Mission complete for NSW’s two-tier tyranny

by PAUL COLLITS – SO HOW is the two-tiered society going in the sunny State of NSW? 

Is it measuring up to the expectations and preferences of the then NSW Treasurer, now Premier, who stated so vigorously last year that he didn’t want to be a part of society so divided? 

Perrottet has not said a word about the vicious, continuing vaccine mandates rolled out across government agencies with the vigour one might expect of a Leftist head of the Premier’s Department.

In fact, should we be calling the NSW Premier “Dominic Andrews”? Such is the emerging, extraordinary and utterly unexpected political bromance north and south of the Murray.

“They text each other all the time,” The Guardian notes. (The origins and meaning of this are a story for another time).


Before we check in at the Premier State, we should briefly catch up with what is going on in other jurisdictions.

Well. South Australia has reversed its vaccine mandates for teachers. That would be, now, a Labor State. (Yes, the RATs remain and the ridiculous masks).

The goddess of globalism and vaccine autocracy, Jacinda of the Shaky Isles, has reversed the vaccine mandates for all but the health workforce.

Yes, it was done under the pressure of a New Zealand High Court decision. But she did it. With the expected backflip doublespeak and backside-covering. But she did it, nonetheless.

The Covidian mistress of the north, aka the Premier of Queensland, has massively reversed her earlier, quite mad, COVID mandates. At least, most of them.

The Brits never really got there with vaccine mandates, and have, in any case, returned, more or less, to pre-COVID normal. So too, the Nordics.

Florida is legendarily a free society in the face of what is, for most, a minor virus. A number of other US States have followed suit.

The Supreme Court crushed Joe Biden’s proposed vaccine mandates for large private firms.

Even the country of Adolf Hitler’s birth has relented on its early totalitarian approach to crushing the deplorable unvaxxed.

But how are we travelling in the Premier State?

On the watch of he who has, so publicly, shunned a two-tiered society? Current developments suggest, not all that well.

The two-tiered society implemented on the watch of Dominic Perrottet’s predecessor and the sadly continuing Health Minister, notably un-sacked by the new kid on the block, continues unabated.

This is led by the NSW Government’s own agencies of State. While the Premier and his Ministers stand back, watch and say nothing. Worse, they seek to cover it up.

The Premier, who has recently been (famously) absent on parental leave, and since returning, has focused his attention on handouts for the flooded people of Lismore, disempowering members of the NSW Liberal Party in relation to pre-selections, planting Indigenous flags atop the Harbour Bridge, and is now addressing the alleged past hate crimes against gays.


He has not said a word about the vicious, continuing vaccine mandates, now being rolled out across government agencies with the vigour that one might expect of a Leftist head of the Premier’s Department.

Perhaps the Premier is like those American Catholic politicians who are “personally” against abortion, but don’t seem to mind if there are tens of millions of children destroyed on their watch.

The Premier, like our beloved Prime Minister, is “personally” against vaccine mandates…

Quite amazing. Or is it?

Given the atrocities of the past two years committed by governments against those who they care to call their people, we might be forgiven for not being surprised by these new and/or ongoing attacks on our freedoms and rights.

But, surprised we should be. And appalled. At the very least, we should be noticing what has been going on.

South Australian teachers need no jabs. NSW teachers need three. And probably counting.

Unjabbed NSW teachers – the valiant 9000 – continue to be excluded from a system many of them have served faithfully for decades.

Now the NSW Government is importing replacements from anywhere they can find them. India, Fiji, wherever. To fill the massive gaps in the school system. So long as they are … vaccinated!


Mark Latham MLC, to his eternal credit, has gone into this.

The Daily Telegraph reported: “The NSW Education Department has been criticised after a veteran Western NSW teacher was sacked for attending a “peaceful, silent protest” against NSW Government COVID lockdowns last year — resulting in her being placed on a do-not-employ list.

“The teacher, who has been an educator for more than 18 years, was investigated and fired by the Education Department’s Director of Child Protection after she attended a “peaceful silent protest” against COVID lockdowns at Robertson Park, Mudgee in August last year.

“In a letter issued on January 26, the teacher — who did not wish to be named — was informed that her employment as a temporary teacher at Mudgee Public School had been terminated.

“ ‘[The teacher] was accompanied by another departmental employee from the same school,’ a letter by Director of Child Protection Sarah Parry said. “The alleged conduct was in contravention of the NSW Public Health Orders and of departmental and school policies.

“ ‘[The teacher] has since had her contract at the school terminated.’

“The Education Department director claimed the teacher’s conduct ‘demonstrates a blatant disregard of the NSW Public Health Orders and of departmental policies and procedures’.

