Trump should be Biden his time

Trump should be Biden his time

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ALTHOUGH based on industrial-scale electoral fraud which must end in the Supreme Court, the media could not resist rushing into declaring Joe Biden the winner. This was not accompanied by the usual rioting, looting, burning, assaulting and worse which, on the slightest provocation, has this year been visited upon those American cities under Democrat control.

US questions Biden’s ‘biggest win in history’

US questions Biden’s ‘biggest win in history’

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A US Supreme Court justice has ordered late arriving ballots in election battleground Pennsylvania to be segregated and removed from the official count as Republican scrutineers continue to be locked out of counting centres. In related events, a US postal worker has testified he was instructed to backdate late arriving postal ballots, US election staff have been captured on video tampering with or discarding ballots and “faulty” election software used in as many as 30 States has “switched” thousands of Trump votes to Biden’s tally.

The art of stealing the Presidency

The art of stealing the Presidency

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IT WAS all going to plan for the Republican Party. Enthusiasm had peaked and the predicted red wave struck like a thunder clap. Every toss-up State bar one – Arizona – had swung heavily to Trump. It was almost mind numbingly efficient. With up to 96 per cent of toss-up States’ vote counted and Trump in the lead by anywhere from 150k to 600k votes, the result would be a blow out.

Biden: Beijing’s candidate

Biden: Beijing’s candidate

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AUSTRALIA’S elites would prefer Beijing’s candidate, Joe Biden in the White House, it seems. But, unlike 2016, at least a few notable commentators here now favour Trump, however grudgingly. Yet local outlets still echo the American mainstream media, even though they have become the Democratic Party’s propaganda arm. Little wonder then that Biden’s campaign manager admits most media polling is fake.

US voters flood Australia for real news

US voters flood Australia for real news

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US VOTERS have over-run Australian news sources to access political reporting following a US media black-out triggered by the Biden laptop scandal. With content from the laptop – allegedly owned by the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden – falling into the Trump campaign’s hands, Left-wing US media and big tech companies have combined to censor any local coverage of the story.