Game’s up for vaccine trickery

THAT popular Aussie stalwart actor, Ray Meagher (of Home and Away fame) has taken in his autumn years to advertising a product called Revitive, claimed to be a circulation booster. 

The increasingly out-of-touch “leaders” of various Australian jurisdictions should have poached Ray to do all of their vaccines propaganda. 

Digging into individual deaths to make a political point is very, very creepy. But they are all doing it. Their so-called science hasn’t won. Biology has…

For Ray is an old hand at plausible white lies in the cause of a pharmaceutical product of questioned efficacy.

The need to recruit Ray is palpable.


The vaccines, as anyone now remotely familiar with the international progress of the “pandemic” knows, are well and truly past their use-by date.

They simply do not work against Omicron. Nor will the much-heralded boosters.

These are simply extensions of the old vaccines that scarcely worked (beyond a few months, at any rate) against Delta.

Much of the Western world, including its ruling class, accepts this. There has been a sea-change shift in public statements about vaccines right across the Anglosphere and beyond.

Even the WHO and Bill Gates, Mr Global Vaccines himself, realise the game is up.

The demand in the UK that NHS staff be vaccinated or get the sack is all but politically dead. Forty-love, serving for the match. Nine wickets down with a whole day to bat and chasing 400.

The vaccines are fighting yesterday’s war, like second hand tanks in the Aussie desert. There is no longer any argument for vaccine mandates that can pass any kind of pub test.

Or any other test that is remotely related to science, evidence or data.

Just look at Israel, Pfizer’s own global laboratory. The CEO of Pfizer is a great friend of Israel, having received awards, no less, for services to Israeli causes.

No doubt it was a personal friendship between Bibi and Prince Albert of Bourla that made it so.

Israel was lining everyone up for the fourth shot, but the penny has dropped, even in overly safety-conscious Israel.

A country that is both highly vaccinated and has a massive and growing outbreak of Omicron.


In the natural and social sciences, this should be what we know as a game breaker. Not in Australia.

Everyone gets it, except a few compromised, make-it-up-as-we-go-along tin-pot dictators down under.

Vaccine totalitarians like Victoria’s Daniel Andrews (apparently, surprisingly, the NSW Premier’s new bestie) and WA’s now-totally-out-of-control Mark McGowan who continue to ramp up the hatred against the ultimate scapegoat, the unvaxxed.

They now just look like the delusional, power-obsessed bullies they clearly are. Totally invested in failed policies – policies that in Victoria killed people needlessly, but Andrews simply re-booted and moved on.

He is keeping up his jihad on the unjabbed and is now demanding a third jab as the key to being “fully vaccinated”.

Andrews and McGowan might take a look at the French experience of othering the unvaccinated with spite and vitriol: “Sky-high case numbers in France prove ‘pissing off the unvaccinated’ is as pointless as it is unpleasant,” writes Naomi Firsht in The Telegraph.

Andrews, summoning up all of his not inconsiderable mastery of the science of COVID, stated that the pandemic wasn’t simply a “two-dose thing”.

“This is not a two-dose thing (or) two doses and a bonus – it is absolutely critical and essential,” Mr Andrews told reporters.

“International evidence, our own experience, the views of experts and hopefully confirmation of both ATAGI and national cabinet today will mean everyone knows and understands this is a three-dose project.”

Good one Daniel. Nice try. The vaccines work for a couple of months. Then they don’t work after this.

The onus is on the COVID class to show why the boosters will be different. And why we actually need a third dose if doses one and two worked so poorly.

Why do we actually needed to change the definition of “fully vaccinated”?


Here is Alex Berenson, with a focus on the lessons from Israel: “The tragedy of the mRNA vaccines is not that they don’t work at all.

“They do. For a couple months – four or five at most. And last spring, they gave the people who believed in them a glimpse of a world without COVID, a world in which dedicated researchers had destroyed drug industry skeptics like me and thrown the conspiracy theorists back in the basement.”

