Late night TV hosts like Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel have spent the last year going after Trump constantly and it made absolutely no difference, a new study has found.

These painfully unfunny leftists have had Trump living in their minds rent-free for years, but they really ramped up the attacks over the last 12 months because it was an election year.

They shouldn’t have bothered. American voters completely ignored them anyway.

The Daily Mail reports:

Embarrassment for woke late night hosts as new study shows how their anti-Trump pleas fell on deaf ears

Late-night hosts relentlessly made Donald Trump the focus of nearly all of their jokes before the presidential election, but failed to sway the voting, as revealed by a new study.

A shocking 98 percent of the jokes made by Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers and Saturday Night Live in the lead up to Election Day made Trump the butt of the joke, according to media watchdog group Media Research Center.

As many as 1,428 of the 1,463 political jokes on these shows – from September 3 through October 25 – were targeted at Trump, the study found.

‘That’s a whopping 40:1 ratio or almost 98 percent to 2 percent,’ said MRC analyst Alex Christy, as reported by Fox News.

Even when the late-night hosts mocked then-nominee Joe Biden, they often softened the jokes with comments about Trump.

In June, Seth Meyers touched on Biden’s age and cognitive decline but then made sure to note Trump’s criminal convictions.

It’s like they’re not even trying to be funny anymore.

FY to them all. May their careers die a slow painful death. Not a backbone among them.

— Gregory Lehman (@Postlake10826) December 28, 2024

Washed up, has-been, humorless, purchased hacks. Go away.

— M. Todd Rice (@mtoddricemd) December 28, 2024

Funny thing is, in the end this just garnered support for Trump as everyone could see the msm leftist communist propaganda, except those that drank that cool-aid

— Joe RN (@joespfeifer) December 27, 2024

Late night TV shows used to be for the enjoyment of the whole country. Now they serve as pet projects for these losers to work out their hatred of Trump in front of the whole country. It’s all about them.

The post STUDY: Late Night Losers Spent the Last Year Bashing Trump But Didn’t Move the Needle at All appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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