A SENIOR legal expert has accused Victoria Police of turning political and has suggested they could no longer be trusted to run an unbiased investigation.
The Dean of Law at Melbourne’s Swinbourne University Mirko Bagaric said Victoria Police had become “unhappily” close to politics and was part of a secretive justice system.
In an opinion piece written in yesterday’s Australian newspaper Prof Bagaric said there was a transparency and integrity deficit in Victoria.
“It is the only jurisdiction in the developed world where police corrupted a lawyer to become an informer against her clients,” he wrote.
“Their enforcement of the pandemic lockdown laws suggests an unhappily close relationship between the police and government.”
Prof Bagaric said the State had become the most closed and secretive justice system in Australia.
“There are more suppression orders in Victoria than the rest of the nation combined,” he wrote.
The legal academic said Victoria police’s “unprecedented” handling of Cardinal George Pell’s discredited investigation had disqualified them from investigating the latest allegations of secretive Vatican cash transfers into Australia.
“Cardinal Pell’s trial lawyer Robert Richter QC is right to call for an investigation – an independent one – into the Vatican money allegations,” Prof Bagaric said.
“The prosecution of Pell was far removed from the orthodox criminal investigation and trial process.
“There are many odd aspects associated with it, starting with the unprecedented actions of Victoria Police in establishing a task force targeting Pell before any allegations had been made against him.
“Police even actively advertised for victims.”
Prof Bagaric’s comments follow the Pope’s sacking last month of high ranking Vatican official Cardinal Angelo Becciu and recent newspaper reports that A$1.1m of church cash was secretly deposited into Australian bank accounts to “negatively influence” Cardinal Pell’s prosecution.
Cardinal Pell served more than 400 days in a maximum security Victorian prison prior to child sexual abuse convictions against him being unanimously thrown out on appeal by Australia’s High Court.
Pell’s accuser, through his lawyer, has denied any knowledge or receipt of payments from Rome.
The sensational claims emerged in Italian newspapers last week that Cardinal Becciu, a once close adviser to the Pope, had siphoned 700,000 euros of Vatican funds.
The reports alleged Becciu wired the cash to people testifying in Cardinal Pell’s trial to ensure their hostile testimony.
Prof Bagaric said such levels of alleged legal impropriety in Victoria demanded high levels of scrutiny.PC
There absolutely MUST be a full inquiry into who were the recipients of this bribe money from a Pell hater in the Vatican. All corruption must be exposed and let’s remember – this entirely innocent man spent well over a year in jail for crimes HE DID NOT AND WOULD NEVER COMMIT.
Perhaps the Federal Police should handle this matter as it certainly should not be the Victorian Police.
The Victorians are running out of time to build opposition to their corrupt Marxist government. Unless I am missing something, there still seems to be a very apathetic and docile public in Victoria.
Let’s be very clear on the fact that Victoria is very close to becoming a Police State. Its Premier, Comrade Andrews, is showing all the signs of a dictator in the making and needs to be stopped. Australia has taken the road to big government, big spending, and totally unnecessary impediments to personal freedom – all based on the Wuhan-flu fear factor that has been created by left-wing politicians, bureaucrats, and elements within the media such as the ABC and Nine Entertainment. They need to be vigorously opposed by all of us who care about this country and where it’s heading.
Someone close to the case has apparently just purchased a new house (for $1.1m?). Someone who Andrew Bolt doubts has the independent means to do so. A cop maybe? Interesting.