by PAUL COLLITS – THE recent, unnerving revelations by Politicom’s Sean Burke about unvaccinated Environment Protection Authority staff being forced out of their jobs were jolting for many in NSW.
It begs the question, just how widespread are employment-related vaccine mandates in the Rum Corps State?
- How many NSW employers are enforcing vaccine mandates in the “freedom of choice” State?
- We now have insistence that teachers be triple vaxxed in order to be “up-to-date”.
- Perrottet should be reminded of his now discarded “freedom” quote at every press conference.
The NSW Premier’s unspoken endorsement of, or at least his tame acquiescence in, all of this largely hidden COVID fascism – it has been well and truly off the front pages – says plenty about his priorities and his core beliefs.
And the emerging picture is not reassuring, especially for those who placed faith in him, based on his stated principles and what we know of his background.
He has been in the job long enough now to make some assessments of his performance.
So, it transpires from one of the Premier’s Department letters to an unvaccinated employee of the NSW Public Service that we are now facing a “new normal”. The agency’s words.
Second, it emerges that “many” NSW Government agencies impose vaccine mandates on their staff. Not just front-line health workers.
Oh no. Perhaps just about everyone on the public sector payroll.
Third, and astonishingly, the Premier’s Department was also at pains to point out that that it was not the Premier’s Department imposing the vaccine mandates on agency staff.
This is an astonishing admission to make, unless one takes the cynical view that it is precisely and strategically stated in order to give the Premier a let-out clause.
Plausible deniability when Nuremberg Two finally comes around and politicians are, one hopes, in some way held to account.
One assumes that “fully vaccinated” for NSW Government employees will mean boosters, third, fourth, and yes, apparently a fifth, and who knows how many more after that.
One wonders, too, just how many other NSW employers are enforcing vaccine mandates, in the “freedom of choice” State.
I know that NSW universities promote the lunacy of COVID-safe ideology, the new official State religion. Schools we know about. Child care centres, no doubt. BHP, for goodness sake.
How many other workplaces are sacking the unvaccinated? We know that huge numbers of people are resigning from their jobs. Perhaps most are involuntary. Why are journalists not asking?
How different is NSW from Victoria, the COVID pariah State? God knows what risks EPA employees pose to members of the general public, many of whom have now got Omicron/COVID, or are said (falsely) to be protected through vaccination.
Ramesh Thakur has written on Australia’s massive up-tick in COVID infections after the vaccines arrived in numbers.
In particular, he asks: “…does the country, or any private company or public entity including a university, really want to lock itself into a never-ending cycle of boosters, which is a very real prospect both on overseas trends and also on the numbers of vaccine doses Australia has already purchased or ordered?”
Apparently, they do.
And now we have the insistence that NSW teachers be triple vaxxed in order to be “up-to-date” with their jab status.
Even at a time when parents are being asked to step up to fill the growing shortages in schools, and when employer and business groups are cynically and inevitably calling for, yes, ever more immigration to fill the employer induced skills shortages.
Certainly, many people are off sick, we know, but this is largely a policy-induced fiasco.
Enforced COVID vaccination is a cult, and it is as strong as ever, despite the early release of NSW citizens from a handful of the restrictions from February 18 and then February 25.
As The Telegraph reports: Covid boosters to be mandated for NSW teachers, school staff. Teachers are set to be legally required to have a third dose of a COVID vaccine.
The Secretary of the Department of Education (Georgina Harrisson) has said: “As we prepare for the start of Term 1, our focus remains on keeping our staff and students safe. Adding a booster shot to the vaccination mandate will help maintain confidence that schools are a safe place to learn and work.” [emphasis added]
In other words, it is about appearances, not health. And all that well-meant but ultimately toothless work by Tanya Davies MP has come to precisely nought.
She and her colleagues needed to engage the nuclear option, and they didn’t. They put their own and their government’s short-term political interests first. This won’t help them, either.
As reported in The Australian, the NSW Minister for Education has weighed in: “NSW teachers look set to face strict booster mandates after the State’s education minister Sarah Mitchell told the Upper House that all school-based staff would be required to have a third dose of a COVID vaccine.
“Ms Mitchell told the Upper House on Thursday that vaccinations formed a ‘core part of the Department of Education’s COVID-smart strategies’, with the department awaiting Health Minister Brad Hazzard’s approval of a new public health order to mandate booster doses.”
