The art of stealing the Presidency

The art of stealing the Presidency

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IT WAS all going to plan for the Republican Party. Enthusiasm had peaked and the predicted red wave struck like a thunder clap. Every toss-up State bar one – Arizona – had swung heavily to Trump. It was almost mind numbingly efficient. With up to 96 per cent of toss-up States’ vote counted and Trump in the lead by anywhere from 150k to 600k votes, the result would be a blow out.

US voters flood Australia for real news

US voters flood Australia for real news

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US VOTERS have over-run Australian news sources to access political reporting following a US media black-out triggered by the Biden laptop scandal. With content from the laptop – allegedly owned by the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden – falling into the Trump campaign’s hands, Left-wing US media and big tech companies have combined to censor any local coverage of the story.

Fill that seat

Fill that seat

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RINO treachery only ensures a Trump victory. Not only does Donald Trump again have an agenda vastly superior to his opponent, his supporters continue to demonstrate something almost totally absent from the Biden camp – enthusiasm.And as I learned in the Australian republic referendum, when your grassroots offer enthusiasm in spades, forget that the other side is far better resourced, supported overwhelmingly by sitting politicians, other elites and the mainstream media juggernaut, it’s enthusiasm which counts.