![Big media betrays nation for political points](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Scott-Morrison-kiss-300x500-1.jpg)
ONE of the great disappointments of the COVID era has been the performance of the fourth estate.
Corporate media has simply transformed itself into an arm of government, a super-spreader of hysteria and propaganda on behalf of Big Pharma and a source of tedious, Orwellian infomercials.
- You would think the biggest story of any of our lifetimes would elicit curiosity.
- The current crop of teenaged journalists have been dulled by corporatism.
- The media bought into the climate scare, so becoming COVID lemmings was expected.
Thank God for independent media that speaks truth to power. And the freedom platforms like Telegram and Bitchute. And the maligned truth tellers of the silent fringe. The heroic medicos and researchers, like Claire Craig, Peter McCullough and Mike Yeadon.
The people that Stuart Wavell, an old school Brit newspaperman, calls the “citizen journalists”, who are doing the work of paid hacks for nothing. Those, that is, who survive the surveillance of Big Tech’s “fact checkers” and whose message somehow gets through.
Stalwarts for freedom like Kathy Gyngell (The Conservative Woman), Toby Young (The Spectator, The Free Speech Union and The Daily Sceptic) and Laurence Fox (Lewis and the Reclaim Party) have lamented the fact that the legacy media simply don’t report protests against the COVID State.
If we don’t report it, it didn’t happen. This is an old strategy of the Leftist publishing organs of yore.
Now it is the silence of the sheep. Here is Kathy Gyngell on the sins of both commission and omission of the COVID Gatekeeper in Chief, the good old BBC:
By commission it has acted as the government’s State of fear propaganda arm; by commission the only “opposition” it gave a platform for more lockdown, not less – for more authoritarianism, not less.
By omission it has ensured that the public never heard the considered scientific arguments of distinguished scientists, or of journalists, academics and ordinary people, against the disproportionate lockdown response, the truth about the origins of the virus, or the profound concerns about experimental vaccine.
By omission, too, it has ignored the huge vested international political and pharma interests and plausible accusations of criminality. The final damning omission is the failure to address the rapid erosion of our democratic rights and individual liberties.
The truly astonishing thing is the missed scoops. Stuart Wavell notes:
In normal times, newspapers would have leapt at the chance to expose any one of the scandals that are being revealed on social media. Each is a seismic exclusive.
Foremost among these is the rigorous suppression of a potent, safe, cheap anti-viral drug, ivermectin, which front-line doctors believe could stop the pandemic in its tracks.
Close behind are the vaccines that are not vaccines but a genetic fix which, in addition to enabling the disease to persist and breed new variants, show signs of damaging internal organs.
Then there’s the virus that according to investigators is not a virus, but an escaped experimental ‘vaccine’.
These stories are there for the taking.
Indeed, they are. You would think that the biggest story of any of our lifetimes would elicit a moment’s curiosity from the gnomes who write our news stories.
The questions that are never asked at any press conference constitute rather a long list.
You know, doesn’t the inability of vaccines to actually stop COVID deaths, hospitalisations and infections constitute a threat to the logic of the pollies’ get-out-of-jail-free strategy? What is our Plan B? When will the lockdowns ever end?
Why do five cases (in South Australia) constitute an “emergency”? What is the evidence that masks work? Do lockdowns make any difference to COVID deaths or infections?
What are the odds of COVID being spread by the healthy in outdoors settings? On the merits of contact-trace, so beloved of the NSW Premier, should we not agree with the former British Treasury Secretary, whose scathing assessment of Britain’s similar program is as follows:
Referring to the current £37b projected cost of Dido Harding’s test and trace operation, Lord Macpherson, who was Permanent Secretary at the Treasury from 2005 to 2016 and worked on 33 Budgets and 20 Spending Reviews, went so far as to say: “This wins the prize for the most wasteful and inept public spending programme of all time.”
Why were Bill Gates’ international troupe of Big Pharma shills aka the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (chaired by the Australian former health tsar and now Big Pharma accomplice Jane Halton) having something called Event 201 a mere month before the COVID outbreak for which they were so prepared?
And so on. Plenty of material for the investigative journalist.
