ONE Nation is seeking to remove ‘confused’ Coalition MPs from federal parliament as Pauline Hanson preferences Labor ahead of hard-Left Liberals.
Anti-religious Liberals, including Qld’s Warren Entsch, NSW’s Trent Zimmerman, Victoria’s Tim Wilson and Tasmania’s Bridget Archer, are in the cross-hairs of the minor Party’s move against Scott Morrison’s radical Left wing.

- One Nation to act against Liberal “moderates” by preferencing Labor.
- Labor is rotten to the core but Liberals ‘just as bad’.
- Liberals only pretend to fight for conservative Australian values.
The move was announced after the Prime Minister preferenced Senator Jackie Lambie ahead of One Nation in the Tasmanian senate race, despite Ms Lambie’s track record of voting against his government.
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, in response, accused PM Morrison of “dealing with the devil”.
“We’re not letting them get away with this dirty deal with the devil,” Senator Hanson said.
“One Nation will now look at Liberal-held seats across the country.”
Although One Nation will act against Liberal “moderates” by preferencing Labor above them, it has pledged to support Liberal conservatives and Nationals over ALP candidates.
According to The Australian newspaper, Senator Hanson’s supporters could be a significant decider in a number of electorates on May 21, with One Nation polling at above three per cent in the latest Newspoll.
“Liberal voters will be despairing as their Party lurches to the Left on issue after issue in a betrayal of Australian values,” Ms Hanson said.
“Tasmanian voters won’t be fooled and will very likely kick the Liberals out anyway. The Liberals stand for nothing!
“Labor is rotten to the core but the Liberals are just as bad because they only pretend to fight for conservative Australian values.”
The move follows recommendations by Australian monarchists to abandon Left Liberal candidates.
The Australian Monarchists League this week published a list of pro-republican Liberals and has suggested its extensive membership take action against them.
“It’s important that monarchists do their best to ensure that candidates elected to the federal parliament are not republicans,” AML National Chair Philip Benwell said.
“This is particularly so as far as Liberal and National Party candidates are concerned – as any Labor MP must support a republic or face disciplinary consequences.
“Official Labor policy is to remove the Crown from the Australian Constitution even though, as members of the parliament, they have (falsely) sworn to ‘be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Her heirs and successors according to law’.”
Admitting Labor to be a lost cause, Mr Benwell is exerting extreme pressure on Coalition MPs.
“We are concentrating on Liberal candidates and have published a list of them on our website covering most electorates around the country.
“It’s important that we speak out and not just blandly allow more and more republicans to be elected to parliament.” PC
They’re not ‘confused’ liberals; they’re 5th columnists and quislings. People like mate kean/green know exactly what they’re doing. Just ask him what his pronouns are and about his renewable portfolio.
While it is great to see the Tories eat their own faces off, suggesting that those who support an Australian as head of state lack ‘Australian values’ is laughable.
A foreign monarch reigning over us is an insult. But worse are the so-called Australians who think it is all we deserve.