![Hypocrite pollies outlaw ‘paid for’ neo-Nazis](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Anthony-Albanese-Nazi-300x500-1.png)
by PAUL COLLITS – SO, NOW we have rushed legislation to cancel the Nazi salute, with Daniel Andrews and Albo seizing the moment to virtue signal – and poodle Dutton waddling along behind in agreement.
The hilarious irony of Dictator Dan, the totalitarian’s totalitarian, accusing anyone else of fascism is priceless, though, no doubt, lost on low information Victorians who pride themselves, doubly ironically, on inhabiting “the Education State”. (Check their number plates).
- What about a Party that locks up its own citizens and beats grandmothers with batons.
- What about a Party that willfully seeks to destroy the Australian economy?
- What about a Party that makes it legal to kill unborn babies?
This is all on the back of a few protesters at a trans-thingy rally outside the Parliament in Melbourne waving what may or may not have been a Nazi salute.
These characters may or may not have been paid actors or genuine neo-Nazis, or something else entirely.
For all we know, they may have been high spirited, youthfully indiscreet Perrottet-style Nazi imitators doing the equivalent of high spirited, youthfully indiscreet Trudeau-style blackface.
Their appearance at the Melbourne rally was certainly convenient. In COVID-world, where democratic politics have morphed seamlessly into psyops and propaganda, one is tempted to believe that our politicians would do literally anything to maintain or increase their power, and conceal their real intentions and motives in the process.
Pay some actors to do some Nazi salutes at an otherwise innocent, though controversial, protest? Too easy.
There is no doubt the Nazi salute moment has been a case of convergent opportunism for our political “leaders”, on a grand scale.
There was something in it for all of them. For Andrews, it was just something else to ban, like the sanctity of the Catholic confessional and conversion therapy.
He just likes banning things, other than infanticide on demand, political police and mercy killings for the infirm.
For Albo, well, he didn’t want to miss out on one-upping Daniel Andrews. For the post-Matt Guy Liberal Party in Victoria, it is the perfect opportunity to get rid of the inconvenient Moira Deeming, who believes in things like fixed definitions of women and other conservative things.
After all, it was the Victorian Liberals who expelled Bernie Finn just for being exuberantly pro-life.
But it turns out that the embrace of the Nazi salute ban has a bit of history in Australia. It was, after all, that renowned freedom-fighter, Sir Robert Menzies, whose mantle every Liberal leader seeks to emulate, who sought (unsuccessfully) to ban the Communist Party in 1950 and 1951, including through a referendum.
The latter didn’t fail by much, on either the popular vote or the vote across the States. There was an Act of Parliament, then a High Court challenge, then the referendum.
Banning a political Party in a democracy is a big deal – perhaps unconstitutional, even – whatever it stands for.
But then again, we know that standing up for free speech isn’t exactly high on every Aussie’s to-do list.
Just look at our tolerance of, and indifference to, the appalling Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act, 1975. Just look at the way we get by with cancel culture, with non-platforming deplorables on social media, with Big Tech censorship and with Google’s tricks with online search.
If we are in the business of banning political views or organisations deemed (by whom?) to be beyond the pale, perhaps we should cast the net a little wider than the poor old neo-Nazi bovver boys in Spring Street.
What about a Party that locks up its own citizens and beats grandmothers with batons, that bangs the heads of protesters into the concrete floors at Flinders Street Station, that gets its police to invade the home of a pregnant mother accused of using social media to advertise a protest?
That would be the Labor Party. Should we ban them?
What about a Party that allows its members, in good “conscience”, to make it legal to kill unborn babies, contributing to the slaughter of the innocent that began in earnest after Roe v Wade in the 1970s. That would be, well, just about all of them.
What about a Party that wilfuly seeks to destroy the Australian economy? Should we dissolve the Greens?
What about a Party that makes it illegal for people who refuse to take an experimental, harmful, unnecessary, useless jab produced by a global drugs cartel to visit their local shopping centre? That would be the NSW Liberal Party. Ban them as well?
The whole of the political class in Australia, with the media along for the ride, declared a civil war on its own citizens during the plandemic. An illegal war.
If anyone needs the Nuremberg Two treatment, it wouldn’t be a tinpot collection of gatecrashing troublemakers in Melbourne.
