by PAUL COLLITS – TONY Abbott, as Health Minister in the Howard Government, was caught up in the whole pandemic preparedness movement, no doubt egged along by his then Departmental Secretary, and now Gates collaborator, Jane Halton.
Halton was described by The Daily Telegraph in 2014 as both “fascinating” and “all powerful”. Tony’s “iron lady”, in fact.
- Australia’s elected representatives must maintain the capacity to discern what is, and what is not, an emergency.
- When the policymaker is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
- We have all paid the price.
She has been dubbed “Mrs Everywhere”. More importantly, she has also been termed “the global expert in pandemic preparedness”.
(Her university degree was in psychology, which has perhaps come in handy for her in our current era of fear, nudging and “mass formation”, as Mattias Desmet terms the driver of COVID totalitarianism).
One headline noted in 2020: “Coronavirus Australia: Did Tony Abbott predict the global COVID-19 pandemic?
In 2007, Tony Abbott made predictions of a global flu pandemic killing thousands of Australians and seriously affecting the economy.
Chillingly, the story continued: “In 2007 Tony Abbott swung Australia into readiness of a global flu virus pandemic, spending $600m on ‘pandemic preparedness’ economically and even predicting ‘extreme fear’ in the community.
“He also suggested at the time the Federal Government might consider new powers to quarantine people in their own homes in the event of a flu pandemic.”
Abbott was clearly an early victim of Pandemic Preparedness Syndrome. It is almost impossible not to see Halton’s fingerprints on this.
As Abbott himself has mused: “How to deal with a potential pandemic was often on my mind during four years as health minister in the Australian government of John Howard. In those days, hundreds of people – nearly all in East Asia and living in close contact with poultry – contracted bird flu; and about a half died.
“The fear back then was that a pandemic variant could become an even more deadly form of the Spanish flu, that killed up to 50 million people, mostly between 20 and 40, in the wake of the Great War (including over half a million from a then-US population of just on a hundred million); or a supercharged version of the Asian flu that killed upwards of a million people world-wide in the late 1950s; or the Hong Kong flu that killed another million or more in the late 1960s.
“… Still, as the minister who would have been blamed for any deficiency in Australia’s pandemic preparedness, I beefed up the National Medicine Stockpile (including one of the world’s largest holdings of anti-viral drugs), established the Australian Health Protection Committee, and made formal speeches laying out the initial plan to deal with any crisis. (emphasis added)
The politician’s greatest fear. To be caught short in a “pandemic”. The fear of blame. This core concern of politicians, the useful idiots, kicked in, big time, in March 2020.
They played into the hands of the ideologues and totalitarians in the early days of panic. The bureaucrats who had prepared the ground for the panic.
Abbott continued: “No decent government could allow its hospitals to be overwhelmed, or contemplate with equanimity a new disease predicted to kill over two million people in the United States, up to half a million in Britain, and 150,000 in Australia.”
Here is the core reason for “flattening the curve”. In other words, the politicians simply believed the catastrophist modellers. They were scared to begin with. They had absorbed the pandemic preparedness ideology.
They believed the likes of Neil Ferguson, a modeller with an appalling record who somehow still managed (and manages) to collect a public pay packet. (Private sector employees who make such blunders are normally shown the door, pronto.)
But there is more: “Faced with the prospect of death on such a scale, of course governments were going to ban travel, to close places of gathering, and to order people to stay at home as far as possible. And with the economy in an induced coma, governments really had no choice but to subsidise wages, freeze foreclosures and scrap rules about seeking work.” (emphasis added)
Of course? This attitude beggars belief. It basically says, we simply accept the rule by experts.
Perhaps he was still wedded to the advice of the aforementioned Jane Halton, now used by Bill Gates to advance the pandemic narrative globally.
Finally, from Tony Abbott, still thinking as a health minister: “And it’s sensible to err on the side of caution.”
Err, no it wasn’t. Perhaps “caution” might have suggested a sober approach to crushing the freedoms and rights of citizens and a sceptical approach to trusting the modelling of failed academics
Caution would have recognised fifty years of public health science which suggested that lockdowns and other non-pharmaceutical interventions were not the preferred path.
Let alone vaccine mandates. This is not even a close simulacrum of “caution”.
Pandemic preparedness has a certain appeal to trusting politicians, even those as normally sensible as Tony Abbott.
Abbott’s typically measured consideration of the dilemmas of governments when confronted with bureaucratic advice that politicians assume to be “rational”, but which in practice we now know to have been compromised and ideological, sums up the democratic dilemma we face.
Of course, it was Abbott’s Government that, in 2015, passed the egregious Biosecurity Act that delivered Australia’s COVID totalitarianism.
Legislation that was prepared for government by those who were already committed to “pandemic preparedness”. And it didn’t remotely see the dangers of the powers written into the legislation.
When the policymaker is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
Abbott also once said: “Almost certainly, preparing thoroughly for disasters which don’t eventuate will help prepare for those which do.”
So long as we retain in the political class the capacity to discern what is, and what is not, an emergency.
In 2020, conditioned by a decade or more of pandemic obsession among the bureaucracy, the politicians failed dismally. An epic fail, at best. Politicians need to remember their Buchanan and Tullock.
Nor should anyone think that the COVID hysteria has taught the world what a dangerous croc the pandemic preparedness movement is.
No, it turns out that they are just warming up: International policymakers, scientists and representatives of industry, philanthropy and civil society were united at the Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit – co-hosted in London by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the UK Government on March 7-8, 2022 – in endorsing the ambition to have safe, effective, and globally accessible vaccines against the next pandemic threat ready in just 100 days.
Talk about doubling down. One hundred days!
It makes the ill-considered Operation Warp Speed look like slow coaches. And one Jane Halton, Mrs Everywhere, was, inevitably, right in the middle of the participants group photographed to mark the occasion of the summit.
As CEPI notes, still stoking the fear: “Worryingly, future disease outbreaks could be even worse.”
Pandemic preparedness ideology conditions bureaucrats to will on a pandemic, just like preparing armies for war tends to see happy soldiers when the fighting starts.
It also conditions the political class to ignore, or worse still justify, what would by many be seen as catastrophic bungling.
We have all paid the price.PC
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has reported excess deaths of about 500 on average per week above the weekly average (prior to covid19 vaccine roll out). Given Trevor Sutton Deputy Secretary of the ABS is Jane Halton’s husband. I wonder how accurate these figures are?
Those that would trade essential Liberty to purchase some temporary safety shall deserve neither Liberty nor safety and shall receive none- Benjamin Franklin
He wrote about this the over development of Sydney and other cities , the mass immigration that we are now getting , and much more . This is why he was used to get the LNP into power and then knifed in the back by Imam Turnbull. He is not a Climate Nutter and trusts his faith .
I’m surprised that ten-pound Tony is not your ‘big gun’ to try and keep Australia a colonial dominion.
Erica Betz must be a ‘bigger gun’ huh?
Australians in the majority are very astute people, and they rejected the republic referendum by a wide margin, call it a landslide defeat.
Then there are the republican movement termites chewing away at the monarchy as they have done since they arrived as migrants and tried to influence the Federation of States that formed the Commonwealth of Australia, and failed.