Perhaps the current crop of teenaged journalists fresh from the journalism studies degrees they obtained at glorified tech colleges – err, sorry, Dawkins universities – are so dulled by corporatism, ideology and their complete lack of critical skills that they have lost their sense of smell. In the sense of their ability to smell rats.
Bar a handful, they all bought the climate scare, until March 2020 the biggest scam in history. So perhaps we shouldn’t expect too much of them.
But Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph, normally a mere compendium of soft porn, celebrity gossip, rugby league, adverts for furniture stores, reportage on reality TV and spitting out the inane re-tweets of nobodies, plus four pages of news, has taken to trying to out-insult our venerable leaders, themselves not shrinking violets when it comes to insulting their citizens.
Following the latest Sydney lockdown protests, we had these gems spread all over the front page. “Clowns protest”. “March of the Covidiots”. “Maskless halfwits”. “Rebels with no idea”. Oh, and the protesters were going to cost lives. Not merely stupid, but dangerously stupid. “So-called” freedom protests.
The Telegraph should be re-named The Rabid Berejiklian. Such is the extent to which it has jumped the shark in its COVID sycophancy.
Breathless in the awe of brave Gladys, who issued a “grave warning” that the “mob” had “compromised the safety of all of us”.
The editor of the Sunday Telegraph is one Mick Carroll, formerly of that renowned organ, the Townsville Bulletin. He was once described – in the Daily Telegraph, of course – as a “highly respected journalist”. He should be ashamed of himself.
His readers should, like our household, vow never to buy his embarrassing, tabloid rag ever again.
The old adage claimed, “Sunday isn’t Sunday without the Sunday Telegraph”. These days, even rotting fish wouldn’t be seen dead in it, such are the depths to which it has sunk.
From our elected leaders and our unelected yet outspoken bureaucrats, whether from the Stasi health brigade or our thug-police, we had Gladys being “utterly disgusted” and Brad “Health” Hazzard believing the protest to be “silly”.
Yes, a Liberal who thinks defending freedom is “silly”. The NSW cops, clearly lacking a sense of irony, termed the protesters “selfish boofheads”.
Meldanistan’s health fascist-in-chief, Brett Sutton (Jane Halton’s brother-in-law) could not understand why the protesters couldn’t see that his regime’s elimination strategy via lockdown (five times over, and counting) was itself an act of freedom.
Freedom from the virus. I kid you not.
The low information NSW Police Minister, who himself once fraudulently posed as a policeman to scare a teenager and who, as Minister for Emergency Services, found himself holidaying in London while his State was literally on fire in 2019, stated that he had a “strike force” of 22 detectives “poring” over CCTV footage in an attempt to fine the 3500 protesters. While real (masked, of course) criminals are out there doing what they do.
Rebel News reported last week that the editor of The Daily Mail in Australia was caught on film instructing all his journalists to insult anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists in every single COVID story.
We probably didn’t need to see the video to figure this all out. Well, we only had to wait around three days to see it all rolled out.
Ah, the anti-vaxxers … Here is what renowned American medico Peter McCullough (referred to above) has said of the vaccines:
This will go down as the most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history.
Might not there be a story there? Might not the mad anti-vaxxers be onto something, at least as far as COVID is concerned?
The media’s weird priorities that privilege abusing protesters and dissidents over reporting inconvenient truths beggar belief. And they go on about fake news.
Real stupid, these protesters. Selfish, mad, conspiracy theorists. Like Remy Chadwick, a 27-year-old artist and teacher who is married to an occupational therapist who looked after COVID-infected patients in aged care at the height of Melbourne’s second lockdown. Remy wrote at Quadrant Online about why she protested:
Here’s a thought: COVID can crush your body, but it cannot crush your spirit. And another thought: our premiers cannot eliminate COVID-19, but they can eliminate society in the trying. They might even succeed in doing just that before the next election. This is why I feel a great urgency to use whatever few means left to us as citizens to oppose their vision for life under COVID. They, not me and the thousands of others who took to the streets yesterday in State capitals, are the true enemies of the State, enemies of the community, enemies of individuals. They want to protect us from a disease that is out of their control, peddling lies and doling out shame while refusing point blank to release the “expert advice” that tells them their strategy is “working”. They have not sought the consent of the people whose rights they have been entrusted with…
The social contract is now rigged against common people. I look ahead and see a horizon of lockdowns, impositions and risk-avoidance that no vaccination level can cure. This horizon is bleakness incarnate. As if five lockdowns totalling some six months of domestic incarceration haven’t been bleak enough! If our premiers trash democratic norms to get their way and impose their will, they should expect fierce resistance. What they got on Saturday was only a taste.