And it wasn’t only the politicians involved in this. It was chief health officers. It was the CEO and the Board of the Therapeutic Goods Administration. It was all those cops “just following orders”. It was the corporate media and the journalist class. It was the greedy academics who put research grant-making ahead of virus-truth.
The perpetrators of indictable offences that directly led to unnecessary deaths, including those of innocent children that were never in the remotest danger from COVID yet were forced or pressured into taking the vaccines.
It was the corporate sector that enforced vaccine mandates, that put loyal employees out of work and, in some cases, out of a career. It was the supine churches and their bishop-middle managers, who shut their churches and lost souls.
Let’s lock them up. Crimes against humanity without a Nazi salute in sight. Every last one of them still has his or her day job.
What about people who sabotage the economy by their actions? Well, I suppose it is illegal to do a climate protest on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Unless you have a sympathetic judge.
Hal Colebatch wrote a compelling book (Australia’s Secret War) on how unions sabotaged Australia’s war effort in World War Two. It does happen.
It is at least plausible to argue that natural disasters like the NSW Northern Rivers floods of February and March 2022 were worsened, perhaps even caused, by wilful acts of green sabotage, including acts of omission in not attending to faulty infrastructure whose poor state of repair contributed directed to deaths, injuries, the destruction of homes and homelessness. (Like blaming it all on climate change gets them off the hook).
Let’s make climate fraudsters, scammers, shysters and charlatans illegal. Lock them all up.
In any event, who gets to decide which political Parties, activists and actions (like salutes) should be declared illegal?
Menzies himself started having second thoughts about prescribing that the Governor-General would have the power to decide who was and was not a Communist. Some of those identified as Communists were found not to be. Oh dear. All a bit too Joe McCarthy for your average liberal.
We once used to lock up illegal homosexuals. They were deemed to be beyond the pale. Anyone today care to give that one another run?
No, the whole Nazi salute kerfuffle is a barely disguised stunt. Yet another of the political class’s “look over there” strategies to avoid the gaze of the public upon its own rampant failings. More bread and circus gambits.
Worse than a mere distraction, though, the idea of banning political parties and actions, is grossly illiberal. Just like all the special hate speech laws that now infect the polity.
Just as Menzies’ action back in 1950 to ban the Communist Party was grossly illiberal. And he was the one who invented something called the “Liberal Party”.
And you don’t have to be a communist to find this approach repugnant. As well as totally counterproductive. Just as banning alcohol in the USA simply created a black market and a whole criminal class, banning Communists in the 1950s and banning Nazi salutes now did and will simply drive such activities underground.
Voltaire famously did not say something that he perhaps should have, and was thought to have, said: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.
Not much Voltaire here in Australia these days, alas. Though, ironically, plenty of fascism, without salutes.PC
Maori New Zealand MP Winston Peters who helped Ardern Labour to form government as an alliance party partner has been interviewed on Sky News Regional a few times and he warned Australians not to follow New Zealand down the racial divide politics road to ruin of the nation.
Senator Pauline Hanson revealed in the Senate from notes found in a Woden Cafe in Canberra recently …
As per notes posted elsewhere from Senator Hanson’s comments in the Senate;
“Denise said…
I hope you don’t mind but I thought it was so explosive I decided to type the 11 points to make it easier to remember what Pauline said. Unbelievable!
1. Jobs Quota. A minimum of 10% appointments to be First Nations people for judges, magistrates, CW, SES, ADF officers, AFP and state police forces, corrections departments, vice chancellors and ambassadors.
2. Universities. No entry tests and no fees for First Nations people.
3. Old age pensions. Reduced age eligibility for First Nations people because we die younger.
4. Public Housing. First Nations people to have 1st preference for all vacant public housing across all states.
5. Sport and music. Entry fees reduced by 50% for First Nations people for any events on public land.
6. Beaches and national parks. All beaches and national parks to be property of the relevant tribe and non-first nation’s people to be charged to use the beaches, parks etc. Revenues to go to relevant tribe.
7. Rivers and streams to become property of relevant tribe and fees for water consumption paid to relevant tribe.
8. Mining royalties. Same as for water.
9. Income Tax for First Nations people to be 50% of normal rate.
10. Liquor licensing. All new liquor licences across Australia to be vetted by Voice.
11. Voice offers research policy staff to analyse and review all proposed government policies, legislation and appointments. Same size and pay as DPMC.