A CANBERRA mother of nine has questioned the motives behind the gay marriage movement – saying it had always been about the imposition of a radical agenda on unsuspecting Australians.
Freelance journalist Angela Shanahan said that, five years after the Marriage Act had passed, the true meaning of “love is love” had become clear.

- Activists are now fixated on making it impossible to challenge the trans agenda.
- The aim of the “equality” movement was not about equality at all.
- Conservative individuals and groups are being punished for what amounts to thought crimes.
“People might start looking at their local school and see what sorts of things are being taught to their children,” she wrote in The Australian newspaper on Saturday.
“The notion that our sexual identity is fluid and not fixed is now accepted in most government schools, and challenging that view is impossible.
“And activists are now fixated on making it harder to challenge the trans agenda even in private and systemic Catholic schools.
“It is well known that in most echelons of the public service various topics of conversation, especially those dealing with sex and family issues, are off the table.”
Ms Shanahan said many conservative individuals and groups were being punished for what amounts to thought crimes.
“We are being reassured by same-sex marriage advocates that “society has not fallen apart”, she wrote.
“Think again. If the punitive coercion suffered by people who did not support gay marriage during the period preceding the vote didn’t convince you that this was not just about marriage, but about the gradual imposition of a radical agenda on the whole of society, then look what has happened since.
“It has spread beyond marriage, to the trans agenda.
“Go back to the case of Israel Folau. Freedom of expression was not available to Folau who as a believing Mormon did not support same-sex marriage.
“Not only did he lose his job as Australia’s star rugby player but other players who supported him were told not to say anything.
“An even graver case was Archbishop Julian Porteous who was dragged before the Human Rights board in Tasmania for disseminating a booklet outlining Catholic teaching on marriage to Catholic students.”
She said aim of the “equality” movement was not about equality.
“It was about trying to muzzle the view that the family, based on a generative relationship, is the bedrock of society which has been common to all societies of all religious persuasions since time immemorial,” Ms Shanahan said
“Meanwhile, the trans agenda has inserted itself into the centre of right think. Who says society as we know it hasn’t declined?” PC
When the Howard Government proposed changing the Marriage Act to include that marriage is between a man and a woman Labor supported the changes, notably Julia Gillard and Penny Wong.
As we all know partners in a long term relationship had legal rights as a de facto relationship and partners.
Of course the SSM postal survey was really about having permission to impose changes that voters were not told about when they participated.
And that is a good example of why voters must reject the referendum proposals for a “Voice”, already leaked that once passed the next objective will be a Treaty, but Labor wont tell voters that when campaigning for a yes vote, or the other hidden agenda items.
That leads to the next referendum proposal for another Republic vote, a clue is the recent comment by Prime Minister Albanese that he believes that the Constitution is “archaic” and needs to be changed. The founder of the ARM expressed a similar view some years ago, and was critical of the Australians who wrote the Constitution.
And another Union Labor Inc matter we should all condemn is the UN IPCC Green Fund agreement signed by Minister Bowen at COP27 to pay every year a substantial amount of compensation money to UN designated “Developing Nations”, like China, for damages and dealing with climate change.
UN Official Christiana Figureres admitted on 15 October 2015 in Paris France while addressing a gathering of people that climate change is really a front for political objectives including redistribution of wealth from developed nations to developed nations and wrecking capitalism (free enterprise, free market system that the world has benefited from) as we know it.
Developing nations have received foreign aid for decades past and special aid during natural disasters etc., and even military support for some. Developed nations, United States of America leading, Canada second and Australia third, Norway fourth, have resettled million of refugees.
Many developing nations have not helped themselves to achieve prosperity, foreign aid monies stolen and goods/food supplied, business venture wrecked: eg; Zimbabwe that was once called the food bowl of Africa until a dictator and regime confiscated lands from white farmers. There is a long list of examples of corruption.
Climate changes are natural Earth Cycles, climate zones not one climate, and weather is related but short term events, warming and cooling is primarily caused by solar activity and the last period of cold conditions spanned from about 1700 and ended around 1850 (Little Ice Age), and thereafter warming melting ice, etc. From information I have read there is another solar decline underway and cooling, a cycle of about every 150 years, Ice Ages are many thousands of years intervals.
Compensating is ridiculous and we must protest and reject the Albanese Labor Government decision to donate what must be borrowed money. After all, they have not stopped complaining about the debt that they incorrectly refer to as $1 billion, as ABC Fact Check confirmed the gross debt in Current Account is about $900 billion and $1 trillion is an estimate of future debt. And by the way, over $400 billion of the $900 billion was Labor borrowing including their unfunded 2013/14 Budget items like NDIS and Gonski that the Abbott Government had to fund.
And finally, it was mentioned last night on Sky News that Australia has committed to paying over $50 billion every year into the distant future to the UN Green Fund compensation for climate change.
If not for heterosexual people there would be no gays to begin with . God made man and he made woman and the two together reproduce other human beings . So shut up and get on with your lives and stop pushing your agenda down the throats of the very people who gave you a voice in the first place . The Gay Marriage Vote was a $122million sham that was rigged .
Rigged, thank you not Malcolm