Pfizer’s triumphant motto: “Science will win”.

Pfizer was wrong. Science didn’t win. Biology won.

Our immune systems cleared out the anti-spike protein antibodies that the mRNA vaccines had forced them to make; and the vaccines did not produce the same long-term immunological improvements that natural infection and recovery from COVID cause.

Once the antibodies disappeared, the protection did too.

By July, new infections in Israel were soaring. By August, serious cases were soaring too.

The majority of the sick had been fully vaccinated – 60 per cent as of mid-August. Yes, the unvaccinated still had a higher risk of becoming severely ill.

But as I have written over and over, comparing death rates in unvaccinated elderly people in highly vaccinated countries to rates in the much larger group of vaccinated people is misleading.

Many unvaccinated elderly people have not been vaccinated because they are too frail to tolerate a vaccine, and thus they are at high risk from COVID (or any illness).


The overall population-level numbers are what matter. Israeli health experts knew. “This is a very clear warning sign for the rest of the world,” one told Science magazine on August 15.

A warning sign that Daniel Andrews, that self-proclaimed follower of international evidence, and his cohort of shysters, have not taken up.

As Berenson notes, there is alarm about the experimental booster in several quarters, including in the COVID class: “The best – best! – possible interpretation of the press for boosters is that the vaccine advocates chose to “believe” in the vaccines, in the absence of any long-term safety or efficacy data on a third dose.

“But faith is not science. And [by] plenty of experts – including two of the [USA] Food & Drug Administration’s top vaccine regulators – openly questioned the plans to offer a third dose widely.

As have senior British immunologists like Professor Sir Andrew Pollard.

The Israelis are stopping at three. This is all utterly alarming, as Australian politicians sleepwalk towards the cliff, screaming abuse at the doubters as they go.

A little over a quarter of Australians (27.6 per cent at the time of writing) have lined up for the triple header, despite the endlessly regurgitated pleas of the vaccine class.

This has caused the Health Hazzard “concern”.

Even the good Liberal, aka the NSW Premier, has fallen prey to the new political disease of continuing to sell a dud product beyond its use-by date in order to save his and his colleagues’ political hides.

The Kerry Chant approach is to cherry-pick COVID deaths data at press conferences and to twist the story in such a way as to perpetuate the hollow, indeed bogus, “pandemic of the unvaccinated” thesis.


Digging into individual deaths to make a political point is very, very creepy. Getting down among the weeds. But they are all doing it.

They are even directing a booster pitch at the recovered COVID sufferer, presumably to counter the Djokovic argument. The Service NSW propaganda email suggests: “If you’ve had COVID-19 you can get a booster once you’ve fully recovered. For most people this is around 4-6 weeks after infection.

“Boosters help strengthen your immune system and improve your long-term protection against serious illness.”

There are many knowledgeable people who would dispute this latter claim. Indeed, they would find it laughable, self-serving and (for some people) dangerous.

As well as the tens of thousands of unexplained deaths following vaccinations in the USA, Europe, the UK and Australia (over 700 here), never reported in the corporate media, there is the question of the long-term effects of this experimental gene technology on the human immune system.

Research is emerging that suggests COVID vaccinations harm the immune system. They clearly render it inoperable for many, given the now massive number of breakthrough infections.

Not many people have joined the dots here. If there are breakthrough infections, doesn’t that mean that the immune system isn’t working properly. Now why might that be?

Booster hesitancy, anyone? Channel 7 reported on January 27: “There’s growing concern over a lack of interest in COVID booster shots [across NSW] with staff at some Sydney vaccination hubs now out-numbering patients walking in the door.”

With the triple jab figures so anaemic, despite constant reductions in the allowed interregnum between second and third shots, it is no wonder that all the stops are out. Perhaps more Australians read the international press than we thought.


Whereas McGowan simply wants to discriminate against the unvaccinated “for many years”.

