MEMBERS of the Liberal’s decimated “moderate” faction are scrambling to shift blame for Saturday’s federal election wipe out, demanding the Party lurch further Left.
This is despite Left-wing MPs suffering swings two to three times the national average.

- Liberals can’t sell socialist policies and expect a path to victory.
- If you throw the climate crowd a bone they’ll use it to crack your head.
- Conservative Liberals need to return to the Party fold and select local centre-Right candidates.
In a clear statement from voters, almost every MP who had publicly aligned with Labor and The Greens on global warming and their anti-religious and anti-mining positions have been removed from parliament.
Despite this, Left factional leaders have called for the Liberal Party to go “harder” on climate policy and gender quotas.
NSW Treasurer Matt Kean, who leads the State’s moderate faction, said the federal Party needed to adopt more aggressive climate targets “just as the States have done”.
“We did not have strong and decisive policies when it came to tackling climate change, we did not listen to women,” Mr Kean told ABC News yesterday.
The factional leader, however, failed to recognise the destruction of the WA Liberals and the significant loss by the SA division, which had adopted his extremist positions.
Liberal Party senate leader and South Australian “moderate” Simon Birmingham said gender, diversity and climate change were “clearly factors in the election result”.
“We want to make sure we improve the Liberal vote and are competitive to win back safe seats like Warringah,” Mr Birmingham said.
“We must ensure we hold seats like North Sydney and Wentworth and we have to have not just candidates who reflect those values, as Dave Sharma and Trent Zimmerman unquestionably do, but have to make sure the Party appreciates those values,” Mr Birmingham said.
Centre-Right Coalition MPs, however, believe “moderates” such as Messrs Kean and Birmingham have missed the electorate’s message.
“We have forgotten the forgotten people,” re-elected National’s senator Matt Canavan told Sky News Outsiders program yesterday.
“The electorate hasn’t changed that much in three years – but we did,” he said.
“We adopted a ‘moderate’ platform on energy, on climate and on cultural issues and that platform has failed.
“It failed in WA, it failed in SA and has now failed nationally.”
Mr Canavan said by taking a pale imitation of Labor’s policies to the election, voters went for “the real deal”.
“McDonald’s restaurants can’t sell health food and we can’t sell socialist policies and expect a path to victory,” he said.
Liberal senator Alex Antic said the Liberal Party’s experiment with the “poison of Leftism” must be over.
“We’ve seen the writing on the wall,” Mr Antic told Outsiders.
“All of the people who have lost their seats, many of them were people trying to appease the climate crowd – and look what happened,” he said.
“If you throw the climate crowd a bone they’ll use it to crack you on the head.”
Mr Antic said conservative Liberals needed to return to the Party fold and ensure its candidates were no longer political staffers from the “elite swamp”.
The problem we all face is the total lack of courage of our so-called ‘leaders’. Not once did I read or hear any of them say the words: “Australia only produces 1.2% of global carbon emissions therefore nothing we do as a country will make the slightest difference!” They just won’t say or write that because they know they will be demonised by left-wing zealots as ‘climate change deniers’. Plenty of our better journalists have said it many times but not our pollies.
Of course the climate is changing – it has been for millions of years – but it’s a natural process. How else can anyone explain how the planet warmed after several ice ages including the most recent one that’s named The Little Ice Age (1300s – mid-1800s) – we’re still coming out of that now.
These weren’t caused by industrialization – because there was little or no polluting industries in those days.
Of course we need to adapt to this natural warming scenario – but the answer isn’t to ruin our economy by trying to replace fossil fuels with renewables. That’s not practical – and it’s not going to happen – because the cost will be enormous. That’s especially so if we don’t utilise nuclear energy – another issue that our gutless political ‘leaders’ won’t sensibly address.
Calling Matt Kean a moderate is rhetorical nonsense. This renewables carpetbagger and Photios faction operative is almost left of the Greens. What a disgrace that the libs lack the backbone to make the easy argument that Australia can’t impact the climate and should not allow ruthless greedy mercenaries to trade our energy security and standard of living to line the pockets of the evil elites like Holmes a Court and Turnbull. These cowards need to stand up for common sense and truth and call out these mongrels
There are the SA and WA examples. The more you move left the more seats you lose, so the NSW liberal left should be able to calculate close to how many seats that they will be wiped out by next March when following this formula. What will additionally help them to calculate how much of a wipeout they face is also factoring in last weekend’s election, and Boris Johnson’s experience. He went right on Brexit, landslided in, then at the behest of his new wife went green and left, so according to opinion polls is now poised to landslide out next time round, unless he has time to re-position again.
