Radical gender guru offers Pope moral advice

Radical gender guru offers Pope moral advice

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THE former education minister who pushed radical gender theory onto young children has cast judgement on the head of the Catholic Church calling the Pope’s own actions “diabolical”.

Former NSW National Party MP Adrien Piccoli shared his views on ABC-TV after Cardinal George Pell was released from prison on April 7. Pell had his sexual assault convictions overturned by the High Court.

‘Get Pell’ crusade continues despite High Court ruling

‘Get Pell’ crusade continues despite High Court ruling

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VICTORIA Labor Premier Daniel Andrews lifted two fingers to Australia’s highest court this week after it released imprisoned cardinal George Pell, ruling he had been wrongfully convicted.
Andrews, who wears the permanent face of a scolded infant, wrote “I believe every single victim and survivor of child sex abuse” in a pointed social media swipe at the High Court’s unanimous decision.