FEDERAL Liberal vice-president Teena McQueen has called her Party “undefendable” as it morphs into an aggressive authoritarian regime.
Her scorching comments came on the heels of Party resignations by former Qld premier Campbell Newman and high-profile author John Ruddick.
- MPs who are dismissive of people’s concerns will be thrown out of office.
- Attempts to silence contrarian views regarding lockdowns is 'terrifying'.
- Liberal politicians should not be closing down businesses nor shutting borders.
Speaking to Sky News’ Alan Jones on Friday Ms McQueen said she could no longer defend the Party she loved.
“On the [central] coast we have an elderly population and a lot of them live by themselves,” Ms McQueen said.
“I’ve had heartbreaking calls where these people tell me they would rather be dead than live this existence.
“They email members of parliament, they email the premier and they get nothing back.
“It’s being left to people like me who have had a love of the Party and I can’t defend them anymore, I just can’t defend them.”
Ms McQueen said the Party was on a hiding to nothing.
MPs who are dismissive of people’s concerns will be thrown out of public office, she suggested.
“They’re not going to have a job. I’ve been inundated with members who are desperate to leave the Liberal Party. They’ve had enough,” she said
“The attempt at silencing contrarian views re lockdowns is terrifying.
“The Liberal Party is in big trouble, the members are angry… This is like something I’ve never witnessed before.
“It’s heartbreaking, I get so upset because I’m so drained from taking the calls from businesses who supported the Liberal Party and from people who have lost their jobs and can’t feed their kids,” she said with a choked-up voice.
Former Qld premier Campbell Newman last week walked away from his Party, for which he was a trustee, saying he was “disgusted”.
“We should not have Liberal politicians either closing down businesses or shutting borders,” he said at the time.
“I was disgusted to see a Liberal minister in NSW attack protesters as ‘boofheads’, when these people were protesting to protect their livelihoods and freedoms.
“Frankly, I feel that our political representatives don’t reflect the values of the Party that I joined almost twenty years ago and are not serving us well.”
Mr Newman’s resignation – and his reasoning – was largely dismissed by current Liberal National MPs.
Deputy PM and federal National Party leader Barnaby Joyce said he had no respect for Mr Newman’s decision.
“I respect Campbell Newman but, to be frank, I don’t respect this,” he told ABC Radio National.
“Maybe it’s a statement of valour and bravery to say, ‘well, I’m out’.”PC
The only political party that is standing up to the tyranny is One Nation.
It is time for a big protest vote- put the major parties at the bottom of your preferences. Make them grovel for any representation.
What is most disturbing is that unless One Nation can suddenly get 50% + 1 ( unlikely) we effectively have a One Party ( Communist) State. As it was achieved by stealth, it is most insidious.
Whilst I agree with you in a broad sense the problem with One Nation is paradoxically, Pauline Hanson. She is the party. Period. And she will not let go. She has no coherent policy platform and is a loose cannon in the ship of state. She is a protest vote – otherwise a total waste of time: The sound of fury that signifieth nothing.
I am a conservative of the right and have voted LNP for over 60 years and joined the LP 2 years ago so that I could could have a say – that was a joke. I voted for and worked to have Tony Abbott elected at the last election only to find out left Liberals were working against Tony along with Climate extremists, Labor and Greens in such a disgusting way that I have no way of voting to put a Left Liberal, Labor, Greens or Independent in any seat. If we don’t have democracy in selecting candidates to run for the LP, Campbell Newman, John Ruddick, and more should walk away and vote for a party with conservative values. It may mean a loss to Labor but the following election the LP could be back having a party people would vote for. Not a Left Liberal Labor like party.
This shambles of a Liberal Party can be traced DIRECTLY to Malcolm Turncoat.
I’ll bet he’s salivating at the destruction that’s taking place.
Teena McQueen, EXPEL this low grub from the Party before it’s totally unrecognisable!!!
Correct; yet the rest of the LNP WON’T EXPEL the conniving back- stabber. This guy set up the Guardian, has actively opposed LNP candidates, most recently in the Upper Hunter election and regularly publicly disparages the LNP. Yet they won’t expel him! FFS And I’m sorry to say the author of this piece, who seems like a sensible woman, brushed aside questions about getting rid of turncoat. This is the problem with the conservatives in this country. A green was running the LNP in WA and look what happened. The Vic LNP doesn’t exist; ditto QLD and in NSW they are headed by green spivs like matt kean. None of them should be in the LNP. That’s the problem: the LNP will not clean house. Finally scomo won the last election on the back of coal; and what has he done since: oppose coal every step of the way. You can’t support that degree of stupidity.
