If Kean leads, ‘we’re out!’

by SEAN BURKE – FORMER deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has warned that any coalition arrangement would be “incredibly difficult” under a Matt Kean led NSW Liberal Party. 

Saturday’s NSW election saw a weak, Greens-sympathising Liberal Party removed from government in a landslide result. 

Having Matt Kean wheeled out as leader of the Coalition would be incredibly difficult … we’re pro energy, pro coal-fired power plants, pro coal mining, we’re more conservative and religious.
Barnaby Joyce
Former Deputy Prime Minister

At close of counting on Saturday, Labor held 45 of 93 lower house seats while the Coalition held just 27. At least 47 seats are required to govern as a majority.

Minor Parties and independents held 9 while 12 seats remained in doubt.


After conceding defeat to Labor Leader Chris Minns, defeated Premier Dominic Perrottet resigned the Liberal leadership – opening the door for his widely despised deputy Matt Kean.

Although Mr Kean has initially ruled out a tilt for the leadership, many believe he’s playing a long game.

Mr Joyce said the former treasurer would cause a “huge issue” for the National Party.

“We are pro energy, we’re pro coal-fired power plants, we’re pro coal mining, we’re more conservative and there is more of a religious view within our people,” he said.

“Having Matt Kean wheeled out as leader of the Coalition would be incredibly difficult because I know how the people think.


“They say ‘I don’t like that, what Mr Kean says does not represent what I believe’.”

Mr Joyce said Mr Kean’s policies were foreign to National Party supporters.

“Our supporters are part of this show because they believe in key principals and [with Matt Kean] they can’t find any they’re on the same page on.”

With counting continuing, Mr Kean’s primary vote appears to have plummeted to a record low in his once rock-solid Hornsby electorate.

Holding just 41.6 per cent of first-preference votes, the Liberal’s Left factional leader has lost 10 per cent support since NSW’s 2019 election, and a massive 16 per cent since 2015.

Mr Kean retains Hornsby on a two-Party preferred margin of 7.7 per cent.

The biggest gain in Horsnby appears to be for the ALP on 24.4 per cent TPP, an increase of 5.4 per cent. One Nation increased its primary vote by 3.1 points to 7.6, The Greens by 3 points to 14.7.

The Liberal Democrats Party, which didn’t contest Hornnby in 2019, attracted 3.4 per cent primary support.PC

Barnaby on Kean…

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Matt Kean. (courtesy The Daily Telegraph)

13 thoughts on “If Kean leads, ‘we’re out!’

  1. When Tony Abbott won back government, Labor had as usual descended into factional fighting, high taxes, personal attacks, demonising and patronising Liberal figures, rife corruption stories were emerging about Gillard’s Trade Union lawyer’s office, and Rudd (shredding documents from his job in the Qld public service), suddenly Rudd’s wife was raking in millions, and so on. When Each Way Albo came to office, the Liberals were in similar chaos – State and Federal and he didn’t even have to promise anything to become elected.

    Now squeaky-clean Perrotet has been turfed out and it looks like we lost Aston.

    Where to now to regain our status?
    1) Create unity not increasing dissension
    2) Look for areas of agreement and points of difference with Labor
    3) Start tearing down Albonese’s platform – it is riddled with inconsistencies, broken promises and falsities – AND creating massive changes to society that he never proposed before the election – and ALL that along with big-government, high-taxing, socialist (even communist) element

    People, please – if we don’t support our leaders and get behind them to defend our principles, we are GONE.


    1. It’s all over Phillip, There is no coming back from this folly now we all belong to a Labor controlling government now! Being conservative means nothing! Now we need to be radically conservative and being nice just doesn’t cut it anymore! So unless you are prepared to Join and Back One Nation or UAP with Clive’s truth telling mob voting lib’s in any form is a wasted vote 🙁 Seems the Nats might be the last chance otherwise! And good luck with the Public servants in the Cities 🙂

      1. John, We can’t let it be over!! Is this what you want for your children and grandchildren – Socialist states run by cretins like Albanese and Andrews?? There will come a time when the “silent majority” has had enough and will get us back on the straight and narrow. What we have to do is push really hard so that time comes much sooner than later. Get active, be proactive, join a branch, speak to your local members {Fed and State}, write letters to the editor, talk to your family and friends, use social media, help recruit new members, track down suitable members/candidates. Do something now!!

