by PAUL COLLITS – RIGHT-of-centre voters, disgruntled and all at sea following the defeat of a thoroughly bad Liberal-National Government, are faced with a challenge.
Apart, that is, from the debased state of the conservative forces in every jurisdiction one can think of.
- Forget the mandate nonsense, Albo. You do not have one.
- Only 10 per cent of Australians are climate botherers.
- We didn’t vote you in. We voted the other lot out. We are not yet impressed.
Do we give the new Labor Government a go, or do we sharpen the knives from the get-go and cut loose?
Labor has won government four times since 1972, half a century ago now.
The incoming leaders before Albo were Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Kevin Rudd. All three were, arguably, elected because people wanted to throw out tired and/or disappointing governments.
In the case of ScoMo, his legacy has recently been described by the Editor of The Spectator Australia as “a joke”.
They were not dispatched because voters were embracing the alternative with relish. Only one of the three incoming Labor PMs figured out how to govern for the good of the country.
Choose your model, Albo.
The Prime Minister has landed in Australia, at last, and has set about visiting the dismal flood zones. (And no, they were not the result of climate change, Albo; google ENSO and La Nina).
Some of his overseas travels and endeavours were necessary, and even, perhaps, fruitful. Who cares what Macron thinks of us, really? Was it worth $800m?
There is an argument that the French visit was needed. But the secret flying visit to war torn Ukraine? This is Wag-the-Dog virtue signalling, nothing less.
Two problematic, warring ex-communist States full of bad actors a world away, with historical blood on all their hands and each run by thugs hardly require our input from down under. Pure optics. Solving a problem that doesn’t require our meagre, unnecessary contribution.
Upon his return, and meeting with a NSW Premier who is grimly determined to consort with any and all political opponents, Albo stated that Australians were suffering from “conflict fatigue”.
No, we simply have a base expectation that governments will work together to solve problems. This isn’t a political priority. It is just core business, and neither he nor Dominic Perrottet should expect us to be thrilled that they get along.
Politicians love to win easy plaudits for just doing their day jobs.
No, Albo has far bigger fish to fry, if he expects to win the favour of voters, including the nearly 70 per cent of us who didn’t vote for him and who have little enthusiasm for his reign.
Hang on, there is a clue. Perhaps the Prime Minister might reflect on why the “Seinfeld election” happened, why a huge number of voters didn’t even turn up, and why we are so jacked off with all of them.
Forget the mandate nonsense, Albo. You do not have one. You will have to earn it.
Four priorities suggest themselves.
One. Define what your Party stands for now. When able journeymen like Joel Fitzgibbon, who almost alone in the Labor Party, has exercised his mind on this question (with considerable depth and reflection), felt the need to exit the building, you have a problem.
Blue Dog Democrats in America and people like Paul Embery in the United Kingdom have sussed the essential problem you have.
You are now a metropolitan Left-liberal party. You may well be ignoring this. Labor appears these days to despise its base. (A little like the Liberals, one might say).
You have become a Party of globalist progressives. Your own former base utterly detests this, by the way. Perhaps you don’t care. You should.
Your primary vote is now embarrassing. You slid into government on not much at all. Are you happy about this, deep down?
Two. Govern competently. Honestly. Wisely. Just look at ScoMo, or the toxic and largely unlamented Boris Johnson.
Yes, these two apologies for prime ministerial talent each ignored their philosophical reasons for being.
But, just as embarrassingly, they chose to ignore the core requirements of good governance and executive management.
Or think of the case of Giovanni Domenic Barilaro. Remember the pub test. Voters beyond the beltway ultimately smell these things.
A useful tip. Keep a goodly distance from health bureaucrats and the medical industrial complex. Obtain advice liberally from a range of sources on the first order issues.
Three. Be humble and remain grounded. Recognise that you belong to a political class that is remote from normal people.
Choose the latter as your best friends. People who have been crushed by COVID bulldust (being revealed now as the truth outs), who want their lights to come on each day, who want to have good jobs, who expect fiscal continence, who don’t wish to worship and seek endless forgiveness from those whose land we now inhabit, who feel their living standards are dropping and who don’t give a rat’s about your remote, lofty and utopian preoccupations.
Most people in Australia do not share the obsessions of Senator David Pocock of the Australian Capital Territory, who represents the people who, alas, advise you on a daily basis, but does not know or seem to care about real people.
Remember the outsiders. The noble and struggling people your Party once counted as your core supporters.
Four. Remember Bob Hawke. Yes, it’s a cliché, but do at least try to govern for all of us, not just the voters of Marrickville and the Wilkinson-FitzSimons set.
I wonder, if today, Hawke’s consensus style and intent could work, given the now baked-in positions of our twenty-first century tribes.
But please give it a crack. It is tempting to give your woke, greenie allies and Party base tidbits in the form of policy preferment, jobs for the girls and the odd boy and rhetorical bombast.
Resist the temptation if you wish to be a consequential prime minister. And I hope that to be such a prime minister is top of mind for you.
Twelve years of Tories. Nine years of Liberals. What will they be remembered for?
For conservatives, the task of approaching Albo should recall the sound advice of the British Tory leader Harold Macmillan.
When asked his greatest challenge in government, he reportedly replied, “events, dear boy, events”.
Albo’s government will largely be defined by how it copes, not what its ministers and members reflexively believe.
Certainly, performance will be front and centre in the minds of voters, come the election due in 2025.
Let us judge them on how they govern, even though most of us hate what they earnestly profess. Tribal Liberals will instinctively seek to condemn the new government.
But the Liberals have an embarrassingly awful record to defend, given the performance of their governments since 2013.
