by JOHN MIKKELSEN – WITH new issues confronting Australia and the world each day, many would sooner forget the early COVID years and the massive political over-reach.
This includes vaccine mandates, lockdowns, mental health problems, suicides and business closures which continue today.

- They were the modern equivalent of lepers cast outside the city gates.
- They were labelled “anti-vaxxers” or “granny killers”.
- The Labor Party took $1m from the pharmaceutical industry in 2022/23.
Those of us who resisted and remain unvaccinated despite the coercion and the many who suffered severe adverse reactions – or who lost loved ones and were prevented from paying a final hospital visit or attend a funeral – will never forget. Nor should we.
Anyone questioning the mantra that the vaccines were safe and effective was derided. Evidence from experts warning of potential dangers was censored as “misinformation”.
They were labelled “anti-vaxxers” or “granny killers” who were placing others at risk.
In the words of Victorian Police Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius, anyone protesting was “bat shit crazy”.
Well, I wouldn’t take advice from him or his boss, ex- Premier Daniel Andrews who pronounced it was “a pandemic of the un-vaccinated”.
With the help of his ex-Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton, they introduced the world’s longest lockdowns while presiding over the nation’s highest pandemic death toll.
Under their totalitarian rule, citizens were banned from playing golf, going fishing, sitting on a park bench or exercising in a gymnasium.
As the State emerged from a lockdown, exercise of a different kind in a brothel was not a problem, but family home visits remained off limits.
Social distancing? The mind boggles.
Mounting international evidence and admissions regarding vaccine safety and effectiveness since then show that yesterday’s conspiracy theories are now widely accepted as today’s facts.
We know the vaccines don’t prevent contraction or transmission, any benefit wanes after a few months and there are potentially serious side effects.
Those of us who were the modern equivalent of lepers cast outside the city gates in Biblical times feel vindicated – if not compensated.
So a message in my in box this week from One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts outlining how Labor has just rejected his call for a Royal Commission into the COVID response struck a chord.
“Last year I was successful in having the Senate inquire into the prospective terms of reference for a Royal Commission into the government response to COVID-19,” Senator Roberts wrote.
“The Inquiry was held in good faith by Senator Scarr and I thank everyone concerned for their work, which produced a 128-page report full of honesty, decency and common sense.
“After hearing and reading testimony from multiple highly qualified witnesses, every one of whom recommended a Royal Commission be held and included a comprehensive terms of reference that would have uncovered the truth.
“Last week, the Government provided a response to the Inquiry Report, which stated that the Government does not support a Royal Commission, does not support working with the States to review COVID, does not support the proposed terms of reference and does not support you, the public, having further involvement in the inquiry process.
“This is the same Labor Party that took one million dollars from the pharmaceutical industry in 2022/23, including large donations from Pfizer and Astra Zeneca.
“Do we have the best government money can buy? You decide.”
In his speech to the Senate, Senator Roberts pointed out that during the last election campaign, a Royal Commission had been promised by both the current Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Senator Katy Gallagher.
“Instead, the Albanese Labor government will continue with their cover-up inquiry, comprised of two bureaucrats and a university academic closely involved in the COVID response. Shame!,” he said.
“The government is letting bureaucrats and academics investigate themselves. What a disgrace! It is betrayal. It’s inhuman…”
He then listed the 14 pharmaceutical companies who had made donations to Labor during 2022-23 according to the Australian Electoral Commission, but said it went beyond that.
“Pharmacy Guild of Australia, who enjoyed years of profit dispensing high-cost COVID injections, $154,000; and Medicines Australia, the peak lobbying body for the pharmaceutical industry, which just gave the former head of the TGA, Professor Skerritt, a job as a director, donated $112,000 to the Labor Party campaign funds—kerching!,” he said.
“Including smaller donations, the Labor Party raked in almost a million dollars from pharmaceutical companies and associated favours bought. It’s not just big pharma, either.
“Remember when you couldn’t get COVID at Bunnings, yet you could get it at your neighbourhood hardware store?
“Governments forced many hardware stores to stop business during lockdowns, and they went broke while Bunnings grew its market share.
“Then they set up vaccination stations in their car parks. I know many people thought that was odd, so let’s look at this list of donations.
“The owners of Bunnings, Wesfarmers, donated $110,000…”
Senator Roberts concluded by announcing that, in the first week of December, he would conduct his third full-day review promising “to hound those responsible”.
Those are his words, so don’t shoot the messenger, but I’m in total agreement that a Royal Commission is warranted to clear up what obviously went wrong and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
I’ve written before how as a former pharmacy apprentice and dispenser in my early life, I was wary of a rushed new vaccine with limited trials, no long-term studies, and indemnity granted to the manufacturers.
That alone rang alarm bells and brought to mind another “safe and effective” wonder drug, Thalidomide, which doctors prescribed for pregnant mums experiencing morning sickness.
The penny finally dropped, too late for many, that their “cure” was causing horrific birth defects. Oops.PC
A disgusting time in Australias history… mostly (but not only) fostered by the Left
Gregoryno6, I don’t think “yesterday” literally means yesterday when taken in context, but yes when some brave politicians and medical experts warned of the dangers of a barely tested new vaccine in its various forms, back in the early roll-out, it was classed as mis/disinformation. Now we know it was factual, as John’s article points out.
‘Yesterday’s conspiracy theories are now widely accepted as today’s facts’
The conspiracy theories were facts well before yesterday. Every Australian government state and federal had a pandemic plan waiting for such a (ahem) mass killer as Covid. None of those plans included lockdowns, masking, or mandates.
The best takedown on actions taken in the name of ‘protecting us from covid’ was delivered by Nick Hudson in 2021.