Her protest sign read:
“COVID can’t be eliminated. Put a ring of steel around our Premiers”
Well said, Remy. We might add, in sympathy, “put a steel ring around our tabloid editors”.
Let us see who the clueless ones are here. They would be the supine, craven lemmings who stay silent in the face of Big Brother.
The midwit politicians who do not know their mask from their comorbidity.
Incurious reporters marching to the drumbeat of authoritarianism.
Contemptible big brother collaborators in media management.
Gauleiters in the health bureaucracy. The suburban innocents who go along to get along.
Opposition leaders that do not oppose. Liberal and National backbenchers who remain silent as their country shrivels up to nothing while their proclamations to their pre-selectors about rights and freedom still resonate in our ears.
Perhaps, beyond the spittle flecked insults hurled by privileged journalists and their obsequious fawning of the political class, cheered on by their salivating editors, the thing that is most depressing about the performance of the fourth estate during this affair is the sheer panic that the media have engendered among ordinary Australians.
And the changes in attitudes, perhaps permanent, that they have driven and embedded.
When the Karens are in control, our much celebrated and cherished culture of mateship and camaraderie is crushed, and all that is left is fear of one another, suspicion, meanness and nastiness. Charity is gone.
Three of my family members are medically exempt from wearing COVID muzzles.
Two are them are now self-isolating because they are afraid to go out to the shops, lest they be glowered at, insulted or spat upon. Who do we thank for this?
Or perhaps the whole notion of “being in this together”, trumpeted ad nauseum by our betters, was always a myth.
Apparently, some of the protesters chanted “f… the media”. Now there is a message, loud and clear.PC
It is through your great work Paul and all those like you, that the truth can be told and where people can add information links to help inform the people further.
Social Media is an absolute disgrace with its heavy censorship and banning and Mainstream Media Empires with extensive conflicts of interest such as CEO of channel 9 Peter Costello and also head of The Australian Superannuation Funds heavily invested in vaccines. Massive conflicts of interest and NO MANDATES EVER should have been enacted which are totally unlawful according to Professor of Law Mr Augusto Zimmerman.
The Medical Profession is being bought by the Pharmaceutical Industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research.
The Academic Institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the Pharmaceutical Industry. I think it’s disgraceful.
Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014) Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor in Chief of the NEJM
The International Medical Council On Vaccination
We are profoundly critical of the practice of vaccination. Vaccination is an unacceptable risk to every member of society, regardless of age.
As medical professionals, Council members have observed first-hand the health of vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated.
Covid Vaxxine Deaths and Injuries USA & Europe
Through to 2 July 2022 – 75,322 Dead and 5,938,318 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines
UK Government Statistics show Vaccinated Children are 30,200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children
RIP Medical Privacy – Dictator Dan – See my very important comment Information to give more truth to the people
The entire system is totally corrupted with systemic and extensive conflicts of interest.
If the people representing State and Federal Governments have/want ties, associations, partnerships, memberships, sponsorships, revolving doors with any Corporations, Companies, Groups, Government / NG Departments or anyone, any Group or anything whatsoever THEY CANNOT AND MUST NOT PULL THE MANDATE CAPER ! No Gunpoint Medicine ever! as this is a most serious crime / corruption/conflicts of interest and the most abhorrent violation of Informed Consent / Nuremberg Principles / Nuremberg Code on a massive scale and they all must be held responsible and accountable for these atrocious crimes against our populations. The corruption and conflicts of interest are so extensive that the truth in Australia will never be told by all those involved in these crimes against innocent populations but I think all those who have been a part of this appalling Tyranny are going to pay the price for their treasonous lawless disgusting Tyrannical actions.
