NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean has hinted at a Julia Gillard-style carbon tax to force the “decarbonisation” of the State’s electricity.
Mr Kean, who doubles as NSW’s energy minister, has thrown his support behind a discussion paper calling for the reintroduction of a carbon tax, according to Sydney’s Daily Telegraph newspaper.
The paper, released by the Blueprint Institute – a Michael Photios-backed think tank – is also pushing for more government-funded renewable energy as well as a 100 per cent carbon free power grid.
Mr Photios and Mr Kean are factional allies.
By taxing electricity while at the same time subsiding renewables, they hope to force a shift away from cheap reliable energy.
“One of the significant insights of this discussion paper is the decarbonisation of the electricity system,” Mr Kean is reported to have said. “It’s the right place to start.”
He said the paper vindicated the approach he had taken in NSW.
“Electricity is the right place to start the journey to net zero because thermal generators are retiring and because renewable energy is cheap,” he said.
“That is where most carbon emissions can be avoided.”
Mr Kean said “significant” investment by the government would be required to build infrastructure for renewable energy.
“I’m pleased to say we’re working well with the Commonwealth government to get infrastructure built as soon as possible.”
Mr Kean’s latest comments continue to conflict with Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor who last month questioned the NSW’s ministers pro-renewables, anti-gas stance.
Mr Taylor suggested Mr Kean was at odds with the interests of the people of NSW.
“We need reliable energy, and gas and coal are critical to that,” Mr Taylor told Sky News anchor Alan Jones.
“He’s saying we can power our grid cheaply through solar and batteries – well the truth of the matter is we can’t.
“Gas and coal play an enormously important role for industrial manufacturing.” PC
I see red whenever another Politician babbles on about ways to hurt our economy, kill jobs and add to households’ energy costs!
Matt Kean is an absolute nonsense! Decarbonisation of the electricity system indeed! Only an imbecile would go there matey!
Gladys, you will lose so many of us unless you put this idiot back in his box and post him off to the preposterous Greens.
The climate is always changing and the world is ever so very, very gradually warming as part of a long cycle. What I do care about is cleaning up our oceans, our rivers and waterways and protecting our wonderfully diverse flora and fauna!
Yes, and Mark Latham speaks so much sense on energy, education, in fact on so much that concerns thinking, wise voters.
“Yes, and Mark Latham speaks so much sense on energy, education, in fact on so much that concerns thinking, wise voters.”
With such representatives as Mark, One Nation is proving itself to be a viable alternative for disaffected voters – particularly since Labor and Liberal are continuing their headlong race to the left.
How on earth is Kean in the Liberal Party – yet another Leftist white-ant?
I see a BIG vote for One Nation coming up in NSW!
This bloke has got to be kidding? Renewables are the cheapest power that will drive industrial investment? What world are these people living in?
La La land.
The woke world.