THE Australian National University in Canberra has gone gender-woke replacing the words mum and dad with “birthing parent” and “non-gestational parent”.
All references to mothers and fathers have been banned, with the university’s Gender Institute handbook advising staff to use “gender inclusive” titles instead.
It also demonises the term “breastfeeding” preferring “chest-feeding”.

- All references to mother & father are banned with staff ordered to be 'gender inclusive'.
- Feminists, students, politicians and commentators push back on 'woke rubbish'.
- ANU Chancellor Julie Bishop told 'crush this little Left-wing crusade'.
The move has drawn heated criticism from students, feminists, media commentators as well as Liberal and Labor politicians.
“This is woke rubbish and has the effect of undermining public confidence in universities,” Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge said this week.
“I would never use such a term to describe myself and nor would 99 per cent of Australians,” he said.
“We have great universities who do world class research and educate thousands of students. This should rightly remain their focus.”
Self-described feminist Professor Hannah Dahlen from Western Sydney University said the move was giving women an “invisible status”.
“Why are we eliminating the women’s voice,” she said. “Rather than subsuming women into an invisible status, why don’t we find out what is important to every person and take an individual approach.”
Former Queensland LNP premier Campbell Newman called on ANU’s chancellor, former foreign minister Julie Bishop, to step in.
“Julie Bishop is the chancellor and this is an opportunity for her to show some leadership by quashing this little Left-wing crusade that’s clearly brewing up,” Mr Campbell said.
“Perhaps the gestational parents and the non-birthing parents who have their kids going there – or who are contemplating their kids going there – will rise up and say ‘if you don’t do something about this Left-wing nonsense our kids will go to a proper university’.”
Federal Labor MP Joel Fitzgibbon said he couldn’t believe his ears at first.
“When I first heard this, I thought it was a G-up,” the former Labor frontbencher said.
“If I’m so fortunate to have grand children in the not too distant future, what are we going to teach them to say? Dad, dad, dad or, what is it, non-birthing parent.
“The world has gone completely mad, surely.”
Australian National University’s Liberal Club president Lilian Law said the guidelines were driven by political correctness and inhibited freedom of speech.
“The latest guidelines announced by the ANU appear to limit the language of staff in such a way that would likely disrupt open dialogue in the classroom,” she said.
“It has become evident, through this recent policy announcement, that ANU prioritises guidelines that limit language use over protecting the academic freedom of staff to pursue their work free from political correctness.”
A university spokesman, however, said the guidebook was not official policy but created by academics for academics.
“Students and staff are free to engage with, debate and contest the ideas canvassed in this handbook,” the spokesman said.PC
As all WOKE statements are – absolutely mad! Breast feeding CANNOT BE INCLUSIVE!
As if a baby will benefit by latching onto a man’s nipple or the nipple of a woman who has not just given birth!
NO, NO, NO, it is only MOTHERS’ – MOTHERS’ – MOTHERS’ BREASTS – BREASTS – BREASTS that can supply the valuable and irreplaceable MOTHERS’ MILK that completely nourishes and provides so much immunity for new infants!
“A university spokesman, however, said the guidebook was not official policy but created by academics for academics.”
So it’s not “policy”, but this is how the blind lead the blind that they might more effectively render sightless their impressionable young charges.
All funding for ANU should be withdrawn until they offer an unqualified and abject apology to the taxpayers of this country, and until they can prove that they have reformed their arrogant ways.
Julie Bishop couldn’t give a rats about Australia. She’s the most self-obsessed woke warrior in the nation. When she claims to care for women, it’s too bloody obvious which one she cares for most.