“COVID smart” is the very latest in COVID cliches. Smart became a political hurrah-word some time back. Smart State (Queensland, of all places), smart cities (surveillance-driven digital fascism of the kind favoured by Victor Dominello), smart meters, smart fridges, smart schools, My SmartJob, smart government (surely having a lend), smart health, smart everything. Powered by artificial intelligence. The new normal.
But to the NSW Minister for Education, it is merely facile jargon deployed to avoid saying “control”.
What an irony, too, that governments which have wilfully made a total unholy mess of COVID management dare to use the term “smart” in relation to anything to do with the virus.
But hang on, you might be thinking. Isn’t Dominic Perrottet the freedom guy?
The one who wants us not to have a two-tiered society. Perhaps a two-tier civil service is okay by Dominic.
Can’t he stop all of this? Remember September 2021 when the then treasurer, perhaps with one eye already on the main prize, appeared on 2GB and had this to say: “NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet says once everyone has had the opportunity to be vaccinated, the State should be open to everyone.
“The State Government is considering which restrictions will be lifted once the state reaches 80 per cent double vaccinated, but there’s no indication that will include unvaccinated people.
“Mr Perrottet told Joe Hildebrand vaccine passports shouldn’t be in place indefinitely.
‘Once every single person in this state has had the opportunity to be vaccinated then we should open up for everyone.
‘I want to see more unity and not a two-tiered society. It’s not the government’s role to provide freedom.’”
I know this is quoted back at him a fair bit – it certainly is in these parts – but there is a reason for this.
He appears to be a sleazy politician just like all the others. Say anything and do anything. Slither. Slink about. Backtrack. Break undertakings. Move fast. Be agile with, err, the truth.
Perhaps he has learned from his predecessor. Perrottet should be reminded of this quote at every single press conference.
But perhaps the NSW Premier is far worse than just a mere politician. Wasn’t he meant to be a conservative?
Even before he started threatening to clamber up the Harbour Bridge to plant an Aboriginal flag atop, he had form.
He was in awe of Gladys, perhaps the State’s worst ever premier, a rabid Leftist robot. A strange one of whom to be in awe.
Then there is Dominic’s political bestie – Matt Kean! He made Matt treasurer.
Matt Kean should be in the Greens or Labor’s socialist left. He doesn’t even belong in the “Moderate” faction of the Liberals, themselves almost off the liberal/conservative page.
Like the Late Peter Walsh’s “fairies at the bottom of the garden” description of the greenie opponents of his day, Kean is, as David Flint has plausibly described him, “the most dangerous politician in Australia”. Dominic’s bestie.
Then, of course, Perrottet kept the Health Hazzard in his day job. If ever someone deserved to be sacked, it was Brad.
Another without any liberal or conservative moorings, an underperformer of decades standing now within the shadow of the post of retirement, Hazzard lingers like an unpleasant odour.
Overseas observers aghast at what Australia has become still routinely refer to the helicopters and the army in Western Sydney as the image that most defines our national decline.
Finally, there is the NSW Premier’s truly bizarre emerging bromance with Daniel Andrews, aptly described as the worst of Australia’s many tin-pot COVID dictators.
Search online Perrottet, Andrews and “lockstep” and you are not likely to come up empty.
The conservative Catholic Premier was certainly very, very quiet during the abortion debates as well.
And, of course, he was at the Cabinet table during a decade of policy disasters, U-turns, massive project budget overruns, vanity schemes, virtue-signalling policies, economy-crushers like the lockout laws, and all the rest. He shares responsibility for these disasters.
So, Dominic is perhaps not just a hypocrite and a typical low-rent politician for whom holding to undertakings is an inconvenience and, clearly, a step too far.
Perhaps he is not a conservative at all, but rather a post-ideological, unthoughtful, typical twenty-first century Gen Y believer in the vacuous zeitgeist and all that it signifies.
With all the buzzwords, like innovation, at the ready. Full of corporatist, HR-style cliches and not much else.
Why on earth would the woke brigade fear this “conservative” Catholic with a brood of children and the wrong views? No, I don’t know either.
But there is more. Perhaps Dominic is Mini-Me. After all, he does proclaim that he and his Government don’t impose vaccine mandates.
