![Libs’ once-loyal supporters now ‘hate them’](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Simon-Birmingham-shrek-300x500-1.png)
by PAUL COLLITS – ANDREW Bridgen MP was shafted by the British Tories for telling embarrassing truths about COVID vaccines.
The Tories put their own perceived electoral interests ahead the truth and the real interests of the British public in learning what really happened as a result of their government’s roll out of dangerous injectables.
- The Left’s tactics are very clever, if chilling, and Liberal Party pre-selectors routinely fall for them. Time after time.
- Conservatives are mostly described by their opponents as religious-Right types. Extremists. Pentacostals!
- So-called moderates are taking what was once a broad church Party into the fetid swamps of wokeness and mediocrity.
Now the Liberal Party of Australia has done the same.
Its Qld Senator, Gerard Rennick, has been disendorsed as a 2025 candidate. In doing this, Liberal pre-selectors in the Sunshine State have nailed their Party’s colours to the mast. The wrong mast.
The Sydney Morning Herald saw it this way, complete with all the boo-words about the Senator it could lay its hands on: “A Coalition senator known for anti-vaccine views and odd claims about climate change will be dumped from parliament after he lost his position on the Party’s Senate ticket.
“Rennick’s loss means Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, who wrote an endorsement for Rennick, will no longer need to deal with the negative media attention attracted by the maverick’s conspiratorial claims.”
Anti-vaxx (of course). Maverick. Conspiratorial. Odd claims about climate change? What, like it’s all bullshit?
And Rennick has forgotten more about COVID vaccines that the SMH’s junior reporters will ever know.
Then we come to the egregious Ray Hadley, not even a good footy commentator let alone an authority on anything else: “He [Rennick] has compared COVID jabs to AIDS, prompting widespread backlash including from conservatives such as 2GB radio host Ray Hadley who labelled Rennick a ‘complete and utter dickhead’.
Any enemy of Hadley’s is at or near the top of my Christmas card list. The SMH thinks that doing a google search and collecting a suite of views that it deems beyond the pale – a narrow rendition of the Overton Window, indeed – then listing them all, counts as journalism.
It is merely smear-, pretend-journalism. No attempt at dispassionate analysis, restraint, or any mention of Rennick’s considerable achievements on behalf of his constituents.
According to Sky News: “Mr Rennick told Sky News he doesn’t believe his controversial stance on vaccine mandates contributed to his loss at Senate pre-selection.”
Really, Gerard? You are being too kind, here. The Guardian called Rennick a “renegade”.
We know what Liberal power brokers think of s-called “renegades”. Ask Nicolle Flint, Craig Kelly and George Christensen.
Bullying did Flint in. Kelly’s departure was his own action, but his move merely pre-empted what the Liberal heavyweights – if you can accurately call any Liberal a “heavyweight” these days – would have done to him later.
Christensen’s Parliamentary colleagues agreed with the Labor Party and the Greens that he was a worthy of censure. Censure, censor, whatever.
The then PMO (Prime Minister’s Office; yes, ScoMo really was once our Prime Minister) sent out instructions to its MPs about what would happen if they “freelanced”. Went “off-message”.
Yet, ScoMo’s Liberals had no message, other than bungled brutality, hosing our money up against the wall, bankrupting small businesses, locking down and locking out our citizens – leading in the bullying of those who actually stood for freedom.
It is an eerie repeat of what the NSW Liberal Division – a failed institution of low morals and low achievement – did earlier this year to its then likely candidate for the seat of Castle Hill, Noel McCoy.
Noel was another COVID truth teller with a fondness for individual freedom and basic rights, a fondness apparently not shared by his Liberal brothers and sisters in head office.
The Senate LNP good guys are now down to two. Canavan and Antic.
Alex Antic’s view (recently described to me) is that Matt Canavan should be Prime Minister.
No argument from me, and not just because there is virtually no one on either side of UniParty politics worthy of that once-high office.
Antic himself, hated by South Australia’s legendary wets (now led by the sadly persevering Simon Birmingham), is conducting something of a push-back manouevre in the Pink State. (Adelaide was once unkindly described by the late Barry Humphries as “Yass with poofs”).
