GREEN corporatists have successfully shut down environmentalist Michael Moore’s latest documentary using a copyright loophole to do so.
The film, which exposes the hoax of renewable energy, has been targeted by enviro-capitalists who Moore had accused of being financially “conflicted”.
Since its launch late April, Planet of the Humans has been described by angry critics as “debunked”, “bull#hit” and “troubling”.
The film was yesterday removed from online platform YouTube, where it had racked up 8.5m viewings, after an activist UK photographer claimed a copyright breach involving four seconds of footage. The documentary is 100 minutes long.

Green heroes such as Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Michael Bloomberg and Van Jones had their masks pulled off by Moore – and it was ugly.
“Opponents of Planet of the Humans, who do not like its critique of the failures of the environmental movement, have worked for weeks to have the film taken down and to block us from appearing on TV and on livestream,” director Jeff Gibbs said.
“This attempt to take down our film and prevent the public from seeing it is a blatant act of censorship by political critics.
“It is a misuse of copyright law to shut down a film that has opened a serious conversation about how parts of the environmental movement have gotten into bed with Wall Street and so-called ‘green capitalists’.
“We are working with YouTube to resolve this issue,” Mr Gibbs said, “and have the film back up as soon as possible.”
In the meantime, Moore and Gibbs have made their documentary available for free on the Vimeo streaming platform.
Planet of the Humans is an exposé of the utter betrayal of “tree-huggers” by their leaders and the soulless exploitation of their life-long cause.
“Renewable energy relies upon the most toxic and industrialised processes we have ever created,” one of the documentary’s scientific and engineering academics, Dr Ozzie Zehner, states.
“It’s an illusion that renewables are replacing coal or any fossil fuel … well-meaning people are being misled,” he said.PC
Typical ‘blinkered’ reaction! Just delete everything that would supply intelligent, truthful facts that would enlighten the ignorant!