia, and Europe sitting on a tinder box.

The crooks who run America are locked in a battle, perhaps to the end, with the crooks who run Russia. To add a new dimension, Russia is now moving ever closer to communist China.

In the five cases listed here, it is the political class, not the conspiracy theorists, who are the emperors without clothes.

It is bluster arraigned against political realism and masses of evidence. And note how the authors of the guide twist the actual ideas of those of us who see through all the lies told by the powers-that-be.

To hide behind anti-Semitism is a good trick, too.

Penny Mordaunt’s support for this distracting tosh about the threat to our democracy from conspiracy theories is disgraceful. She is a disgrace.

The Japanese and Albertan politicians are stand-out heroes. Yes, traitors to their political class, but (again) in the eyes of political theory, they are defenders of accountability and warriors for representative democracy and political legitimacy. What is left of it.

The godless technocrats, the managerial class, rule over us now. They are the ones who will have penned Mordaunt’s “guide”.

Believing that what the utterly sane and perceptive conspiracy theorists say about them must never, ever become widely accepted, lest their power and baubles be taken away from them.

They continue to play their games and to get useful idiots like Penny Mordaunt to dance to their tune.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Penny Mordaunt. (courtesy LabourList)

2 thoughts on “Five recent ‘conspiracies’ proven correct

  1. Break Free from UN Control: Reject the International Health Regulations!
    Withdraw Australia from the WHO’s International Health Regulations – 2024/08/05

    Your support and dedication were vital in stalling the proposed Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Assembly last May.

    But we knew the United Nations globalists wouldn’t leave it at that.

    The Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) were rammed through on the last day of the Assembly, at the very last minute.

    This document claims the World Health Organization (WHO) can declare pandemic emergencies and enforce restrictive measures during crises, such as mandatory vaccines, travel bans, information control, and more surveillance on you and your family—practically everything they wanted from the Pandemic Treaty sliding through under the cover of darkness.

    Australia now has a crucial decision to make.

    Australia has only 10 months to opt out of the International Health Regulations (IHR) before it become legally binding.

    If not, the WHO will begin enforcing it and gain unprecedented power over your daily life.

    And I am afraid bureaucrats and politicians in Australia either will gladly acquiesce or else may give in without a fight… unless you act.

    We have work to do, again! And we need your help.

    CitizenGO is launching a direct campaign demanding countries withdraw from the IHR and publicly declare their refusal to be bound by these measures.

    All it takes, is a letter from the Australian Government to the WHO, stating that the recently proposed amendments shall not apply to Australia .

    Will you help me mount the pressure on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to reject these oppressive regulations and protect your freedoms?

    The WHO plans to assume that Australia accepts these amendments unless the government writes a letter rejecting them.

    It’s up to YOU to ensure the WHO can’t intrude on your freedoms.

    Your signature can really make a powerful difference. Thankfully, some countries have already expressed objections – Slovakia, Switzerland, Argentina, and the Holy See are among others who have shown dissent or skepticism about the IHR amendments.

    The U.K. and the Netherlands are waiting for their new governments to decide upon the acceptance of the amendments.

    Time is running out! Australia has until April 2025 to reject these changes by sending an official letter to the WHO.

    Sign here and act now and make sure Australia does so NOW, to protect your freedoms.–Reject-the-International-Health-Regulations-?

  2. Why do monarchists want Australia’s head of state to be inferior to the UK’s head of state?

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