Antic wants a reverse takeover of the Party by conservatives and other sane people. Sensible centrists who believe in good governance and moral behaviour by politicians.
These people are mostly described by their opponents as religious-Right types. Extremists. Pentacostals!
You know, people that believe women are, well, women. That the traditional family is the core unit of civilised society. That we shouldn’t throw our economy away so as to feel good about pretending we can move the world’s temperature a thousandth of a degree. That we shouldn’t trash our Constitution by racist referenda
Pretty dark, these “forces”.
A South Australian Labor politician claimed, in reference to the recent resignation from the Liberal Party of one of its moderates: “Alex Antic and Tony Pasin [a South Australian Liberal Member in Canberra] are carving up the Liberal Party like their own personal plaything.
“Their far Right-wing extreme views mean that centrists who are long-term members of the Liberal Party … can’t find a place in the Liberal Party.”
We know what Liberal power brokers think of s-called “renegades”. Ask Nicolle Flint, Craig Kelly and George Christensen.
Bullying did Flint in. Kelly’s departure was his own action, but his move merely pre-empted what the Liberal heavyweights – if you can accurately call any Liberal a “heavyweight” these days – would have done to him later.
Christensen’s Parliamentary colleagues agreed with the Labor Party and the Greens that he was a worthy of censure. Censure, censor, whatever.
The then PMO (Prime Minister’s Office; yes, ScoMo really was once our Prime Minister) sent out instructions to its MPs about what would happen if they “freelanced”. Went “off-message”.
Yet, ScoMo’s Liberals had no message, other than bungled brutality, hosing our money up against the wall, bankrupting small businesses, locking down and locking out our citizens – leading in the bullying of those who actually stood for freedom.
It is an eerie repeat of what the NSW Liberal Division – a failed institution of low morals and low achievement – did earlier this year to its then likely candidate for the seat of Castle Hill, Noel McCoy.
Noel was another COVID truth teller with a fondness for individual freedom and basic rights, a fondness apparently not shared by his Liberal brothers and sisters in head office.
The Senate LNP good guys are now down to two. Canavan and Antic.
Alex Antic’s view (recently described to me) is that Matt Canavan should be Prime Minister.
No argument from me, and not just because there is virtually no one on either side of UniParty politics worthy of that once-high office.
Antic himself, hated by South Australia’s legendary wets (now led by the sadly persevering Simon Birmingham), is conducting something of a push-back manouevre in the Pink State. (Adelaide was once unkindly described by the late Barry Humphries as “Yass with poofs”).
Antic wants a reverse takeover of the Party by conservatives and other sane people. Sensible centrists who believe in good governance and moral behaviour by politicians.
These people are mostly described by their opponents as religious-Right types. Extremists. Pentacostals!
You know, people that believe women are, well, women. That the traditional family is the core unit of civilised society. That we shouldn’t throw our economy away so as to feel good about pretending we can move the world’s temperature a thousandth of a degree. That we shouldn’t trash our Constitution by racist referenda
Pretty dark, these “forces”.
A South Australian Labor politician claimed, in reference to the recent resignation from the Liberal Party of one of its moderates: “Alex Antic and Tony Pasin [a South Australian Liberal Member in Canberra] are carving up the Liberal Party like their own personal plaything.
“Their far Right-wing extreme views mean that centrists who are long-term members of the Liberal Party … can’t find a place in the Liberal Party.”
Well, Gerard Rennick can’t.
Alex Antic is more than aware of his own likely fate if his push-back fails. Then even he might be forced to join the real renegades on the cross-benches, Malcolm Roberts and Ralph Babet.
For those of an independent mind and a questioning bent, political mortality clearly beckons.
When serial floor-crossers like Leftie Bridget Archer sail right on, taking what was once a broad church of a Party into the fetid swamps of wokeness and mediocrity.
Back in February, The Guardian (dutifully) reported on attempts by Rennick to recruit freedom-loving truth-tellers to the Liberal Party: “Also blocked have been membership applications from multiple people known to have campaigned for minor Parties at the 2022 election, as part of a stronger stance taken by the new administration to – in the words of one source – “keep out the cookers”.
