by SEAN BURKE – MENTALLY ill men have been so thoroughly embraced by Labor and The Greens that women no longer feel safe in Australia, according to One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson.
Ms Hanson told ADHTV’s Chris Smith last night that there was so much mental illness in society that it had been normalised.

- Australia has so much mental illness in its society now.
- Yet, Labor and The Greens are encouraging them and telling them they have every right.
- Australia needs to wake up to reality.
She was responding after the Albanese Government joined with The Greens to vote down an amendment to the Sex Discrimination Act to include a biological definition of a man and a woman.
Ms Hanson’s amendment was immediately voted down, before a first reading, with Greens Senator Steph Hodgkins-May saying “we will not give Pauline Hanson a platform for hate”.
Ms Hanson told ADHTV that The Greens had called her a “bigot and a hater” in the Senate chamber.
“The Greens are so destructive, so un-Australian, they have no common sense,” she said.
“Sex discrimination issues should be based on biological sex.
“All these men can go out there and throw on a dress, grow their hair long, go have their dick cut off and put on lipstick, they will never ever be a woman.
“Not even with hormone treatment, nothing will ever change, they are not a female.”
Ms Hanson said women were bearing the consequences of the transgender agenda.
“Woman have had to fight for their rights and now these men want to impinge upon them,” she said.
“Young girls now have to share toilets and change rooms with men. I’m so angry at the sheer stupidity.
“These men who want to be female should go and form their own clubs and their own football teams.
“We have so much mental illness in our society now – and they are looking for someone to take notice of them.”
Ms Hanson said people needed to wake up to reality.
“You can’t change what you have been born as. You can’t have a child, you don’t have a vagina, you can’t give birth, you can’t breastfeed – for Christ’s sake wake up to it.
“And Labor and The Greens are encouraging them and telling them they have every right.
“I want to be prime minister of this country but, guess what, I can’t – I never can be.
“I can put on the suit and I can go into parliament. Do you think they are going to take any notice of me?
“No way in the bloody wide world because there is a process that you have to go through.
“The same goes for being a female.” PC
Keep saying it loud Pauline, but could you point out that the court cases against normal people that are stating what you are saying are funded by taxpayer money while the “accused “ have to fund their own defense. This is discrimination of the worst kind that we see in China, Russia and the Middle East. The Labor Government is a National Socialist govt backed up by Marxist govt corporations that are accountable to no one.
Good on you Pauline.
Re the alphabet community. They hate straights. I had a conversation with an (ex) gay friend about why they were so strong on gay marriage when under the law de-facto relationships, which is what gay relationships are, had all the same legal rights as married couples. He thought for a minute and then said revenge for all the ostracism and punishment gays have suffered. He regretted that brief moment of honesty. Now we have every weirdo and psychologically disturbed person claiming normality and the very definitions, man/woman, which underpin our social values undermined. Most importantly we have our children under attack.
The alphabet people attack on Western values is very serious and ironic. It’s ironic because the West is the safest society for the alphabet people yet they are tearing it down. Primarily for revenge.