“ ‘I also find [the teacher’s] conduct to be dishonest and deceitful,’ Ms Parry said. ‘The conduct in this context is totally unacceptable to the Department and would meet the threshold of misconduct if [the teacher] was a permanent employee.’ ”

So, attending a peaceful demonstration, not on school grounds and not during school hours, about basic human rights, is “deceitful”, “unacceptable”, and demonstrating a “blatant disregard for NSW public health orders”.

I would like to hear someone (not talking in cliched talking points) explain in detail how this is so, and make the case.

If only these overlords (and overladies) could hear themselves speaking. Like many other unelected public servants, Ms Parry is out of control.


One might ask the Minister for Education, Parry’s boss, what she thinks of the Premier’s earlier, now apparently abandoned, commitment to governments not removing the freedoms of citizens and his desire to avoid a two-tiered society.

All bets are off if you are a public servant in the Rum Corps State. Tellingly, the Minister said nothing.

As Latham observed: “[This is] a very bad case of censorship,” he said. “This teacher was protesting against the harsh impact of lockdowns on children and got sacked by a Department Child Protection Officer.”

Censorship, yes. But much worse. The worship of COVID safety has consumed the NSW public sector.

Its enforcers are addicted to the power that such worship has brought to them. They have no medical argument upon which to fall back.

Children are at infinitesimal risk from COVID, even the more serious strains, as are over 99 per cent of their teachers and ancillary staff.

Irrational. Unjust. Absurd. And just look at the educational outcomes.

Here is one of Tanya Davies’ loyal band of disgruntled followers: “My kids in Year 7 and 11 come home every day saying they’ve been told to sit in the quad as there are no teachers!”

Another: “My daughter’s class can’t even understand their maths teacher. Last year none were failing. This year lots in their class are failing.”

Yet another: “Most teachers I know are working as cleaners. What a joke.”


No one in government has even bothered to try to explain why the continuing madness is warranted. Of course, they cannot.

They simply take their daily dose of kool-aid and fall back on empty cliches and COVID-safe jargon they have learned from the COVID manual.

And it isn’t just the education sector impacts.

We have heard about the unconscionable gauleiters at the State Emergency Service who told the unvaccinated volunteers to go home. As people in Lismore drowned.

I am quietly confident that no octogenarians stranded in the wet and dark upon Lismore rooftops that awful Sunday night were yelling out to the (very few) SES workers on hand, “oi, are you vaccinated?”

To its eternal credit, the much compromised and largely second-rate British Government bowed to common sense, if not to its own fading commitment to freedom and rights, and walked back from vaccine mandates for NHS workers.

They knew the system would collapse if the tens of thousands of unjabbed health workers were sacked.

The NSW Government backbench remains, forever, silent. With one single, honourable exception, Tanya Davies (again on the case, after a hiatus).

The Member for Mulgoa, still loyal to the Premier but surely beginning to question whether there are any fruits from this loyalty, continues to fight a rearguard action on behalf of the unvaccinated and sacked.

Don’t forget the McEwen option, Tanya. (In the 1960s, the leader of the then Country Party, John McEwen, said he would leave the Government if the Liberal Party chose Billy McMahon as Prime Minister; they didn’t).


If Davies and a few others were to threaten to walk, this might just convince the Government to relent over vaccine mandates.

This is the ultimate power and I am sure that the unelected lobbyists who run the NSW Government don’t want Chris Minns to be Premier, certainly not before 2023.

The wonderful Mark Latham continues (of course) to fight for the workers who have been so comprehensively abandoned by their Government, their unions and just about everyone else.

A heroic effort by both. (Latham’s emergence as a political force, together with George Christensen’s welcome re-appearance in One Nation colours, seems likely to ensure a continued role for that Party in a post-Hanson environment).

The continued vaccine fascism of the NSW Government, at a time when international evidence shows, compellingly, that vaccines and boosters do not prevent infection and transmission, and that children, of all people, do not remotely require them, suggests one or more of five things. 

One, the NSW bureaucracy is totally out of control and the Government has ceded control of the State to unelected officials.

The freshly minted NSW Premier either does not know how to control them, or has no interest in doing so. He is going along to get along.

Or two, Perrottet is simply the “controlled opposition” (someone apparently in opposition to the ruling majority but, in reality, employed by them to see their policies are implemented) of the backroom ruling clique of the globalist NSW Liberal machine that he is powerless to resist.

Or three, the NSW Premier really is Dominic Andrews, a closet authoritarian who actually agrees with the policies of his Government’s agencies, yet somehow managed to convince people that he was a decent conservative who believed in things like freedom and the basic rights of the people, and who would prioritise their maintenance.  