Although, this too might finally be changing, following the National Cabinet’s recent non-decision in relation to making the booster a required part of the vaccine mandates. The logic of it all is only held together with sticky tape.

This is where Home and Away’s Ray Meagher comes in.

You might call it the agile approach to advertising. Keep subtly modifying the language as more and more people question the merits of your original, questionable claims for the product, ’til you end up saying, well, not much at all.

The product might work. It works for me! When he began advertising Revitive, the claims were large on the product’s behalf. Revitive could relieve all sorts of serious ailments. A Revitive session in the morning allowed Ray to race the very attractive Sue down to the retirement home café, for example.

Following a step-by-step process of dialling back the initial, core claim for the product, now Ray simply suggests that Revitive “has helped me” and “could” help “improve circulation”.

So could a walk around the block. So might a Coopers Pale Ale of an evening, for all we know.

Croydon (Melbourne) Total Footcare is sceptical: “There are several brands of the so-called ‘circulation boosters’ on the market that make cautious claims about boosting the circulation. The claims are made with caution as there is no evidence that they actually do. You often see them being promoted on the morning TV shows, in infomercials and commercials with celebrity endorsements (I have certainly lost respect for those that do endorse the circulation boosters).

“The electrical stimulation may prove usual for some people with some type of neurological pain in their feet, so there is no shortages of testimonials that they “work” as they could help some of these problems. They do not help by improving the circulation. Despite the length of time that these have been on the market there is a distinct and obvious lack of scientific and medical research supporting their use.

“There is also a reason why so many are being sold second hand on eBay and Gumtree. That is because the circulation boosters do not really boost the circulation and so many are selling their devices.”

Sound familiar?

Many people do claim Revitive works, of course.

So it is with the vaccines, but you cannot sell them on eBay when you find out (by getting Omicron) that they don’t work.

Yet it is not as if Big Pharma doesn’t lie in order to push a product. Pfizer’s questionable past is (or at least should be) well-known.

In the case of COVID vaccines, it is an experimental product only ever approved for commercial and political purposes.

Or get your (literally) massively invested mates in Big Tech to silence anyone who, you know, does a bit of honest journalism.


Just look at Greg Hunt’s reduction of the booster wait period to four months, then three months. Soon it will be a week.

That is probably how long the efficacy of the jab lasts. These people seem to expect us to believe their nonsense. Oops.  We do…

At least the Revitive circulation booster can’t kill people as the vaccines patently (pun intended) have done, and will continue to.

America’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) even have a name for the Revitive approach to vaccines communication.

The CDC’s Dr Walensky terms it “pivoting the language” and is quite upfront about it. “Fully vaccinated” will become “keep your vaccine status up-to-date”.

So too, now we have Greg Hunt, soon to retire to (no doubt) spend more time with his family, or Klaus Schwab, perhaps, using words like “could” in relation to the vaccines’ efficacy.

And we don’t even mention now the fact, known widely yet simply ignored, that vaccines do not prevent transmission of any version of the virus.

It “prevents serious illness”. Except it doesn’t even guarantee that. The international evidence, again, is compelling.

Israeli ICU admissions with COVID have hit “record levels” despite high vaccinations and an early booster campaign.

These are facts, notwithstanding a thousand Kerry Chant press conferences.

Despite the ceaseless use of the catch-all “stay safe”, benign sounding but utterly meaningless, the specific promises now, on close inspection, do not exactly oversell the product.


They have dialled back the claims, made them murky, and hoped that no one would notice.

Someone needs to demand of one of these Big Pharma sock puppets, define “safe”, please.

They never actually say what this means, and no one asks them to. Some might even call this “misinformation”.

As Mike Yeadon says, they must know they are lying. Surely the whole of the health bureaucracy advising these people cannot seriously claim not to know that the vaccines do not work, are not needed (for most), are dangerous (for many) and are experimental (still) and unapproved (except for emergencies which we do not have).

