A PATHETICALLY woke Liberal Party was hammered in Victoria’s general election last weekend – and grassroots political pundits have little doubt NSW will be next.
As the once centre-Right Party stubbornly continues to target inner-city Leftists (who have never and will never vote for them), the Liberal brand has been trashed at every mainland election since 2019.

- Victorian Libs smashed at 2022 election. Seat count goes backwards.
- Media commentators continue to repeat the same garbage that Liberal policy needs to shift further Left.
- The Liberal Party will continue to fail unless it reverses direction and returns to Abbott-era policies.
On Saturday, the Victorian Liberal Party went into the election holding 21 seats and are now on track to retain only 18 – while Labor is likely to increase its count from 55 to 56.
And while closed-minded Liberal MPs and mainstream media commentators continue to repeat the same garbage that Liberal policy needs to shift further Left, grassroots supporters have had enough.
“NSW will be next, the damage has been done,” respected grassroots political commentator Marlene Cameron wrote on social media after the Victorian loss.
“Woke crap has broken Liberal Australia. Just cast your eyes. Lefties as far as you can see.”
Based in Queensland, Ms Cameron’s social media posts, which are closely followed by conservatives across the nation, have proven to be prophetic.
Like many centre-Right conservatives, she believes the Liberal Party will continue to fail unless it reverses direction and returns to Tony Abbott-era policies.
“Tony Abbott is always on the money,” she wrote earlier this month.
“Why he annoys the crap out of the Left is quite simply because he always calls it spot on.”
The Liberal Party has shed more than two million first preference votes nationally since it replaced Mr Abbott as prime minister with Left-sympathising Malcolm Turnbull in 2015.
According to The Australian newspaper the Coalition has become anathema to more than two million primary voters in 19 federal and State elections held between 2015 and 2021.
At a federal level, the Coalition dropped a massive 560,665 votes between 2013 and 2019.
This loss was primarily the work of Mr Turnbull who shifted Liberal policy Left, believing he wouldn’t lose the Party’s base.
He was mistakenly advised at the time that centre-Right voters had nowhere else to go – yet 474,000 of them disagreed at the 2016 election.
In 2019, then Prime Minister Scott Morrison lost a further 86,000. Mr Morrison’s government was demolished this year after he backflipped and agreed to a 2050 carbon reduction target.
Western Australia’s “fake” conservatives shed 377,047 votes in 2022 and now hold just two of that State’s 59 lower house seats.
In South Australia, a first-term Liberal government was run out of office after aligning with Labor’s radical social and environmental policies.
In NSW, the Coalition has shed 427,216 voters based on the 2019 election result.PC
The first rule for achieving success electorate by electorate is choose a candidate as soon as possible and start campaigning for the next election as soon after the last election as can be organised.
Hard work, not hard woke.
The Liberal Party has allowed itself to be infiltrated by the left. They look sluggish compared to Labor. The Libs need an aggressive street fighter to stir them up a bit. Why aren’t they exposing climate change as the massive hoax that it is? Climate change was the Trojan horse thought up by the World Economic Forum and the UN to achieve world socialism and One World Government. We are now 10 minutes to midnight. Time to stand up and fight and loudly disprove the Left’s silly myths. Advocate loudly for nuclear power and PROVE to Australia why it is the best option. Get going!
It started early 1990s and by 1996 when the Howard Government was elected to replace Keating Labor the untraditional but not new centre-left LINO were positioning in influential places like State Executive NSW and the parliamentary parties.
The sooner the woke fools and their “crap” are removed and traditional Menzies’ Australian Liberal Party value reinstated the party will continue to be lost in the political wilderness and worse now, have no chance of winning over the majority of younger voters.
Liberal-National governments have all but ignored the danger signs and teachers union members teaching students from an early age climate hoax stuff, gender stuff and other leftist propanda that in recent times former Labor Federal Opposition Leader Mark Latham has been exposing.
No longer a true Conservative party,top heavy with wets & moderate socialists, as a 60 year LP voter except for 2016 & 2022 minor parties only way to go,unless PD can drain the swamp?
