By Joe Hoft and Toni Viens – republished from with permission

The Missouri RINOs are on the move. This time to make sure they have total control of the Missouri State House of Representatives. They are now in the process of undertaking a move similar to the US Republican Senators, who voted for RINO Senate Leadership, behind closed doors and in private.

In Missouri, the “behind closed doors” and away from the State Capital operation took place yesterday (on Wednesday) and it’s being orchestrated by Axiom, a campaign strategy organization, whose CEO is Jeff Roe. This move is to make sure Representative Jon Patterson, currently Missouri House Majority Floor Leader, becomes Missouri Speaker of the House.

Jeff Roe first made national prominence when he represented Ted Cruz in the 2016 election. Since then he has represented Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. He is known for his ruthless tactics to win. Regarding Jeff Roe of Axiom Strategies, President Trump has noted he would most likely not endorse candidates who use Jeff Roe on their campaigns.

A review of Patterson’s time in the Missouri House has given his home district Jackson County so much apprehension that the Jackson County Republican Central Committee has formally stated their concerns in a Resolution of “Non-Support” of Patterson as Speaker of the House.

Resolution of the Jackson County Republican Central Committee November 2024 by Joe Ho on Scribd

The Resolution against Patterson resulted from Patterson voting against several critical conservative initiatives, many designed to protect children. Also, Patterson’s did not support the Initiative Petition (IP), which would have included safeguards to changes to the Missouri constitution.

Currently, Missouri’s constitutional changes only require a simple majority of Missouri voters. This often results in Missouri’s two most populated cities, Kansas City and St. Louis (the two blue dots on the Missouri red map), controlling constitutional changes for the entire state. Important to emphasize, these two cities have some of the highest crime rates within the US and their criminals are moving into other adjoining jurisdictions. Two crime-infested cities should NOT be making constitutional changes impacting all of Missouri.

The Initiative Petition (IP) would have required a majority vote from the state house districts and would result in giving a greater representation to all Missouri citizens. The Initiative Petition (IP) would have provided another level of security to our constitution and Patterson was the only Republican State Representative to vote against IP reform.

Patterson was only one of two Republicans to vote against the Safe Act, which would have kept our children safe from irreversible transgender surgeries. To transgender a child is forever, they become sterilized, restricting them to ever being able to have their own biological families. Patterson receives donations from RightPath PAC, one of the major national entities pushing to transgender children.

Patterson has also stated that anyone refusing the Covid vaccine should not be considered for medical procedures. Many young people, especially young men, have died of complications from the Covid vaccine. Patterson is a medical doctor who openly condemned those who chose not to be injected with an experimental drug.

Thankfully, this is an alternative, Justin Sparks who is a true conservative and will work to protect our children.

The post Missouri RINOs Hold Secret Meeting to Conceive Plan for Placing RINO in Speakership appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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