  2. When the Liberals leak votes and seats to Labor, the right wing pundits should not view it as an endorsement of their political stance or that shifting to the right will lure voters back.

    1. Agreed that turning hard Right is not a viable solution, but falling over the edge to the Left has proven to be a failure both Federally and in NSW and Victoria.
      My wife and I believe that the loss by the NSW Liberal Party government lies squarely at the feet of Dominic Perrotett who was an absolute failure as the Party Leader. Nice bloke; just not a leader.
      There are a number of reasons for this assertion:
      1. The inclusion of Matt Kean in his Cabinet. Undoubtedly he cost the party many, many votes!!
      2. Kean has had an incredibly divisive influence on the electorate with his extremely radical left leaning policies in critical arenas of environment, climate change and alternative power.
      3. Together with Kean, Perrotett pushed for accelerating net zero targets and enforcing use of EVs.
      4. Together they have made every effort to block development of coal mines and gas drilling and associated industry.
      5. He endorsed the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders Voice to Parliament without consultation with the membership.
      6. He endorsed the national education curriculum which included provisions for children to be coerced by teachers into sex changes without telling their parents. This is an absolute abomination and, as a father of many children, we could not believe that he supported Jason Clare’s statement that there were no issues with the curriculum!
      7. He and Sarah Mitchell took no action to stop or punish radical teachers from promoting CRT, BLM, gender fluidity, anti-police, anti-authority, anti-Flag, anti-Australian attitudes. Many incidents were reported in the news but we never heard of any consequences and their response to our concerned letters was nothing but a brush-off.
      8. Allowing indoctrination of young children with gender fluidity ideology is nothing short of child abuse and neglect of duty of care. This agenda is trying to enforce a biologically impossible ideology onto our kids as reality. Just remember that talking about sex at work can have you dismissed for sexual abuse, but it’s OK to present explicit books, information and pictures to kids in our junior schools. These kids can’t have driver’s licence, can’t enter a licensed club unattended by adults, can’t enter a strip club, can’t drink, can’t vote, can’t get married, can’t own a gun or get married!!! Yet they are encouraged to make a life changing decision without consultation with their parents!!! Allowing this is just capitulation to perverse minority ideology and insanity of the highest order and must be stopped immediately.
      9. No decisive action regarding trans-men competitors in women’s only sport or trans-men using women only change rooms and toilet facilities. Perrotett and his cohorts just couldn’t bother to deal with a simple question of fairness and equity and the preservation of the rights of biological women. So much for supporting women!!
      10. Allowing government agencies to introduce ridiculous woke practices and waste time and money on “training” for “inclusive” nonsense and including meaningless genderless terminology etc into government documentation.
      11. The Party learned absolutely nothing from the review of the Federal Election failure:
      • Taking too long to select candidates and interfering with selection process.
      • Selecting women candidates for the sake of it even when suitable male candidates available.
      • Not contesting a seat because a no woman candidate would run.
      • Parachuting non-local candidates into electorates.
      12. Promising Kids’ “super” just a couple of weeks before the election; a proposal that was not means tested and required parents to contribute to the account. Just what struggling families need when cost of living is at crisis level!! What a con!!
      13. Placing the Aboriginal Flag on the Harbour Bridge in place of the NSW flag, without public consultation.
      14. Handing over ownership of Mt Warning and Ben Boyd National Parks to Indigenous groups. The new “owners” of Mt Warning have implemented a ban on all women (indigenous and non-indigenous) entering the Park. That’s very inclusive, heh!
      15. Continued excessive expenditure and increasing State debt despite promises of restraint.
      16. Numerous ongoing disastrous procurement contracts; overseas products that fail to meet quality, performance or cost targets (trains, ferries, light rail…); projects that don’t deliver and run way over cost (roads and tunnels …), and the list goes on! Heads should roll, but no-one is being held responsible!!!
      17. Continual increases in road tolls; offer of “peanuts” refunds.
      18. And not the least, Bankstown was promised a new hospital as a carrot for the last election and the election before that! Finally announcing just a couple of weeks before the next election that it will proceed was political suicide!
      These are just some of our comments regarding the NSW election. However, there are many more issues relating to the performances of all of the State branches and the Federal party.
      Victoria leader John Pesutto has made a disastrous unjustified attack on Moira Deeming and has tried to justify his foolish “jump on the Labor left bandwagon” anti-women manoeuver by suspending her and threatening to “keep a close eye” on her. If the Branch had any guts they would sack him and re-instate Deeming!!
      David Speirs and the South Australian Libs in Opposition have voted in favour of the state Voice without consultation with the members. The next phases will be a Treaty, Truth Telling and [wait for it!] Reparations. This is surely not in keeping with Liberal policy or procedures. Victoria is well on the way too!
      If all Branches of the Liberal Party keep leaning to the Left and offering nothing different or better than Labor and its cohorts, the crisis will continue. The Party needs to re-evaluate its goals, principles and policies to address the current demographics in each electorate and Australia as a whole. Regional branches need to become more proactive and recruit more diverse membership, in age and experience. Suitable local candidates should be nominated as early as possible to enable better campaigning.
      Peter Dutton needs to get out his new broom and get rid of some of the deadwood that is only interested in keeping their seat warm and damn the voters. This applies to both Federal and State levels.
      There is enormous scope for improvement in all aspects of the Liberal Party’s agenda to make a successful plan for the way forward to the next election. Time to start now!!!