By some process of cognitive dissonance, Hunt and his political and Chief Health Officer peers still promote the vaccines and ramp up either the urgency of getting vaccinated and/or the hateful rhetoric against the unvaccinated holdouts. That tiny percentage of well, actually, 21.6 per cent of Aussie adults that are still not double-jabbed.

The 95 per cent figure endlessly trotted out is utterly misleading. By including 16s and up, or in some cases even younger vaccinated youth, often pressured by adults into getting jabbed, it makes it look like anyone who refuses the vaccine is in an almost non-existent minority. All trickery and propaganda.PC

Paul Collits

7 thoughts on “Game’s up for vaccine trickery

  1. WORLD DOCTORS ASSOCIATION President announces Covid is a seasonal infection and all of the Lockdowns and Masks and Vaccines are OVER !!!! Politicians of the world you are all in BIG TROUBLE

    The primary element of social control is the strategy of distraction by mainstream media

    Dangerous Dan’s Red Shirts Scam coming to bite him

    The Queen of Australia is unlawful

    Dr David Martin Canada Trudeau’s illegal monopoly acuitas crispr NWO and Australia
    Secret Network of covid 19 co-conspirators revealed Here’s how they rolled out the covid tyranny so quickly – World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab


    Australian Federal Government/Australian Federal Police attack unarmed civilians with microwave weapons

    Australian Federal Police likely deployed the ADS Heat Ray and the LRAD acoustic device against Canberra Protesters
    LRAD was used look at Commissioner’s response in senate hearings and at least 10000 photos of it

    Did Australian Police use Sonic Weapons against innocent civilians protesting against Government tyranny

    Political Police may never be reigned in

    All our War Veterans will be writhing in their graves to see these tyrannical governments crimes against innocent populations aka crimes against humanity. Trudeau’s cowardly police continue brutalizing innocent populations

  2. Control the bullets and the bandages and you control the war. WHO ,WEF,UN all the real virus that has infected the world . The Hoax Pandemic and that is it . Create a Virus and then the demand . $$$$.

  3. I do not agree with the war against the unvaccinated but I do agree with encouraging vaccination. On this matter it is, still, a question of choice. Whichever one chooses, so be it. The idea of a two-tiered society based on a question of choice is, to me, abhorrent.

  4. Season influenza vaccine is modified most years to deal with the latest strain, to provide us with protection not immunity, to lower the impact if we catch the virus.

    And same goes for COVID-19 vaccination, and since released in the UK early December 2020 there have been several mutations or new strains of that virus. Of course the original vaccines are losing impact and boosters are being recommended until a new vaccine is developed.

    Too many people seem to believe that because vaccinated people still get the virus that it means that vaccination is useless. Not true, protection is the key point and to lower the impact of the virus and increase the survival prospect for patients.

    However, most Australians know this.

    1. FThe Vaccine is the cause of the virus. Breaking down Immune systems when the use of Ivermectin and HCQ have been blocked and they are proven to be effective against all manners of Respiratory Viruses which this is and is the flu rebranded.

  5. They are either frightened little nerds or they are on the take. The only other explanation is that our political representatives are ruthless authoritarians. Which is it? Or is it all of the above?

    1. Just a thought, maybe the present day politicians, emphasis those in governments, have no rule book to follow because there has been no pandemic since Spanish Influenza early 1900s?

      And that State Governments are responsible for public health, Health Departments, Public Hospitals, declarations of State of Emergency with legislation through State Parliaments, closure of interstate borders, restrictions, lockdowns etc.

      And, don’t ignore the left leaning media spin doctors deceptive words, spoken and written, crafted to damage the PM and Federal Government in support of Labor Premiers and Cabinet members, and the Federal Labor Opposition, using the pandemic to score party political points relying on the general public confusion about powers and responsibilities between Federal, State and Local Councils.

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