Just like Scotty from HR, who recently had the gall to suggest to a journalist that Australians were essentially free to make their own medical decisions, according to their own minds and medical advice.
He was answering a question about who has liability in the event of an adverse reaction to the jab. Who would such a person blame?
For once, a journalist was asking a hard COVID question. It is totally the responsibility of the injectee, according to ScoMo.
Which solar system does Scott Morrison inhabit? As noted by Michael Fahey in the UK: “In answer to a question from a journalist on the side-effects of the jabs, Morrison essentially stated that anyone fool enough to take the jab accepted a personal responsibility to do so and therefore it’s their fault if they have adverse reactions.
‘We’re all responsible for our own health,’ Morrison answered. ‘When it comes to informed consent … then I’m ultimately responsible for what people do in their health treatment to me … the informed consent process provides the decision to the individual.’
“Well, you could knock me down with a feather! When Djokovic was saying the same thing regarding his own healthcare, where was Scott Morrison to back him up? The Australian PM ironed out that ‘rules are rules’ and that ‘nobody is above those rules’ when he stated that you have to be doubly vaccinated to come to Australia.
“This man has been one of the biggest cheerleaders of the vaccine rollout and has, in our post truth society, turned the suffering of millions of his citizens into a positive, calling it an ‘amazing achievement’.
“Yet now he is basically admitting that the jabs come with serious side-effects and is passing responsibility on to the citizens rather than the States which threatened their people with repercussions if they did not get inoculated.”
Does the PM expect anyone to take him seriously anymore?
He also claims that he doesn’t do vaccine mandates. Morrison has stood by while his State colleagues have reduced the Australian nation and our civil society to rubble. No federation. No leave passes. Border shut. Citizens discriminated against and abused. Almost no medical exemptions from the jab.
Just try asking a doctor for one. ScoMo put his chips on doing nothing, and washing his hands, Pontius Pilate style, of his obligation to lead the nation.
That is why he is meant to be there. He cut and ran from the High Court case that could have freed us all.
He stopped us from leaving the country. He gave globalist dictator Greg Hunt free rein. He sucked up to the gauleiters who run the States and territories. He shouldn’t be collecting his pay cheque.
Now we seem to have two new Manchurian candidates.
Perhaps the Prime Minister should feel flattered to have had his approach so closely imitated. The words of the Premier’s Department letter – “we are NOT imposing vaccine mandates” might well have been copied down from a Prime Ministerial press conference or interview. Pontius Morrison. Rinse. Repeat.
Yes, a hypocrite, but a deviously deliberate one. Boris hung out at illegal parties during lockdowns.
Morrison claims he presides over a nation where people are free to make their own medical decisions.
It is either dreamworld or a quite calculated pitch for the holier-than-thou vote. Dominic has been taking notes.
God knows why these two Liberals-in-name-only think they are in politics.
Both look to be standing on political death row, with voters sharpening their implements and preparing to come for their proverbial scalps.
The next elections in Canberra and Sydney are likely to make Willoughby and Bega look like picnics in the park.
Masked up, QR coded and socially distanced picnics, of course, without singing and dancing.PC
I’ve been saying it for weeks and was told I was talking BS on this site for doing so. I do notice Perrottits cheer squad has thinned out somewhat over that time as he has proven over and over again the depth and breadth of his hypocrisy.
The plandemic is over. But, unless of course if BG releases another bio-weapon?
There never was a pandemic, is was fake from the very start. And that can be shown over and over with irrefutable proof.
This website is probably the most reliable for information on the CoronaCON.
This recent article also shows ONE Catholic Bishop who has defied the Papacy and called it as it is. A Marxist conspiracy to introduce a one world government and depopulate the planet.
I’ve got to say, if this is true, Dominic is an unbelievable hypocrite. Words are easy, action takes substance. And it appears he has none.
He has been captured by bureaucrats – a common phenomenon among the mad left.
Dom should be dismantling the covid1984 tyranny for no other reason that he’s got a really big investment in our future via his children. Does he want them to grow up in a bio-fascist future?
He won’t be a VIP forever and his legacy today will be henceforth for his lovely children to endure. The NWO won’t be dishing out placebo injections for families of ex-premiers. So restore full freedom now for everyone mandate free in every industry?