Or four, Perrottet, just like all the others, is engaged in the cynical, fear-driven, butt-covering exercise of his life.


Were the NSW Government to end the vaccine mandates, they might just be exposed to claims by the sacked for legal redress and to the argument, what the hell were the last two years about, given that infections now (with Omicron) are far higher than when we had all the lockdowns and when vaccine mandates were introduced?

Never, ever admit we got it all horribly wrong, that what we did was immoral (or perhaps amoral), disastrous and lethal.

Rather, we need to tip-toe away from the scene of our crimes. And hope that no one notices.

This is beyond crass stubbornness. It is man’s worst sin, the sin of pride.

Or five, the NSW Premier is a hypocrite, with one rule for his workers and another for Members of Parliament. The latter do not have to be vaccinated in NSW.

At least one of these five things must be true. Perhaps all five are true, which would leave the NSW Government without much credibility to take to the election, which is now less than a year away.

We will not forget, and certainly not forgive, those who abandoned we-the-people during this COVID fight.

That the COVID class within the NSW Government has, for whatever reason, decided to trash its core constituency, the conservatives, the marginal voters, the silent ones, the sneered-at-class, will resonate massively come March 2023. Or will it?

The danger is that the majority, aided by political and media silence, may well just move on to new issues and distractions, and that the coming of mindlessly reported election campaigns will embed our collective forgetfulness.

Just look around the place right now.


Where is the freedom and rights-loving NSW Premier in all this? His agencies continue to enforce vaccine mandates, sacking, apparently without any qualms, loyal, healthy public servants who decline to be jabbed.

His own Premier’s Department chief continues to advise agencies to do their worst.

Who, one might well ask, is running the joint?  What was that about a free, undiscriminating society, Mr Premier?

This is low-rent politics and policy.

It’s time to be a man. Show them who is actually in charge. Follow the lead of the new SA Premier, a man of the (moderate) Left, and the Prime Minister of New Zealand (for God’s sake), who saw the writing on the wall and re-instated the unvaxxed workers of New Zealand.

You say you believe in education – even though you seem to have sided with your bizarre south-of-the-Murray bestie in relation to the history syllabus (go figure) – so show some compassion for the children of the State, who have pretty much gone without any education for two years, on your Government’s watch.

Reinstate the unvaccinated teachers, and beg their forgiveness for your awful mandates.

And call out your Health Department for its repulsive use of the Royal Easter Show to promote its evil vaccine fascism.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Dominic Perrottet (L) & Daniel Andrews. (courtesy Paul Collits)

3 thoughts on “Mission complete for NSW’s two-tier tyranny

  1. Voting for ALL our Freedoms, Rights, Safety, Choices, Democracy
    The people of Australia if only All of them knew the extent of depravity, corruption and conflicts of interest we wouldn’t even need an election as the monstrous tyrants dictators would have been dragged from the Parliamentary – it’s truly insane what our so called leaders have done to US and OUR lives and murdered ALL our rights choices and freedoms – together the people of Australia can reclaim our lives country and Democracy – Here’s how >
    Australians must NEVER EVER again vote for Liberal National Labor or Greens or we are totally doomed to Totalitarian State and Federal Governments – Stand United and say we refuse to let these “Tyrannical Governments/Premiers/Prime Minister/Chief Health Officers/Health Ministers” destroy our lives and our Democracy and force us into communism!!!
    So My fellow Australians that’s what we must do and in the upcoming Australian Federal Election NEVER NEVER NEVER vote for Liberal National Labor or Greens EVER AGAIN or we are totally doomed to Totalitarian Government/Communism.

    Liberal National Party’s Digital Surveillance to be implemented after election

    The expertise of this person is most important for this News – see >
    Mark Steele Expert report on 5G emissions in context of nanometal-contaminated vaccines – FOR LIFE ON EARTH
    Research scientists and medical doctors across the world have been gagged, threatened and vilified in the media and discredited as conspiracy theorists by governments and their agents when they have spoken out to oppose this trans-globalist agenda. The Great Barrington Declaration, with over 800,000 signatories, has been ignored and vilified by those pushing their terrorizing narrative. It was unconscionably ignored so that the populations in the West could be terrorized into participating in the largest illegal and unlawful medical experiment in world history. IV.6

    The Digital Dehumanisation of Mankind


    Reignite Democracy Australia

    Covid Under Question A Cross Party Inquiry – Malcolm Roberts One Nation

  2. Paul, no surprises here. These wet-behind-the-ears political juniors are controlled by bureaucrats, corporates and factional bosses.

    The only people they don’t care about are the struggling “deplorables” who put them there.


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