Ah, cookers. Look it up. This is what the Liberal Party thinks of you and me. Next time you meet one of the gutless “insiders” who never give their names to journalists, ask him or her to justify the fact that Australia’s COVID bill (estimated by The Institute of Public Affairs, at one time a recruitment agency for the very same Liberal Party), to be just shy of a trillion dollars.
You read that right. A cool trillion. All down to ScoMo and his UniParty totalitarian, globalist buddies.
It didn’t save a single life, but caused plenty to lose their lives and livelihoods. The malevolent pandemic response has virtually sent this country to the wall, all over a mild virus.
Ask him or her who the real “cookers” are, here. People who actually do “follow the science” rather than the dictates of the flawed and compromised technocrats.
Remind him or her that cookers now make up around a third of the electorate. With votes that some might think worth fighting for.
As US author Mattias Desmet recently noted: “The newly emerging totalitarianism is not so much fascist or communist in nature. It is technocratic. What is emerging is a totalitarianism led by ‘experts’ and enforced with technological tools, the likes of which the world has never seen – until now.
“Initially, this concerns a sort of ‘velvet glove’ totalitarianism, which attempts to rob the population of its (mental) freedom by means of more or less non-violent influence techniques such as nudging, hiring influencers and journalists to plant and promote preferred narratives, suppressing critical messages on social media through algorithm, and so on.
“To think that such techniques are harmless is psychologically naive. They always come down to forms of manipulative communication. He who perverts speech perverts human relationships; he who perverts human relationships perverts existence. First in word, then in deed.”
This is precisely what The Guardian has been up to in its reporting of Rennick and his supporters. Their tactics are very clever, if chilling, and Liberal Party pre-selectors routinely fall for them. Time after time.
Narrative construction in service of globalist, woke agendas is now the primary job of the media and the universities. And you can’t make an omelette without breaking COVID dissidents. Like Gerard Rennick.
As an aside, apparently Greg Hunt, the Liberal Party’s globalist lackey from central casting and pandemic bomb-thrower-in-chief, called out Rennick in 2021 for “false COVID information”.
That all but proves it must have been true. Hunt, almost inevitably, is now a pretend (that is, honorary) “perfessor” at the University of Melbourne, aka the Parkville Asylum.
In his first interview since the Morrison government’s defeat, the now-retired MP – who is beginning a new job with the University of Melbourne –propounded the need for the Liberal Party to attract multicultural and female candidates and declared history would judge the Coalition’s pandemic response positively.
Hunt is doubling down. More vaccines! He should be in jail.
If he thinks history will be kind to him and his totalitarian colleagues, he is delusional.
Hunt is a shill for Big Pharma. Armed with all the buzz words.
Whatever Gerard Rennick’s future political, we must never forget his bravery in pushing the anti-mandate agenda and his faithful representation of the many, many vaccine-injured.
The Guardian reported before the Rennick vote: “Party insiders say the vote will be tight, with one warning success for the sitting senator would be a ‘recipe for oblivion’.
Ah, those Party insiders. That would be the Party that now doesn’t govern in any mainland State.
Why would anyone believe whatever these low-rent goons say about political oblivion?
They are already living it. And living with the knowledge – if they are occasionally awake – that many of their once-loyal supporters now hate them.PC
Demoralising – the once great LP decimated, hardly any of the true blue conservatives left; majority of those still around just drifting further to the left.
So because there is a different view, they disendorse the senator. Have the Qld Liberals learnt nothing from 2022 election.
Give me an independent thinker rather than a head nodder
“I stopped voting Liberal after John Howard, with his ‘broad church’ nonsense, lost his own seat.”
Howard is indeed where the rot began.
The Liberal Party’s primary vote has fallen by 12% since 1996.
If they continue on the ‘broad church’ path, the Liberals will never form a federal government with a commanding majority of seats.
What used to be normal thought for conservatives of both Left and Right is now called ‘far right’. I stopped voting Labor 50 years ago. I stopped voting Liberal after John Howard, with his ‘broad church’ nonsense, lost his own seat.
All of the self-serving bastards have wrecked Australia, which is now unrecognisable; a Leftist shambles that I’m glad I am old on the way out of, and not just starting.
In the meantime, thank the Lord for Paul Collits.