It has been obvious since the backstabbing Turnbull became leader of the Libs, that they were on the wrong course. The Machiavelli’s within the party have continued to undermine and eliminate the true conservatives within the party, since that time.
As many have said, no one wants a “pale green” party, and so supporters have left in droves. They have annihilated their own supporter base by becoming “woke” and spineless. This is allowing the socialists and globalists to reshape Australia into a dystopian nightmare, where human rights and freedom of speech may become a thing of the past.
What can stop the rot? Perhaps only the return of true conservatives like Tony Abbott and Cory Bernardi, or the formation of another true conservative party. In either case, Australia seems doomed to wander in the wilderness until this happens.
One of the lost opportunities for the Coalition, Prime Minister Abbott term 2013 to 2015, was not taking advantage of the information (letter) provided by scientist Dr Jennifer Marohasy and colleagues who exposed the BoM media releases on weather and climate that ignore BoM historic record data earlier than 1910, ignoring heatwaves earlier, and more. Therefore misleading warming trend modelling.
Later Dr Marohasy reported other issues including BoM automatic weather stations located in “heat sinks”, an example Observatory Hill Sydney CBD, once an isolated area alongside the Harbour when the weather station location was first established. But today and for many decades alongside a multi-lane roadway, Bridge and CBD buildings, a heat sink. Temperature recordings higher on average than the early years after being established. Similar heat sinks have been identified around Australia. Even temperature actual readings being marked up, for example but not an actual reading, 29.6C could become 29.9C. Over time the warming trend is up.
Apparently Prime Minister Abbott, as reported at the time, recommended an independent audit, due diligence be conducted at the BoM but a majority of Cabinet Ministers voted against his proposal. The Minister responsible for the BoM asked management for an explanation and it was acknowledged there were “errors and omissions” with an undertaking to rectify the situation. The complete story is fascinating and we should all be angry that public service employees are not providing us with accurate information, climate change based hoax prevails, as compared to natural climate changing and weather.
The main point is that young people have been taught to fear a warming tipping point and climate, and now most of voting age are indoctrinated and effectively exploited by the leftists for various political purposes and the redistribution of wealth UN IPCC objective. They are now influential at elections and will not accept alternative points of view and evidence.
But becoming another of the Labor red, Greens dark green and candidates pale green masquerading as Independent is not a good plan.
Reminds me of that Sydney Harbour Bridge construction cartoon 1930s, worker clinging to a steel beam with another hanging onto his pants with braces stopping him from falling.
National Party and Liberal Party.
Well, Marlene appears to be more in tune with the electorate than the idiot advisors employed by the Liberal Party. If they continue to ignore passionate advice, the party will perish.
Labor is out gunning them, advertising hyperbole and puffery galore, the latest being the smearing of PM Morrison for what the Solicitor General has advised Albanese Union Labor was done legally, back up portfolios during the pandemic crisis.
Agree or disagree with what was done, the Solicitor General mentioned “unusual”, but legal.
And Albanese Labor are wasting time on this now historical matter.
Well not really, the old saying is that when mud is thrown some mud sticks, the more mud is thrown the more the target is covered with mud and after a while disappears beneath the coating of nasty mud and voters cannot remember who the target really was.
It has also been said that Union Labor gets down into the gutters to fight, Liberals stick to Marquis of Queensbury fighting rules of gentlemen.
I have not heard a Liberal mention Anthony Albanese’s campaign lie that he had been economics adviser to Labor PM Hawke, the truth exposed by Sky News journalist Andrew Clennell, Albanese has an economics degree but never worked for PM Hawke, at the time he was a staffer in the office of left leaning Labor Minister Tom Uren in his Sydney electorate.
The never ending single mother and raised in public housing story that does not acknowledge that the public housing was rented by his age pensioner grandparents who provided them with accommodation. No mention of him attending prestigious Sydney CBD St Mary’s College and later University of Sydney.
Isn’t it obvious that Albo is already campaigning for the 2025 federal election?