Defiant Pell lashes LGBTQ, death culture

CATHOLIC Cardinal George Pell has taken a stand against the poisoning of western culture saying Christian “truths” will prevail. 

In a landmark speech in the USA last week, the high-ranking Australian said that while Christianity was “embattled and often humiliated” in the western world, it would continue its fight.

Radical secularists have systematically demolished our Judeo-Christian foundation in areas such as divorce, abortion, heterosexual marriage & now euthanasia & gender…
Cardinal George Pell

“The world has changed mightily,” he told his audience during his December 8 speech in California.

“But we Catholics are here to stay – in the USA, in my country and on every continent.


“And there’s no doubt that the evangelicals and Bible protestants will be with us in these mighty battles.

“We’re here to struggle and we’re not going away.”

Cardinal Pell said the church was “absolutely devoted to its precious traditions received from Christ and the Apostles”.

He warned against abandoning Christian truths regarding abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, monogamous heterosexual marriage and the importance of children.

“The church remains deeply convinced of this life-giving inheritance in even the most poisonous of atmospheres,” he said.

“I deny the primacy of conscience – only truth has primacy.

“While the right of each individual conscience is important – even sacred – there are many issues these consciences differ.


“There are many people who believe that the right for a woman to have an abortion is as sacred as our belief in a right to life.

Quoting 1930s writer Evelyn Waugh,  Cardinal Pell said the alternative was not Catholic or protestant, but rather Christianity or chaos.

“Protestants will be our indispensable allies,” he said.

“And we need allies in the Christian survival and revival, just as they are our allies in the pro-life struggle.

“Radical secularists have systematically demolished the Judeo-Christian foundation of the law in areas such as divorce, abortion, heterosexual marriage and now euthanasia and gender.”

Despite this, Cardinal Pell said the abortion debate appeared to be turning against “illogical” secularists.PC

We will prevail…

4 thoughts on “Defiant Pell lashes LGBTQ, death culture

  1. ‘[…] while Christianity was “[…] often humiliated” in the western world […]’

    Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end. He is the root and branch of David, the Messiah – the Lamb of God who was slain for the sins of the world, and of whom it is written “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced”. He also happens to be the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord, and by whom everyone who lives or ever lived will be judged.

    The reason that George thinks that Christianity has been “humiliated” is because he doesn’t apprehend that, and the reason that he doesn’t apprehend it is because he doesn’t know God. He is not a Christian at all; he is a follower of a pseudo-Christian religion that openly contradicts and wilfully and brazenly defies the Word of God – he does not have right standing before God, and he therefore cannot have the absolute confidence and unswerving conviction that are the birthright of those who have been born again, and who are the true sons of God.

    It’s surprising that not many people seem to understand that.

  2. Standby, apparently the current one has <12 months left. Pell manoeuvring for the white smoke perchance? Wouldn't mind if it were to be!

  3. Cardinal Pell versus the demon-inspired elites. This is going to be one hell of a battle. I think we already know the winner!


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