CORRUPTION/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST – More stench than a Parliamentary Sewer Pit
Information Paper – link hereunder > see Corruption/Conflicts of Interest items all through this Information Paper. Also, please IN PARTICULAR SEE THE INFORMATION ON VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT GLOBAL HEALTH > Revolving Doors > Big Ties > Big Pharma > Big Medicine > Big Media > Global Elite et al but as stated, the entire system is corrupted with systemic and extensive conflicts of interest – please look all through this Information Paper for Corruption/Conflicts and I have only
scratched the surface herein !
AUSTRALIA JAB CENTRAL – A look at the new Covid Vaccines coming to Australia
We have already exposed here on the website how Pfizer exploited and misapplied a controversial clinical trial method to ensure their COVID vaccine products were released. Could these companies be a fan of Australia for the same reasons? Strap yourselves in, folks. The Epsilon Agenda looks like it will continue well into 2022. Indefinite disease warfare against the ‘invisible enemy’. https://crazzfiles.com/a-look-at-the-new-covid-vaccines-coming-to-australia/
Reminder > Originally Two weeks to flatten the Curve
Then it became > Total Global Tyranny and Another Jab to either Flatten Your Pulse or Cause Jab/Vaccine Injuries.
The common cold is a virally related syndrome and has been associated with over 100 different viruses, including Human Coronavirus and Rhinovirus.
The Covid Plandemic Fraud is positively the most dangerous, damaging and destructive Con ever perpetrated on Populations under the architecture and orchestration by the Monstrous Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum and his pack of Elitists/Globalists and the allegedly totally corrupted World Health Organisation, the UN and corrupted and Treasonous Politicians Globally.
Also the Australian Arm of that World Economic Forum must be taken down.
It’s NEVER been about health/sickness, it’s always been about total Global control of all populations and they will continue doing this with every virus, infection, Bacteria, Pox or other deviant plan UNTIL the Global Populations United in solidarity for Humanity, STOP these Power Crazed, Greedy, Lawless Lunatics of Corporate Global Governments and Global Elite et al before we are permanently under Totalitarian Lunatic Regimes.
The Australian Arm of the monstrous World Economic Forum must also be abolished permanently and irrevocably along with all Mandates and any and all other tyrannical Government actions.
The War of Inversion: An All – Out Assault against Humanity
What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis.”Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy”? – Covid, Capitalism, Friedrich Engels and Boris Johnson
ALL the global Tyrannical Governments and WEF, WHO and Globalists must be stopped.
Absolutely terrifying > World Health Organisation (WHO) INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (IHR) treaty will override constitutions of Australia and America
World Health Organisation (WHO) INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (IHR) treaty will override constitutions of Australia and America
IHR will implement universal vaccination mandates and digital vaccine passports as we step into One World Government‘s Pandemic Treaty
by Alexandra Bruce, US correspondent
This interaction between Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick and a local health minister reveals that the reason why the Australian government, like the Canadian government isn’t letting unvaccinated people fly on commercial airlines has nothing to do with health policy but with the fact that these countries, like the US and all other UN members are signatory to the International Health Regulations accord of 2005 or IHR.
Most people, like me had never heard of the IHR. These regulations override and supersede the US Constitution.
The treachery of retiring Health Minister Greg Hunt, the LNP, ALP and Greens knows no bounds. The LNP has a committee set up to sign the WHO treaty which would allow the UN’s IHR body to shut down Australia for any alleged pandemic without reference to the Australian Parliament. No doubt dopey Aussies too busy at the football or golf will be worried about the destruction of our sovereignty.
While everyone is looking at Ukraine, the WHO is planning a power grab to give it legal powers over the pandemic response in 190 countries.
James Rogusky has put together this amazing resource on his Substack, informing us about what’s happening and a call-to-action and what we can do, parts of which I’m sharing below.
On January 12, 2022, the United States submitted a number of amendments to the IHR that will give away even more of our sovereignty and greatly empower the World Health Organization (WHO) to restrict YOUR health related rights and freedoms.