The Liberal rulers monstrously defenestrated the last decent man to lead them, and then accepted and endorsed successors who were, respectively, an impostor and a meagre chancer. This is not a record to be defended. A joke, indeed.
All this said, I have little optimism about the incoming government. Not because of any personal failings on Albo’s part, but rather because the political class which he represents is now so debauched.
Modern politics is all about power, attaining and retaining it. And about ideology and its associated facile narratives.
The Left has abandoned its core operating principle, of defending the interests of the working class. The modern Left, if it can even be called that, has abandoned its noble, if often misguided, mission.
Expect new left ideology from Albo, simultaneously arrogant, ill-informed and irrelevant, and disposed to crush its opponents, to inform the actions of the new government. Not just because of its leaders, progressives, feminists, greenies and globalists all.
Remember that politics are downstream from culture. And the culture, with all of its megaphones, is cheering for Albo to be not a Hawke but to be a combo of Whitlam, updated, and Rudd/Gillard, Daniel Andrews and Mark McGowan.
A Party leaning in to authoritarianism in the pursuit of what are seen by the elites as noble causes, whether they be public health safetyism or climate alarmism.
And ever steered by a woke bureaucracy and a corporate class (led by the media and the universities) whose default position is one of progressivism and the abandonment of centrism, realism and rigour. This all suggests a government not of its (meagre) voters but of noisy elites.
So, by all means, Albo, attend to our “conflict fatigue”. Work with State governments. Cuddle Dom.
But do remember the real things with which ordinary Australians are engaged. Forget your Ukraine, blue and gold flag waving, feel-good optics and your love-a-thon with Jacindarella.
Get over the flood disaster hugathon, and get on with the common sense governing of a nation that is totally bewildered with our utterly degraded economy and polity – and in contempt of much of the political class with whom you routinely associate.
Australia is a nation that doesn’t go to bed at night worrying about the feelings of transexuals and rising sea levels and the rest of the weird and creepy issues that seem to engage your people.
Only 10 per cent of our numbers are climate botherers. We didn’t vote you in. We voted the other lot out. We are not yet impressed.
Your task is one of urgent and broad structural governance repair, and I fear that your government has not the slightest inkling of the task, or of its urgency.PC
Every person jabbed against their will has been “assaulted” according to Queensland Criminal Law
The (EXPENSIVE) Brave New World of ‘Clean Energy ‘
To RDA, The people should be very grateful for your article giving them the truth about this “green energy con” and it must be stopped – it’s absolutely insane how Globalists/corporate masters/ treacherous Politicians have destroyed so much of our world as we once knew it. And through the fraudulent Pandemic Scamdemic the globalists added massive fortunes to their already massive fortunes whilst so many lost Jobs homes lives and The damage and destruction and deaths from the Clot Shot jab injections and no Mandates should ever have been enacted especially so with the entire system corrupted with systemic and extensive conflicts of interest.
In 2021 we all noticed Price rises in everything and I mean everything it’s got to stop !! – food prices, petrol, toxic neurotoxic and carcinogenic fluoridated water supplies already costing the people a fortune !! Both in cost and Harm to Long term health ! shocking and even a council rates rise in July 2021 and now another rise in July 2022.
The poor homeless people, the rent crisis and the rent increases, the loan interest increase and the destruction of so many small businesses All part of the monstrous Globalist Build Back Better Deadly Con it’s not build back better it’s Globalists/ Elites and Their treacherous treasonous political accomplices/ Totalitarian Lunatics Regimes taking control of OUR WORLD.
The World Economic Forum / Globalists/ WHO et al have Infiltrated most Democratic Countries’ Parliaments and this has to be addressed before full throttle Totalitarianism is here permanently.
As well as the Covid Plandemic Scamdemic corona virus is the common cold, they will like in America interfere with food supply, surprise they’re already doing this too.
Electricity prices Up and the mob we’re with killed our pensioner discount. They continue over time to keep reducing the feed in tariff and in 2028 I believe it is ALL feed in tariffs will be killed.
GREEN ENERGY is another globalist scam which is going to cost the population so much.
This is all part of the global total takeover of democratic countries by globalists/ World Economic Forum / World Health Organisation / UN et al and the treacherous treasonous politicians who are salivating at their Tyrannical Power.
Only the people globally can stop this happening to arise in peace and love for what once was our beautiful free countries.
I am confident that there is a lot of wonderful honourable Law Enforcement Officers who don’t like what’s been happening and they and their children and grandchildren and so on and extended families and friends, surely also would not want to live under Tyrannical Government Totalitarian Regimes controlling EVERY Aspect of our what will be totally miserable lives.
We want our democratic country back, our full freedoms rights and choices and to live our lives in peace love honour kindness respect for everyone and everything and do not allow the destruction of it.
It’s been very hard for many people to find Truth because of Shocking Political Censorship – social media platforms only allowing comments to be posted that don’t go against the government narrative and that’s all you get also from the deeply deeply conflicted mainstream media empires.
Australians whilst the Corporate Governments distracted you with Russia the Australian Government reveal that 9 IN 10 COVID DEATHS WERE VACCINATED
The Medical Profession is being bought by the Pharmaceutical Industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research.
The Academic Institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the Pharmaceutical Industry. I think it’s disgraceful.
Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014) Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor in Chief of the NEJM
The International Medical Council On Vaccination
We are profoundly critical of the practice of vaccination. Vaccination is an unacceptable risk to every member of society, regardless of age.
As medical professionals, Council members have observed first-hand the health of vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated.
Who cares what political party the Prime Minister represents, he says he can fix the floods by concentrating on the climate change hoax.
I want to see that.