I still think Barnaby Joyce should step up and position the Nationals on the Personal Freedoms / obey the Constitution side. He has already made his views on Climate Alarmism clear, and in that alone has gained a lot of support
Threaten Morrison to leave the coalition, get Abbott, Bernardi, Kelly, Newman, Ruddick etc on board. Break the Queensland LNP into two again. I think a lot of disgruntled Liberals, and there are many, would join at State and Federal level. Also purge the Nationals who are pushing the lie, like Hogan in Page.
I like the idea of other parties One Nation, Australia One etc but if the Nationals grew a pair they would be already well ahead as they already have the infrastructure.
Members haven’t abandoned the Liberal Party, The Liberal Party has abandoned its members, abandoned its base.
I never thought I’d see the day that the party Sir Robert created would be prepared to abandon every one of its values as it heads to the dictatorial left.
Good Liberal MP after good conservative Liberal MP have been driven out, not by the voters, not by strong oppositions, but by weasel factions within the party itself.
I’ll not pay another membership, I’ll not run another booth, or give my time for a party that represents nothing but the interests of the (self) elected few.
Menzies Liberalism is still alive, in the hearts and minds of Australia’s abandoned majority, it’s a voter base that desperately needs a new home. It’s past time the conservative voices out there got together to take up and unite that majority vote. Then we can resigned today’s Liberal party to their inevitable destiny as a sad chapter in a few political history books.
The writing that was on the wall was highlighted soon after the Liberal Party of Australia, emphasis on NSW, allowed the Coalition Government to be called The Turnbull Party. And for ignoring the rise of the Turnbull led LINO leftists/globalists through the parliamentary ranks and installing their own people in executive positions within the party.
Consider the undermining of Howard, Costello, Nelson and Abbott, later several Lib-Nat MPs via Union funded GetUp activist organisation at the 2019 federal election. The renewables investment players providing funding.
The ticking time bomb was installed decades ago with the objective being to wreck the Liberal Party of Australia, and Nationals, to create an almost impossible to beat alliance of left parties aiming to control the governments of our nation.
The implosion of the Liberal Party has been coming for quite a while. For those who can’t understand what’s happening it may be instructive to read the Party’s Beliefs statement and ask yourself whether you’ve ever seen any of your parliamentarians uphold them? For those who have had enough – it’s time to make the only statement that makes any sense. Resign.
Federal troops should never be used against civilians in a democracy. The truth is that democracy is no more.
However, if the rulers wanted to pretend that they still enjoyed a contract with their civilian populations; they’d insist on federal troops being also in civilian clothing, never armed and only assisting police where appropriate. Like delivering food packages to the many thousands in western Sydney who due entirely to Soviet style lockdowns are missing food on the table and s skipping meals. Welcome to the L/NP, Lab, Greens New World Order to quote the NSW Hell Minister in 2020.
Australian Defence Forces soldiers are not being used “against civilians”, they are partnered with police officers as support and this reduces the workload of the NSW Police Force on COVID-19 enforcement of the rules, specifically in suburbs where large migrant groups have been ignoring the social distancing and other rules resulting is those suburbs now being the centre of the present outbreak of COVID-19.
Media reports of groups of unrelated men playing card games in a home unit, large family gatherings in one home and other breaches of health restrictions targeting the virus and pandemic which endanger other communities and could if ignored result in regional areas becoming infected that are right now not in lockdown but are cooperating with the rules.
The ADF personnel are not armed with weapons and do not have the law enforcement powers of the police officers they are partnered with.
These ADF personnel have been sent to assist in hotel quarantine security and other roles ever since the States requested the extra Human Resources in 2020.
Police have many duties and to maintain law and order they are needed on normal duties. Partnering them with ADF personnel makes good sense.
You have an authoritarian bent. Think Myanmar.
The people of western Sydney deserve their right to earn a living.
Your ‘rules’ are harsh and unconscionable and probably are unconstitutional. I take my medical advice from Dr Rand Paul.
Sydney and nearby areas are in lockdown, the people of Western Sydney are not the only ones effected, but too many who live in those suburbs have been ignoring the social distancing rules and others, men gathering to play cards in a home unit for example, families visiting together at one home in numbers exceeding allowance and various other breaches, including not staying at home when ordered to quarantine for fourteen days.
The ADF personnel and NSW Police are there to monitor and check that people adhere to the rules, and as the Police Commissioner said tonight on Sky News, delivering food parcels to people who need them and other humanitarian activities are included in the surveillance operation.
With due consideration for the population of the areas in lockdown combined it is disappointing that there are some areas that need to be more closely monitored.
Enjoy being a slave you apologist for tyranny.
John W have you ever served in the military ?