The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva, Switzerland this May 22-28, 2022. The Assembly will vote on the amendments to the IHR. They are very likely to pass and be enacted into International law unless “We the People” stand up against this attack on our sovereignty.
These amendments to the International Health Regulations do NOT need to be approved by two-thirds of the US Senate. We have already agreed to obey the IHR by virtue of our membership in the United Nations and the World Health Organization. We have already given away some of our sovereignty. These amendments will give away even more.
In addition to the proposed amendments to the IHR, the WHO has also set up an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that is actively negotiating an international “Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is separate from, and in addition to, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations I just mentioned.
The “Pandemic Treaty” is being drafted and negotiated as we speak.
While everyone is looking at Ukraine the WHO is planning a power grab to give it legal powers over the pandemic response for 190 countries.
A summary of the proposed treaty could legally empower the WHO to do the following:
For more info, visit: ThePeoplesTreaty.com
Honing in on the perpetrator of world economic destruction
Klaus Schwab, owner and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is the most dangerous man in the world. He has sleeper agents across every government in the world ready to implement the One World Government, a fusion of corporations and government where you will own nothing and be happy.
Schwab’s evil plan is almost completed. There are no longer freehold titles (deed of grant in trust) in Australia. All parchment deeds have been shredded, replaced by a computer printed title.
Continue >
Defense of Australia
Scott Morrison and World Economic Forum interlocked to bring Australia down destroying national sovereignty
BREAKING: The full email package between Scott Morrison and Klaus Schwab confirming that he is acting as a proxy to the World Economic Forum’s great reset. This is treason, there is no other word for it. The Australian people did not sacrifice their husbands and children in two wars to give the country over to global fascism by stealth.
More >
AHPRA is titled a WHO Collaborating Centre for health workforce regulation
STATE OF TYRANNY – Queensland Extension of Expiring Provisions bill passes – 82 votes to 5 reassuring voters the Liberals and ALP want to keep killing you with vaccine mandates
Liberal, Labor duopoly spend up big on phony Ukranian ‘war’
CSIRO Melbourne linked to Ukrainian bio-labs being destroyed by Putin
Australia will not survive treason from within
Citizens Insight
Robert Barwick interviewed former Deputy Ambassador to China (1974-76) and Ambassador to Iran (1985-88) John Lander for his perspective on the direction of Australia’s current foreign policy, which he warns is pushing us towards war with our biggest trading partner China.
Veteran Australian diplomat speaks out against war danger – John Lander
More >
Full video of Malcolm Roberts (One Nation) laying down the COVID gauntlet in parliament March 30th 2022
Senator Malcolm Roberts (One Nation) dropped bombshells in Senate after COVID Under Question inquiry. March 30, 2022
Scott Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells Liberal Senator Slamming Report on Politics
George Christensen’s final scorching speech to Federal Parliament
State health officials talk of Covid dangers recorded by hidden cameras
COVID COVER-UP: NIH secretly deleted information about genetic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2
‘COVID Army’ To Go ‘Door to Door’ Testing Symptom-Free Australians
Reports COVID Test Firm Is Planning to Sell Swabs With Customers’ DNA
CDC finally admits, casually, that covid nasal “testing” swabs were used to sequence people’s genomes for analysis
CDC/FDA confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus
CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns
Smoking gun: Lord Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts
New COVID at-home test dangerous and misleading: but everybody’s doing it, so who cares, right?
Prof. Werner Bergholz: Dangerous Chemicals and Nanotubes Found In Covid Test Swabs
Ethylene oxide is highly toxic – it causes cancer, it damages DNA – and it is found on the Covid test swabs. Although Governments, public health officials and educators are responsible for investigating, raising public awareness and stopping the use of these tests on children, until that happens, society has a responsibility to protect the vulnerable.
In the text below we highlight the work of Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz who has researched the test sticks or swabs used by the population for Covid tests.
My name is Thomas Binder.
I am a cardiologist and an internist in a private practice in Switzerland, wrote my thesis in immunology and virology, and am a member of ‘Aletheia – Medicine and Science for Proportionality‘ and of ‘Doctors for Covid Ethics’, who both are fighting for the reinstitution of scientificity, also known as reality, of sanity and of humanness.