  3. Barnaby calls it like it is for NSW. Federally, no coalition until Libs return to their conservative roots. That is the only way forward for them. Let’s start with Northern Territory.

  4. The front page story on Monday’s Telegraph says it all!! “Liberal sources said that top-secret internal research showed that … Mr Kean was a serious drag on the party in Western Sydney.” Hey what??? Who needs “top-secret internal research” to tell you what just about every sane member of the Party has been shouting from the rooftops, forever!!! One has to wonder which members of the Executive were either blind, deaf or stupid enough not to have realised this a long time ago. No wonder ground roots members are deserting the party – it is so much like the proverbial sinking ship [without a captain!!]!! They certainly did not learn anything from the review of the Federal election disaster!! Did they even bother to read the Report?? If Kean is appointed to any Ministerial role, my wife and I will be leaving too. His influence is poison to the party from any position!! One more thing too – anyone who would vote for Kean should resign their membership immediately because they obviously are not the sort of person the party needs on board to have any chance of re-election in the near future.

  5. The bottom line is that it has become to hard to be a Liberal member today 🙁 The woke brigade are getting it too easy with few to oppose them in this upside down stupidity of Freedom! Nothing to do with what our forebears lost so much for it seems all for nothing to just give it all away in a false sense of freedom controlled by leftwing Governments and Beurocrats wanting total control of free people 🙁

  6. Bravo, Barnaby. Cost of living pressures, under-pinned by the cost of renewable energy, have reduced the Liberals to an inner-city rump. It’s been like a car-crash in slow motion, or a Greek tragedy. We all knew the plot, we could see it happening, but the principal actors were powerless (actually, too stupid) to avoid their fate. It’s unlikely the Libs can ever regain Western Sydney, an area that has developed its own culture and economy. The mutual loathing between the tradies of Western Sydney and the inner-city professionals of the Liberal Party is a gulf too wide to bridge. Although, it’s possible the Nats could succeed there. Culturally, the Nats have far more in common with Western Sydney than the Libs do.

  7. The Liberal Party needs ‘young blood’ – more young, motivated, members with strong conservative values.

    1. “The Liberal Party needs ‘young blood’ – more young, motivated, members with strong conservative values.”

      The “Liberal” party needs to be put out of its misery. They have gone to the left, and they have gone to the dogs: they have been thumped in Victoria, W.A., S.A., Federally, in N.S.W, and now, in a humiliation of historic proportions, in the Aston by-election.

      The people overseeing this disaster are in equal parts treacherous and stupid; they pour arrogance over their ignorance as one would pour cream over peaches, and they say that they need to “look into” why they are on the nose with the voters (did anyone happen to the hapless Dutton on “Insiders” this morning?). It appears that they are so dull that they are *never* going to figure it out, and, given that’s the case, it’s time for those with eyes to see to admit that this party is well and truly over.

  8. The simple explanation.

    What did the Voice in a Canberra pub say?

    It’s your shout of course

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