VOTERS have seen through the political propaganda blaming “climate change” for this year’s bushfires – instead they lay fault at the feet of State MPs who bungled hazard reduction.
With only 35 per cent of voters convinced of a “climate emergency”, a whopping 59 per cent said they were not prepared to commit a single cent more to emissions targets.
An additional 23 per cent said they were unwilling to contribute any more than $2 from their weekly pay packets to assist meet targets.
Only 18 per cent of voters said they would commit to contributions of more than $2 a week.
The Newspoll, published by The Australian newspaper, was conducted shortly after the severe 2020 bushfires, which resulted in 34 deaths and 5.4m hectares of land lost across Australia.
Politicians, particularly NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean, where 25 bushfire deaths occurred, had been running around to an unquestioning media blaming global warming for the disaster.
Both Kean and a compliant media, however, failed to mention that NSW had experienced a 16 per cent cut in staff overseeing fuel reduction burns under his watch.
The only demographic to overwhelmingly blame the 2020 bushfires on a “climate emergency” were The Greens with 72 per cent convinced “global warming” was at fault.
Less than half of all other demographics pointed their finger at the climate. Labor voters (47 per cent), young voters (45 per cent) and female voters (39 per cent) lead the way after the Greens. Coalition voters (20 per cent), older voters (26 per cent) and male voters (33 per cent) were least likely to blame climate.
A majority of all voters (56 per cent) blamed a failure of State and territory governments to conduct adequate hazard reduction. A further nine per cent said nothing stood out as the cause of the bushfires.
The Newspoll survey was conducted between February 19-22 and based on 1513 online interviews with voters. The published sampling error is +/-2.5 per cent.PC
MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Climate emergency demonstrators (courtesy The Conversation). Inset: NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean (courtesy Daily Mail – enhanced).

It has never been shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) drive global warming. Instrumental temperature measurements over the past 150 years show no correlation between human emissions of CO2 and temperature. As Professor Plimer asked just recently – show me the proof!
In any event, Australia’s current CO2 emissions are estimated to be only 1.3% of total global emissions. Therefore, even if we accept that humans have impacted on climate change/global warming, reducing Australian emissions will have minimal impact on the planet’s temperature, especially as countries such as China and India are massively increasing their usage of coal.
Even Australia’s Chief Scientist Alan Finkel, a global warming advocate, admits that even if Australia cut all its emissions the difference to the global climate would be “virtually nothing”.
We must not let the loony Greens off the hook as they were the instigators of preventing Land hazard reductions which without a shadow of doubt was the main contributor to the cause of the bushfires. By the way the green influenced B.O.M. predicted we were in for the driest ,hottest Winter on record in March and what have we had more rain for ages and extremely cold weather. Global Warming (some call it climate change ) is the biggest money making scam ever in the history of Man kind or should we say Men and Women kind.
After 16 years of Labor, our institutions in NSW were littered with left-wing activists and it was Barry O’Farrell’s job to clear out the rot. He didn’t do so, quickly hoodwinked by bureaucrats who knew how to make themselves appear indispensable. Mike Baird drifted along for a bit and now we have Gladys, with ministers like Matt Kean and others intent on keeping the bureaucrats “on side”. Why ruffle feathers and create more work for yourself? The left-wing activists parading as dispassionate public servants are laughing at you Matt. They are running the show, according to their ideology, and you are being made to look a foolish puppet with their hand up your back. How many eco-zealots in NPWS have you sacked? If a Liberal minister is not prepared to weed them out, who will? Is this the best we can hope for from Team Gladys?
Instead of burning fuel loads Matt, you’ve been burning any political capital you might have had on account of your spunk and promise. Do your job and clean out the activists.
“If a Liberal minister is not prepared to weed [eco-zealots] out, who will?”
Mark Latham would do it in the blink of an eye.
“Is this the best we can hope for from Team Gladys?”
Gladys is a stooge; a supposedly inoffensive front for the left-wing lunatics in her party who are running the show. Remember, these “Liberals” are the ones who wished to water down bestiality laws; apparently conservatives are meant to have no qualms about people having sexual relations with animals (this is all part of “gay marriage” having not changed anything, of course).
We are living in a time like the days of Noah, and every single person who votes for people like Gladys – or for people like Morrison, who is too timid and weak-kneed to censure her – are complicit in what is occurring. Maybe they don’t understand what the ultimate consequences of this will be.
Hey, “Moorie,” one of the greatest geopolitical games of chess is being played out now, any comment?
I would ask you about the shocking and appalling humanitarian crisis going on in Afghanistan right now, but you would never have the heart to answer that.
Also, you wouldn’t dare admit the monumental failures of the West.
“I would ask you about the shocking and appalling humanitarian crisis going on in Afghanistan right now, but you would never have the heart to answer that.”
Sure I would, Peter. Afghans as a people have always been right out there on various spectra, so things are continuing to turn out in that country exactly as one would expect (if you have been paying attention, you would know this).
“Also, you wouldn’t dare admit the monumental failures of the West.”
Sure I would; it’s not like the debacle in Afghanistan is any different to what’s gone before, for example in Vietnam. You can’t help people who don’t want to be helped, and you can’t bring democracy to those who long to have despots rule over them, but many in the West are slow to understand this (particularly those who hail from the U.S.).
Anyway, if you really revile the West to such an extent, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, and move to the Middle East – or are you just another arrogant loud-mouthed left winger who is content to rail at the world from the safety and comfort of his inner-city sanctum?
So the obvious question is why is an incompetent who heralded meeting a target of 135,000 hectares – when the royal commission suggested 700,000 hectares was required – still in charge of the portfolio? If your modus operandi is “don’t hazard reduce” it’s easy to find/create reasons to not burn.
183 people charged in relation to bushfires, 16% reduction in “burning off” over recent years and the prolonged drought were the key factors in the devastating bushfires. The “climate change emergency” is left wing alarmism/propaganda to ban coal and natural gas, prop up inefficient renewables, increase power bill’s, taxes and get more “big government” control over people’s lives.