Of course people much prefer a right wing, non corrupt, business friendly state Labor Government to a left wing state Liberal government any time. Pru Carr, Labor’s NSW Deputy Labor leader, can’t wait to start throwing greenies in the tin when they block essential infrastructure. What music to our ears!
Matt Kean inadvertently is not the pariah that everyone thinks, as his policies will result in lots of left libs losing their seats, so enabling the party to cleanse itself from this appalling cancer and return to both normality and government. He is about to do us all and the public interest a huge favour, so be thankful in the longer term.
The LNP lost because the libs went too far left especially on global warming; the primary vote of the ALP was the lowest ever because they didn’t go left far enough.
Global warming is the biggest scam ever. It should have ended in 2007 when the Judgment in the Al Gore movie An Inconvenient Truth case was handed down by the English HC. The science in Gore’s movie to do with the alleged consequences of global warming were tested by the best scientists in the world including Australia’s Bob Carter who acted for the parent objecting to Gore’s movie being shown in schools as part of the science syllabus. Carter was a true dirt under the fingernails type of scientist who helped show none of the so-called consequences of global warming depicted in Gore’s movie – polar bears, rising seas, snow and the big one: humans emitting all the increase in CO2 which resulted in global temp increase – existed or if they did were inconsequential and/or not attributable to global warming.
The lead scientist for Al Gore, Peter Stott is a computer expert who adjusts data, a complete contrast to Carter.
The irony is the Judge, Michael Burton accepted the official IPCC view about Global Warming but determined that Gore’s movie’s claims were not consistent with the science of the IPCC and rejected all of his 9 consequences.
Of course this Judgment has been ignored or lied about by the alarmists. This confirms again that alarmism is not about reasonable discourse, evidence or common sense; it’s a belief system which people are making money from and the communists in the UN are using to undermine the West. In addition the media are on board.
Stock up on candles folks.
Isn’t it ironic that the Teals (mostly wealthy professional white Anglo women) who generally subscribe to Climate/renewables ideology, identity politics (and all of that grab-bag), etc., etc., have succeeded in fighting–and winning– against 2 gay incumbents (Tim Wilson, Trent Zimmerman), an Aboriginal (Ken Wyatt), a Chinese immigrant (Gladys Liu), a man of Indian background (Dave Sharma) plus Jewish Josh Frydenberg. Seems they are in favour of only Left-leaning minority interests! Their inconsistency is shameful.
If the Liberal Party haven’t got the message from their conservative base yet that we are sick to the back teeth of climate change botherers preaching to us at every turn of this giant swindle then they may as well pack up and go now.
A glimmer of hope still remains for the future of the party with Peter Dutton at the helm and a handful of others such as Matt Canavan of the Nationals who always speaks such common sense.
Sometimes people have to learn the hard way and the rest of us have to pay the price of their lack of judgment and ineptitude.
Well said!! We need to take back control of our education department because it is preaching all this climate change rubbish to our young and vulnerable and we can only hope that these poor innocents will see that they have all been duped. Grrr!!
So we need a clean sweep of the AEC! So we can support those who would support this country and not socialist Communism and also a recall election from the GG to expose the criminal stealing of the Federal election 🙁
Big mistake. Unlike the US where each state has in effect it’s own electoral commission, ours is federal. Like any federal agency the AEC may not be completely incorruptible, but our system is infinitely better than that of the US. Starting a campaign suggesting the election was stolen is simply crackers, it’s wrong and a dangerous diversion from the real issue at hand. What’s that? Eliminating the dominance of the moderate Photios faction in the NSW Liberal Party. The loss of some of his key players like Zimmerman and Dave the Brief in Wentworth is a good start. Dave almost certainly lacks the ticker to run again, and will quietly fade away.
The Fly in the ointment being Matt Kean (Communist sympathizer) and those too heavily reliant on the Govt teat and not wanting to do an honest days work 🙁
What does it take to sink in, you deserted your true conservative base to appease the left. Wets & moderates have killed the party, you need Dutton & allies if you want us back.
What’s the point of being Labour light.
Get out and sell conservative values with conviction.
If you realize you have joined the wrong party Matt Kean go and join Labour or the Greens
The aggressive policy the NSW Liberal Party must adopt, is the immediate and complete removal of Matt Kean from any position of influence and the expulsion of his mentor Turnbull.
Without the removal of Kean and a complete return to Liberal values the state government will face an equal or greater wipe-out than that which has occurred nationally.
Do I think this will occur? Hardly! Those holding the party reigns will burn the place to the ground before relinquishing their grasp back to the party base.
If Libs don’t remove Kean the electorate will, and they’ll remove all trace of the Liberal party as they do.