The alleged corona killer virus is nonsense.
The alleged epidemic of national or international scope is nonsense.
The use of RT-PCR tests on healthy people is nonsense.
The Corman-Drosten RT-PCR test protocol is nonsense.
The diagnostic criteria for COVID-19 disease are nonsense.
Anti-social distancing, quarantine, isolation,
contact tracing, masks, school closures and curfews, also called lockdowns, for asymptomatic, formerly called healthy people, are nonsense.
The unnecessary, ineffective, and unsafe serial experimental mRNA and DNA injections are nonsense.
Every second-year medical student has to study ‘Basic Epidemiology’. There, he learns that when an epidemic of national scope is declared, a study cohort must be constituted immediately for longitudinal surveillance. This cohort must represent the demographics of the population, and it is used for tracking the case numbers, the severity of the disease, and the status of immunity to the germ that caused the epidemic.
However, even though it is now almost one and half a year ago that the WHO declared the COVID pandemic, such a representative surveillance cohort does not exist in your country.
Either there is no one among your government ministers, your health authorities and their advisors with the knowledge of a second-year medical student, or you are being totally fooled.
The epidemic is fake, but the oppressive measures which it has produced are real; they threaten our freedom, our livelihoods, and even our lives.
An endemic of a beta corona common cold virus is inflated into a pandemic of a killer virus with PR, PCR and masks and fought with serial unnecessary, ineffective, unsafe experimental mRNA and DNA injections.
Wake up, stand up and fight, peacefully but firmly; if not for yourself, then for your children’s future and that of your grandchildren.
Let’s all join hands to end this unethical, unjust, unscientific, inhumane nonsense, now!
Yes, Paul Collits, you are right. The questions never asked at any COVID press conference constitute rather a long list. And, yes, as your cited list of missed scoops by Stuart Wavell implies, this is astounding. The potential of each is seismic and sufficient to blow the lies of the past 18 months out of the water.
Climate and its COVID P-19 doppelgänger are the two biggest frauds in human history constructed around perverted half truths and crude propaganda.
Conferred the status of “global” emergencies by the elitist supranational infrastructure that birthed then declared unremitting war on them, they are now poised to fulfil their intended purpose.
That purpose, at least 60 years in gestation, is the Great Reset whereby the Old Normal is systematically destroyed and replaced by the New Normal. It’s the new world order. And it’s the bitter taste of tyranny now causing increasing numbers of masked, socially distanced and locked down Australians to arc up.
The usual 10-20% of the populace given to serious thinking and truth seeking already know this is World War III in all its ugliness. The globalists’ business is to put western civilisation’s familiar peak twentieth century modernity and freedoms out of business — as lyricised by Claus Schwab and the national and corporate stakeholders at Davos.
Dr Mike Yeadon, staring over the edge of the mRNA vaccine abyss recently, pondered that the only way we could possibly defeat the alarming advances made, was by coming up with something altogether out of the box and unexpected.
Me thinks this is putting God back as the trusted “expert” in our lives and discarding the diabolical imitations served up errant governments and the media.
100% True. The media and government labeling people that oppose these vaccines as anti-vaccers is just a way of turning the sheep against the people that have done their homework on this sinister sauce. We are not anti-vaccine, we are anti-control. No government or any person/people have the right to decide anyones future. Lockdowns,masks and refusing people to enter bussinesses are all illegal acts. At first the media and government called them, new covid laws, then rules and now they call them requirements. Unfortunately there are too many people believing all this rubbish that good ol Carl from the Today Show and alike continueously belt out, thinking, Oh we love Carl, we trust him. Hello, he is deliberately trying to kill you… TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISIONS AND DO YOUR RESEARCH.
Peolple need to read the BIO-SECURITY ACT SECTION 60 AND SECTION 61 aswell as the PRIVACY ACT SECTION 94H, and then they will realise how evil out goverments are.
Thank you Paul. Very refreshing to read the “truth” on what is really going on. You are right, they are ruining society and turning people against each other. I have never seen so many misled, scared and angry sheeple in my life, it is a real concern.