Party is all about me – Kean

Party is all about me – Kean

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ULTRA-Left NSW MP Matt Kean has suggested he is the future of the Liberal Party – and not conservatives such as Menzies, Howard or Abbott.

In what could only be described as a self-congratulatory piece in Friday’s Australian Financial Review, the NSW minister spoke of his government-supplied Tesla, his Greens Party agenda as well as his disapproval of former PM Tony Abbott. He also provided a glimpse of his deep dislike for US President Donald Trump.

The Left hates the truth

The Left hates the truth

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AUSTRALIANS have never agreed to have the latest far-Left foreign dogma apply here, to hand over premium and strategic assets to foreign communist-front entities or to have their country held back from achieving its true potential.
Without our blessing, the politicians have signed what Terry McCrann and Alan Jones slammed as a “national suicide note”. This has made our once cheap energy both unreliable and the most expensive in the world. To justify this, the elites are doing what Winston Smith was employed to do at Orwell’s 1984 Ministry of Truth, known as Minitrue. Temperature records are being changed, or rather, “homogenised”.